HMS - Would like to tie rules / shortcuts / notifications to the Home/Away/Disarm modes

TL;DR: Would like the ability to tie the new Home monitoring system modes to notifications / rules / shortcuts.

Just bought the new home monitoring system and I can’t tie rules /shortcuts to the different security modes. Home, Away, and Disarmed.

The reason this would be nice is that I have sensors and cameras all over my property.
So that I don’t go insane and just ignore all my notifications, I have shortcuts setup.
When I’m home, mute all notifications.
When I’m away, unmute all notifications.
So now I need to do 2 steps when I go out / come back with the new HMS in place.
I need to select to unmute everything and arm the system, and when I come back do the opposite.
And knowing me, I’m gonna forget to do one or the other soon enough.

So it would be great if I could tie at least the notifications to the Disarmed/Away/Home HMS Settings.
But rules / shortcuts would also be nice if possible.

Note: Please Don’t Forget to Vote for Your Own Post!


I would really love to see a few new features to make the HMS more useful. The ability to create shortcuts on the app homepage to arm/disarm the system would be awesome. The ability to create rules (specifically schedule based rules to arm and disarm the system. Also optimized iPhone widgets/control panel where you can toggle your HMS Armed/Disarmed without having to open the app.


This should be a high priority rule addition for Wyze IMO. I would tie a ton of rules to this related to notifications and such.

It will also be AWESOME with geofencing automation, especially if the geofencing works with multiple accounts (ie: can tell when myself AND my wife, AND my daughter are all away from home, so it automatically activates Away mode, and then away mode automatically activates other notifications and automations. This would seriously make Wyze an incredible system!

I wish I could vote for this one more than once.


Yeah, Geofencing would be amazing to tie to the alarm states. Already use it for my Wyze Lock and it’s great.


I want to be able to schedule my alarm to go on at a certain time and off at a certain time. This seems like a table stakes feature.


I just got my home monitoring kit and I was immediately a little bit disappointed that there was no way to schedule changing of the modes.

I want the ability to schedule “home” mode for every night at 11PM and “disarm” for every morning at 4AM. Being able to schedule this is important so that my kids don’t set it off before I wake up on the morning of they open the door.

I’d like to be able to do the same thing with away mode. When I go out of town I still have cleaning people come to the house and I don’t really want away mode active during certain times of the day even if I’m not there.

C’mon Wyze! You can do it.


Agree completely - this is a must-have! When I arm the system I want other things to happen, such as my Wyze locks to lock, notifications for certain sensors to be turned on, etc. Ditto for disarming. Right now I have shortcuts for these sorts of things, but I can’t add the arm/disarm to the shortcuts. This is a basic function that should be added ASAP!


I want the ability for whenever I set the “away” alarm that it also changes my thermostat to away.

This would fall under that I think.


Agreed - I think adding adding the monitoring system to Rules would close out quite a few of the wishlist items in this forum!


Anyone have any idea how to get a second notification when my doorbell has motion or rings. I get so many notifications that I would like if I could a separate set of notifications when my doorbell had motion or when someone rings it.

I have an iPhone and I was thinking if there was a shortcut when a wyze notification had the work “doorbell” in it that it could send me a separate notification. Any ideas or any threads I’m missing?


Yes, ability to select which sensors and which cameras should be active in each HMS Mode. Some Modes I want some cameras on and some off. Same for sensors. Can’t do as HMS is now.

Right now, I have the HMS Modes AND set up my Wyze app with same Modes: Disarmed, Home, and Away. Each time I want to change the current Mode, I select My mode and then the HMS mode to get cameras (and sensors and notifications) on and off as desired, for each mode.

I have set up so that Disarmed means nothing is on because I am at home, except my front door cam (so I get notified of visitors and packages).

The Home mode (for evenings) activates all Sensors and notifications to outside entryways and outside viewing cameras. No inside cams are on.

The Away mode turns everything on, inside and out, so I get full coverage.

Adjust yours as desired, but it would be nice to only hit one button to accomplish it all.


I wish when you set your Home Monitoring to away it would change your thermostat, or when it was set to disarm/home it would change it to your home setting. Seems like it would already be an option.


PE1 How did you even set that up or is it completely a manual process each time?

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It’s a hybrid! Part HMS and part Wyze app! While the below description may look daunting, I hope I have made it easy to follow and set-up your Wyze Home Monitoring System (HMS). Please excuse any mess, as this is my first attempt to document what I have done.

I am still testing, so it is possible I can reduce the set-up, but this does work. I also want to double check that the cams turning on after arming the HMS Home and Away modes, come on for Noonlight. The cams do send clips to the cloud and each cam has a MicroSD card, which also records when cams are activated. I’ll confirm that Noonlight gets cam feeds as they become activated, and will keep you posted.


Description of the system:

Each time I change the mode (Disarm, Home, Away), I will make six screen selections to make the HMS system work. I will be selecting the HMS mode, Wyze mode, and four device triggers.

Mode Descriptions:

-Disarm (all Sensors and Cams off - no alarms, except the hot button on keypad is always


-Home (only outside Sensors and Outside viewing Cams are turned on - will send and sound

alarm only when the Sensors detect a breach - There are no active cams with inside

views), and

-Away (all inside/ outside Sensors and Cams are active - sends/ sounds alarm at any trigger).

