3.1.0 App on Android - No Notifications

Got the 3.1.0 update on Android 14 overnight. Events are logged but no notifications being sent to Android system. Played around with turning them off and on in the app and in android settings, rebooting phone, clearing cache, etc. Going to try uninstalling and reinstalling the app now.

Note the only cams I have notifications enabled on are OGs, my Panv3s do not have them enabled. So I don’t know if it affected them, but this definitely seems like an app issue and not camera issue, so I would suspect it impacts all models.

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Reinstall fixed it.

Process I followed (likely excessive):
Settings → Apps → Wyze
Force stop
Clear Cache
Clear Data

Reboot Phone

Reinstall app and log in
Grant notification access

Notifications now working again.

Go into android settings and change back to my preferred notification sound.

Seems the 3.0 or maybe 3.1 app stores all your preferences in the cloud. My “favorites” were retained and just about everything else. The only thing I had to re-apply was my filter on the “events” tab.

After the OG firmware issue causing excessive notifications, and the app update stopping all notifications, I’m losing a bit of love for Wyze here.

NOTE - do not uninstall the app if you are still on the 2.X version. That likely means your device is not compatible with 3.x and you can no longer do a new install of 2.X!!

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You too :slight_smile:

I think they are trying to do too many things at once.


Is this another situation where they released without announcing, like they did with v3.0.5? :roll_eyes:

At least that one showed up on the Release Notes page. This one isn’t even there (as of this writing). I’m guessing it’s another phased release, because I’m not seeing it in Google Play Store, either.

AFAIK, this has been the case for a while, predating the v3.0 app release. A recommended solution I’ve often seen in the Forum (for all kinds of issues) involves navigating to Account ↠ App Settings ↠ Cache File Size ↠ Clear (and then possibly force-stopping the app, logging out/in, etc.) to force the app to pull down a fresh copy of settings. It makes sense, since you don’t (or shouldn’t) have to re-do all your preferences whenever you log into your account in the app on a new (or secondary) device.

I became wary after reading reports of a firmware update for Video Doorbell v2 hosing notifications earlier this year and have as many of my devices as possible set not to allow automatic firmware updates and also disabled automatic update for the Wyze app in Google Play Store. Right now the only device I have running the v3.0 app is an older phone. I’ve kept the v2.5x app on my main phone because it’s still working fairly reliably and because trying to use the “Cameras as Chime” feature caused a “Fail” error in the v3.0 app for several weeks, though apparently this was recently fixed on the back-end. :man_shrugging:

I did that this morning after this issue. Oddly one of the improvements was to improve connectivity from the favorites screen, and my Panv3s have been having an issue on that screen where they don’t live stream, just update the still frame every 5 seconds. This update actually seems to have made things worse, the favorites screen still does that, but now my cam group also does it sometimes and I have to exit and re-open the app. I think that may be related to my 3 year old phone just getting over loaded, or possibly things getting confused when it first tries to load them on favorites, then on the cam group in portrait mode, then again when I turn it to landscape. I honestly wish I could set the favorites screen to just still images. I may just remove the cams from that and leave my cam group button there.

I know before I had to re-set more than I did this time, but I haven’t reinstalled all that often (not since 3.0 and the bugs that the upgrades seem to cause) so not sure exactly.

That’s why in general I will only consider Wyze devices which can manually flash firmware or rollback firmware capability. I disregarded the OG, Doorbells, Floodlight V2, and Floodlight Pro because they don’t have that capability. Thus, it is too risky to update without this capability IMO.

Many users have asked Wyze to rollback the Doorbell V2 firmware to 4.51.8444, but Wyze ignored this request and continue churning out beta firmwares.

The OG firmware 1.0.82 situation in which they released it without any release notes on the forum or website at the time and it was reported to break detection zone. Now you have to PM a Wyze engineer with your MAC camera so you can get 1.0.83 update hoping it will fix the issue (which is still not public yet BTW).

