V3 not sending push notifications last 2 days

I am not getting any push notifications the last two days on all three V3 cams.

There are EVents and SD recordings but no push notification to the phone.
How do I fix this? I have tried toggling push on and off but that did not do anything.

This could be a number of things.

  • in the app, make sure you don’t have a line or ZZZ through the Bell at the top right of the Home Menu option. This will turn off notifications all together.

  • Go through your Camera’s, live stream them, go to settings and then Notifications, Make sure Notifications are on and you also selected AI Events (if you have CamPlus) and/or All other motion events.

  • Go to the Accounts menu, Bottom Right, then select Notifications, Then Push Notifications. Make sure Push Notifications are turned on.

  • Then Assuming you have an Android, close the app, go to the App Icon and long Press it. Then select App Info. Select Notifications, Then Makes sure Notifications is on, then tap on WyzeMessages and ensure it is set to default and not silent. Below are the images I have for my settings.


Thank you
So for me the issue was in in App info. Wyze message was not toggled.
Since I did not even know about how to get to this setting I dont know how it would have gotten turned off.

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Sometimes an app update may cause some of these to reset. Not sure if it is Android or the Wyze App itself. Always best to verify these every now and then.

Sounds like it is working now, Glad to hear that.

I also dont understand what the notifications manager is for.
I also dont understand what it means:
“Importance Urgent” make a sound and pop on screens"

compared to " High make a sound"
vs Medium No Sound
vs Low no sounds or visual interruption

What in both Wyze Message and notification Mangers is setting the importance? or is it basing it on what importance I deem events?

I am not sure where this setting in on Android Notifications. I have a Pixel 5 with Native Google / Android 11.

I only set Alerting/Notifications on for WyzeMessages and General. Silent on the others. I am not sure what each Notification is used for either. I believe the Notification Manager is the Background service which is always running. I set that one to silent. WyzeMessages is the primary one needed.