Begin Set-up:

To start set-up, create a Device Trigger for each cam you will want turned off while in Home Mode (until a Sensor has triggered a breach). In my case I set-up two triggers for each cam. For example,

(the first) Device Trigger Name: “Front Door Cam turns on when Front Door opens”;

When: select Front Door Sensor as the trigger;

Do: select Front Door cam to turn on.

(The second) Device Trigger Name: “Front Door Cam turns on when Back Door opens”;

When: select Back Door Sensor as the trigger;

Do: select Front Door cam to turn on.

I’ve set it up so that all my inside cams come on and outside cams stay on when there is a breach.

I’ve also set up two more triggers for the Back Door Cam to turn on:

(third) Device Trigger Name: “Back Door Cam turns on when Back Door opens”;

When: select Back Door Sensor as the trigger;

Do: select Back Door Cam to turn on.

And (fourth) trigger for the Back Door Cam when Front Door Sensor is triggered.

So now you should have four device triggers under the Rules section of Wyze.

HMS set-up:

In Home Monitoring Settings, make sure all devices are selected in Home Information. In Home & Away, select Home option, and add both Sensors (Front and Back Door Sensors). Make sure the same Sensors are set up for the Away option.

Edit each Security Cam, to make sure each security cam is listed, and all triggers (Motion, Person (Cam Plus, if avail.), and Smoke/CO Alarm) have been selected. Save if asked, and backup until you are at the front page of the Wyze app or tap “Home” in the bottom right hand corner.

Create/ Select the “Disarmed” Shortcut:

Select “+” to Create a new Rule (or select pencil to edit rules), create/ select a “Disarmed” shortcut. Keep adding actions until the following action list is complete. The Action list, when complete, should read as follows:

All devices - indicator = Mute notifications

List each Cam you want running 24/7 - indicator = Turn on the camera

List each Cam you want running 24/7 - indicator = Turn on or off motion detection

List each Cam you want running 24/7 - indicator = Turn on or off notifications

Next, List each Cam you want turned off in Disarmed Mode - indicator = Turn off the


List each Cam you want turned off in Disarmed Mode - indicator = Turn off motion


List each Cam you want turned off IN Disarmed Mode - indicator = Turn off notifications

Exceptions: For those cams that are set up with the device triggers above (pg 1), be

sure to set their motion detectors and notifications to “on”.*

  • Pay attention here. Even though the cams are indicated to be off in the listing, the motion and notifications have to be “on”. This is due to HMS not having the ability to

a); turn cams “on” from an “off” position, and b); select whether the motion detection and notifications should be “on”.

Next, List all Sensors you want turned off - indicator = Turn off notifications

Create/ Select the “Home” Shortcut:

In Wyze app, Create/select a “Home” Rule. The listing should read as follows, adjust accordingly:

All devices - indicator = Mute notifications

List all Cams you want running 24/7 - indicator = Turn on the camera

List all Cams you want running 24/7 - indicator = either Turn on or off motion detection

List all Cams you want running 24/7 - indicator = either Turn on or off notifications

List all Cams you want turned off until triggered in Home Mode - indicator = Turn off the


List all Cams you want turned off until triggered in Home Mode - indicator = Turn on

motion detection*

List all Cams you want turned off until triggered in Home Mode - indicator = Turn on


  • Pay attention here. Even though the cams are indicated to be “off” in the listing, the motion and notifications have to be “on”. This is due to HMS not having the ability to

a); turn cams “on” from an “off” position, and b); select whether the motion detection and notifications should be “on”.

List only those Sensors you want turned on in Home Mode - indicator = Turn on


Create/ Select the “Away” Shortcut:

In Wyze app, Create/select an “Away” Rule. The listing should read as follows:

All devices - indicator = Unmute notifications

List all Cams you want running 24/7 - indicator = Turn on the camera

List all Cams you want running 24/7 - indicator = Turn on motion detection

List all Cams you want running 24/7 - indicator = Turn on notifications

List remaining Cams you want turned on - indicator = Turn on the camera

List remaining Cams you want turned on - indicator = Turn on motion detection

List remaining Cams you want turned on - indicator = Turn on notifications

List all Sensors you want turned on - indicator = Turn on notifications

To verify all is set-up properly, select the Disarmed mode in “Monitoring”. Tap “Home” at the bottom of the screen and to go to the Wyze app front page. Select the Disarmed mode on the Wyze app (first screen). Then you should close out of the Wyze app.

Once closed, activate the Wyze app.

At the initial Wyze app screen, notice that the bell has a z attached to it. This indicates all notifications are muted.

Next, select “Monitoring” at the bottom of the page. The highlighted icon at the top of the page will show “Disarmed”. Slightly below and to the right of the “Disarmed” icon is a gray line, a pull down page. Go ahead and pull that page down.

Below the big “System Disarmed” checkmark, it will indicate “The following device has an issue that must be resolved to work properly:” There should be a listing of the cams that you set triggers for (at the very beginning of this set up). Tap the bottom of the pull down screen to close it. You should now be at the first “Monitoring” screen showing Disarmed, Home, and Away icons at the top.