I suggested to Wyze to put v2.5 app back on TestFlight for iOS users so they can use it in the meantime when v3.0 was considered hot garbage for a lot of users (they probably think still is).

That’s disappointing but unsurprising.

I think that’s the right thing to do at this point.

I’ve read that, too, and I was on that one for months. I finally updated to last week[1], but only because Wyze Support offered a replacement, so I figured I didn’t have anything to lose by trying, and it didn’t actually make things worse (nor resolve my current issue).

I’m still waiting on that one, too, and sticking with what a Wyze Team member told me well over a month ago.

That definitely seems to be the case, though releasing things without public notice is kind of a troubling development. Is this “the new normal” with Wyze now? I’d think that making a post to their regular engagement channels would be a friendly way to give users a heads-up about changes, but even with the “3.0.5.x” app release a Forum Moderator took notice and commented about it, and that one at least had the version number and accompanying notes posted to the Release Notes & Firmware page even if there was no official announcement elsewhere. Seems like a public announcement, even if minimal, is something that should be on the release checklist.

This is the kind of behavior that reinforces my decision to disable automatic app and firmware updates on Wyze’s stuff.

  1. I had to do it via because the app wouldn’t do a direct update from ↩︎

The funny thing is, the whole 1.0.82 debacle proved that the OG CAN do manual firmware updates. They just don’t post the files. Originally they were sending the .bin file for 1.0.83 but when I told them I had cams it would be a real pain to update that way, they figured out they could push it by MAC address.

Nice. Now I wonder if it will let you flash back to 1.0.83 via micro SD when you are on future firmware like example 1.0.85 .

Looking back at that thread, it’s a good thing you got the attention of Wyze engineers. Then again, it still took almost 2 weeks back and forth before 1.0.83 was supplied. But, comparing to other issue it was resolved super quickly.

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I don’t know why there aren’t website Release notes or a forum post this time. My guess is that it’s because this app was released after work hours on Friday night, so we won’t see the forum post or release notes before Monday. I did grab the release notes from Google Play late last night though:

1.0.83 wasn’t even supposed to resolve the issue, it was just supposed to enable additional logging. But it turns out they also added a slight tweak to see if it helped, and it turns out it did. But I would have expected 1.0.84 (with the extra logging removed hopefully) to have been released by now. Apparently it is still in testing.

Even if I had delayed updating a couple weeks, others didn’t really notice it for quite a while, it seemed to only impact people with lot of motion outside the detection zone, and even then took them a while to notice and post here. I will say the update did make my OG live streams connect much faster than before. So I probably would have ended up updating anyway after a couple weeks of seeing no issues posted and been in the same boat.

Now we just need to figure a way to download the old firmware off the camera before updating so we have a failback if needed…

Didn’t make any improvements for me, if anything maybe made things a bit worse. But then maybe it wasn’t aimed at my model of cams… I would like to see the option of making those still frames like the old app. It seems to confuse the app or cameras to load live stream there, then load it again if you go to a cam group, then again when you rotate to landscape, then again if you tap a cam to bring it up full screen.

There were people who were unable to stream on the favorites page at all. This should should fix that for those folks.

My PanV3s don’t stream on the favorites page, even if I trim it down to just 1 cam.

They do this very odd flip back and forth thing.

So if I open it right at 00:00
Image of 00:00
(5 seconds pass)
Image of 00:05
(5 seconds pass)
Image of 00:00 for a split second
Image of 00:10
(5 seconds pass)
Image of 00:00 for a split second
Image of 00:15

And so on. With this update, it does that sometimes in my cam group now, where it didn’t before.

OGs stream fine on favorites, both with 3.0.5 and 3.1.0.

It does on mine as well, and it didn’t do on the 2.5 version.

I doubt it is your phone, something is botched up in the app.

The OGs work great in it, whatever update they did with 1.0.82 on those (other than breaking detection zone) would be nice to have on the Panv3s.

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