It’s a hybrid! Part HMS and part Wyze app! While the below description may look daunting, I hope I have made it easy to follow and set-up your Wyze Home Monitoring System (HMS). Please excuse any mess, as this is my first attempt to document what I have done.
I am still testing, so it is possible I can reduce the set-up, but this does work. I also want to double check that the cams turning on after arming the HMS Home and Away modes, come on for Noonlight. The cams do send clips to the cloud and each cam has a MicroSD card, which also records when cams are activated. I’ll confirm that Noonlight gets cam feeds as they become activated, and will keep you posted.
Description of the system:
Each time I change the mode (Disarm, Home, Away), I will make six screen selections to make the HMS system work. I will be selecting the HMS mode, Wyze mode, and four device triggers.
Mode Descriptions:
-Disarm (all Sensors and Cams off - no alarms, except the hot button on keypad is always
-Home (only outside Sensors and Outside viewing Cams are turned on - will send and sound
alarm only when the Sensors detect a breach - There are no active cams with inside
views), and
-Away (all inside/ outside Sensors and Cams are active - sends/ sounds alarm at any trigger).
Begin Set-up:
To start set-up, create a Device Trigger for each cam you will want turned off while in Home Mode (until a Sensor has triggered a breach). In my case I set-up two triggers for each cam. For example,
(the first) Device Trigger Name: “Front Door Cam turns on when Front Door opens”;
When: select Front Door Sensor as the trigger;
Do: select Front Door cam to turn on.
(The second) Device Trigger Name: “Front Door Cam turns on when Back Door opens”;
When: select Back Door Sensor as the trigger;
Do: select Front Door cam to turn on.
I’ve set it up so that all my inside cams come on and outside cams stay on when there is a breach.
I’ve also set up two more triggers for the Back Door Cam to turn on:
(third) Device Trigger Name: “Back Door Cam turns on when Back Door opens”;
When: select Back Door Sensor as the trigger;
Do: select Back Door Cam to turn on.
And (fourth) trigger for the Back Door Cam when Front Door Sensor is triggered.
So now you should have four device triggers under the Rules section of Wyze.
HMS set-up:
In Home Monitoring Settings, make sure all devices are selected in Home Information. In Home & Away, select Home option, and add both Sensors (Front and Back Door Sensors). Make sure the same Sensors are set up for the Away option.
Edit each Security Cam, to make sure each security cam is listed, and all triggers (Motion, Person (Cam Plus, if avail.), and Smoke/CO Alarm) have been selected. Save if asked, and backup until you are at the front page of the Wyze app or tap “Home” in the bottom right hand corner.
Create/ Select the “Disarmed” Shortcut:
Select “+” to Create a new Rule (or select pencil to edit rules), create/ select a “Disarmed” shortcut. Keep adding actions until the following action list is complete. The Action list, when complete, should read as follows:
All devices - indicator = Mute notifications
List each Cam you want running 24/7 - indicator = Turn on the camera
List each Cam you want running 24/7 - indicator = Turn on or off motion detection
List each Cam you want running 24/7 - indicator = Turn on or off notifications
Next, List each Cam you want turned off in Disarmed Mode - indicator = Turn off the
List each Cam you want turned off in Disarmed Mode - indicator = Turn off motion
List each Cam you want turned off IN Disarmed Mode - indicator = Turn off notifications
Exceptions: For those cams that are set up with the device triggers above (pg 1), be
sure to set their motion detectors and notifications to “on”.*
- Pay attention here. Even though the cams are indicated to be off in the listing, the motion and notifications have to be “on”. This is due to HMS not having the ability to
a); turn cams “on” from an “off” position, and b); select whether the motion detection and notifications should be “on”.
Next, List all Sensors you want turned off - indicator = Turn off notifications
Create/ Select the “Home” Shortcut:
In Wyze app, Create/select a “Home” Rule. The listing should read as follows, adjust accordingly:
All devices - indicator = Mute notifications
List all Cams you want running 24/7 - indicator = Turn on the camera
List all Cams you want running 24/7 - indicator = either Turn on or off motion detection
List all Cams you want running 24/7 - indicator = either Turn on or off notifications
List all Cams you want turned off until triggered in Home Mode - indicator = Turn off the
List all Cams you want turned off until triggered in Home Mode - indicator = Turn on
motion detection*
List all Cams you want turned off until triggered in Home Mode - indicator = Turn on
- Pay attention here. Even though the cams are indicated to be “off” in the listing, the motion and notifications have to be “on”. This is due to HMS not having the ability to
a); turn cams “on” from an “off” position, and b); select whether the motion detection and notifications should be “on”.