Tap the Home icon at the top to activate your outside Sensors and Outside viewing Cams - sends/sounds alarm only when Sensors detect breach - There are no cams on with an inside view or notifications (until an outside looking Sensor is triggered).

Arming sound will be heard for the length of time set up in (HMS) “Monitoring”. While that is arming, tap on “Home” at the bottom of the screen to be brought to the first Wyze app screen.

Next, select the Home icon at the top of the page. Followed by a tap on the pencil in the upper right hand corner. Select “Edit Rules”. Select the first device trigger, enable, and back out of that screen by tapping on the left facing carrot in the upper left corner. Then similarly select the next Device Trigger down and do the same, enable and back out of screen. Do the same for the remaining triggers.

At this point, the system should be armed and watching only the outside perimeter. If and when Sensors are triggered, they will sound the alarm and turn on inside and outside cams.

AWAY MODE: TO ACTIVATE ALL SENSORS AND CAMERAS (inside/outside and with notifications):

Go to the first “Monitoring” screen showing Disarmed, Home, and Away icons at the top.

Tap the Away icon at the top to activate your Sensors and Inside/Outside viewing Cams - sends/sounds alarm only when Sensors detect breach - All cams are turned “on”, inside and outside, with notifications.

Arming sound will be heard for the length of time set up in (HMS) “Monitoring”. While that is arming, tap on “Home” at the bottom of the screen to be brought to the first Wyze app screen.

Next, select the Away icon at the top of the page. Followed by a tap on the pencil in the upper right hand corner. Select “Edit Rules”. Select the first device trigger, enable, and back out of that screen by tapping on the left facing carrot in the upper left corner. Then similarly select the next Device Trigger down and do the same, enable and back out of screen. Do the same for the remaining triggers.

At this point, the system should be armed and watching for Sensor breaches. If and when Sensors are triggered, they will sound the alarm, and cams will record activity.**

** I suggest having microSDHC cards in cameras to record activity, while cams are turned on. Using Cam Plus will provide a more complete view of activity without cool down times.


Go to the first “Monitoring” screen showing Disarmed, Home, and Away icons at the top.

Tap the Disarmed icon at the top to deactivate the alarm system.

While Disarming, tap on “Home” at the bottom of the screen to be brought to the first Wyze app screen.

Next, select the Home icon at the top of the page. Followed by a tap on the pencil in the upper right hand corner. Select “Edit Rules”. Select the first device trigger, disable, and back out of that screen by tapping on the left facing carrot in the upper left corner. Then similarly select the next Device Trigger down and do the same, disable and back out of screen. Do the same for the remaining triggers.

At this point, the system should not be armed.

Don’t forget, set HMS (Disarmed, Home, or Away) first, then the front page Wyze icons (Disarmed, Home, or Away), and then the triggers under rules, to complete a cycle.


NoonLight doesn’t get the camera feeds. They are only for your use.

From the HMS FAQs:

Will monitoring service (Noonlight) have access to the video feeds and/or local storage?

No, Noonlight will not have access to your videos on cloud or local storage (microSD card).

@PE1 I can confirm as @WildBill stated Noonlight does NOT have access to the camera feeds.

this is a must

I have only had HMS for a few days, but I am starting to believe that, as it is, seems as a useless product. I mean, yes, an alarm sounds and Noonlight calls or dispatches help, but if we leave that externalized service on the side, and assume we don’t use it, then:

  • Home or Away don’t do anything more than activate a certain number of sensors, which will set off a toy alarm. In my case, I have tried to add cameras but it appears that the only thing they do is to send a notification, for which you don’t need HMS, the app already does that

  • Sensors don’t need HMS to send a notification either, and considering the toy alarm and a world were we do not use noonlight, there is no difference versus the regular app usage. This might be the reason why Wyze is not selling only the hardware, but tied up to Noonlight. HMS seems to be a connection to Noonlight, nothing more.

  • I have my cameras with notifications off during the day to avoid many useless notifications from a normal day (e.g. kids playing, dogs going by, people who stay at home, etc), and when I arm HMS to Home or Away, cameras are even more useless because notifications are off

  • To fix the issue of the previous bullet, and this is the point of this thread, people have to arm HMS and also click on a set of rules, two steps which makes you take your phone out (useless keypad then). Why have HMS? Just click once on the rules. The alarm? This guy solved it easier and cheaper.

In general, it is absolutely critical, absolutely, that HMS can control rules or shorcuts. If that happens, then cameras and sensors turn on when Home or Away is set, and when disarmed, you can put your notifications off automatically.

Team Wyze, come on, I am no tech wizard, but this is not even a hardware thing, it’s 100% an app thing, easily fixed by coding.

Until this thread is taken into account, and this issue is solved, HMS will be absolutely useless.


This need to be done, I only want my cameras to send me notifications when the system is in AWAY mode on the HMS. Not all the time. To have to hit create a rule for this and to Arm your HMS through monitoring. I want to be able to do all of this with the keypad.

Mod Note: I have deleted your duplicate post below.

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