List only those Sensors you want turned on in Home Mode - indicator = Turn on
Create/ Select the “Away” Shortcut:
In Wyze app, Create/select an “Away” Rule. The listing should read as follows:
All devices - indicator = Unmute notifications
List all Cams you want running 24/7 - indicator = Turn on the camera
List all Cams you want running 24/7 - indicator = Turn on motion detection
List all Cams you want running 24/7 - indicator = Turn on notifications
List remaining Cams you want turned on - indicator = Turn on the camera
List remaining Cams you want turned on - indicator = Turn on motion detection
List remaining Cams you want turned on - indicator = Turn on notifications
List all Sensors you want turned on - indicator = Turn on notifications
To verify all is set-up properly, select the Disarmed mode in “Monitoring”. Tap “Home” at the bottom of the screen and to go to the Wyze app front page. Select the Disarmed mode on the Wyze app (first screen). Then you should close out of the Wyze app.
Once closed, activate the Wyze app.
At the initial Wyze app screen, notice that the bell has a z attached to it. This indicates all notifications are muted.
Next, select “Monitoring” at the bottom of the page. The highlighted icon at the top of the page will show “Disarmed”. Slightly below and to the right of the “Disarmed” icon is a gray line, a pull down page. Go ahead and pull that page down.
Below the big “System Disarmed” checkmark, it will indicate “The following device has an issue that must be resolved to work properly:” There should be a listing of the cams that you set triggers for (at the very beginning of this set up). Tap the bottom of the pull down screen to close it. You should now be at the first “Monitoring” screen showing Disarmed, Home, and Away icons at the top.
Tap the Home icon at the top to activate your outside Sensors and Outside viewing Cams - sends/sounds alarm only when Sensors detect breach - There are no cams on with an inside view or notifications (until an outside looking Sensor is triggered).
Arming sound will be heard for the length of time set up in (HMS) “Monitoring”. While that is arming, tap on “Home” at the bottom of the screen to be brought to the first Wyze app screen.
Next, select the Home icon at the top of the page. Followed by a tap on the pencil in the upper right hand corner. Select “Edit Rules”. Select the first device trigger, enable, and back out of that screen by tapping on the left facing carrot in the upper left corner. Then similarly select the next Device Trigger down and do the same, enable and back out of screen. Do the same for the remaining triggers.
At this point, the system should be armed and watching only the outside perimeter. If and when Sensors are triggered, they will sound the alarm and turn on inside and outside cams.
AWAY MODE: TO ACTIVATE ALL SENSORS AND CAMERAS (inside/outside and with notifications):
Go to the first “Monitoring” screen showing Disarmed, Home, and Away icons at the top.
Tap the Away icon at the top to activate your Sensors and Inside/Outside viewing Cams - sends/sounds alarm only when Sensors detect breach - All cams are turned “on”, inside and outside, with notifications.
Arming sound will be heard for the length of time set up in (HMS) “Monitoring”. While that is arming, tap on “Home” at the bottom of the screen to be brought to the first Wyze app screen.
Next, select the Away icon at the top of the page. Followed by a tap on the pencil in the upper right hand corner. Select “Edit Rules”. Select the first device trigger, enable, and back out of that screen by tapping on the left facing carrot in the upper left corner. Then similarly select the next Device Trigger down and do the same, enable and back out of screen. Do the same for the remaining triggers.
At this point, the system should be armed and watching for Sensor breaches. If and when Sensors are triggered, they will sound the alarm, and cams will record activity.**
** I suggest having microSDHC cards in cameras to record activity, while cams are turned on. Using Cam Plus will provide a more complete view of activity without cool down times.
Go to the first “Monitoring” screen showing Disarmed, Home, and Away icons at the top.
Tap the Disarmed icon at the top to deactivate the alarm system.
While Disarming, tap on “Home” at the bottom of the screen to be brought to the first Wyze app screen.
Next, select the Home icon at the top of the page. Followed by a tap on the pencil in the upper right hand corner. Select “Edit Rules”. Select the first device trigger, disable, and back out of that screen by tapping on the left facing carrot in the upper left corner. Then similarly select the next Device Trigger down and do the same, disable and back out of screen. Do the same for the remaining triggers.
At this point, the system should not be armed.
Don’t forget, set HMS (Disarmed, Home, or Away) first, then the front page Wyze icons (Disarmed, Home, or Away), and then the triggers under rules, to complete a cycle.