I primarily use the Wyze app as well but noticed the “break” in the Google Hone App. Seems to be an Android vs. iOS issue
New Wyze user here … same issue as xantus_c … multiple v4 cams … all working fine through iOS and Macs on Wyze app … cameras “seen” by Google Home, but video cannot be displayed.
Are you looking for live view video? If so, I just streamed my v4 live view on my Android GH app.
Is everything connected on the same network?
Welcome to the Forum, @jepmus!
What you’re describing seems to be a persistent issue with the Google Home app on iOS. This topic might provide a little more insight:
Even with the Google Home app on Android, I get inconsistent performance from my Wyze cameras. Not only that, I have some non-Wyze cameras connected to Google Home that don’t stream in the app at all but have no apparent difficulty streaming to Google Home-connected smart screens (Chromecast HD, Google TV, and Home Hub).
There appears to be 2 places that we may be able to do something about this if a few of us are interested…
- Google does have a Google Forum for Google Home app that several of us could add out comments on a monthly basis (sticky wheel 1?). Infrequently someone from Google does show up there.
- Google does have a Google Help request page that we could all use and submit our requests for iOS access to be fixed.(sticky wheel 2?) Do follow-up every month…
I can access my cams on “Google Chromecast for TV” adapter but I still cannot see their feeds on my iOS devices … along side my Nest cams which I can see.
It is unlikely this will help but … current situation where Wyze says it is A Google problem that they are working on has been the status for the past year …
Or just wait and see ! Which has been my current plan based on previous feedback here …
Perhaps Wyze has an update they could share in the new year …
Thanks Crease … will have a look !
Best wishes !
Thanks tc10 !
Cheers !
Hi, same problem, I have 3 Wyze v3 cameras with the same problem at Google Home, I was able to add the cameras but nothing displayed other than the message “camera unavailable, couldn’t reach this camera”
Had tried unlinking Wyze, relinking Wyse, and synching my devices… nothing works; I don’t have the 2fa option in the account or other menu. Wyze app version
On the other hand, we have an Alexa show and after linking the smart integrations from the Wyze app, I was able to see the cameras.
Hope anyone can get the solution and share it with the community, the devices are good, but the linking part is something that needs to be fixed for real integration as they say.
My cams livestream on the Google Home app on my phone and have been for quite some time. Did you go to Settings > “Works with Google” and link Wyze account as a service in the Google Home app? Basically the same as adding a skill in the Alexa app. I presume you did so or you wouldn’t see them in the app. Are they in a Home? Are the cams and phone on the same 2.4gHz wifi network? All app and cam firmware up-to-date with latest versions? Phone and app restarted after everything loaded?
All is as you recommend, linked, updated, all restarted, the only thing that I had not done is the Chromecast test as others say to ensure is displaying qt the TV
@fmills1d, I think @bonlamicq’s primary issue may be the use of iOS, as this has seemed to be a longstanding issue with the iOS version of the Google Home app discussed in several Forum topics. Just ask @tc10.
I don’t know exactly where the hang-up is, but I get frustrated reading about these experiences even though I don’t use iOS. My own experience with viewing Wyze camera live feeds in the Google Home app (Android) is inconsistent at best, which is why I tend to use the Wyze app for viewing.
Welcome to the Forum, @bonlamicq!
I am in process of checking with Eufy support re:iOS support for their cams on Google Home app. It appears that perhaps only Android is supported for Eufy cams on Google Home app as well.
I just got an update this morning… So, Eufy DID NOT have iOS support for their Eufy cams on iOS Google Home app (I have previous screenshot from Eufy website saying Android only) …
… and now they do … interesting …
… hopefully this will spur Wyze engineers to check on this and make progress for us as iOS Wyze cam users.
I now plan to research which cam to buy and buy a Eufy cam to give this iOS Google Home app livestreaming a try.
Eufy support were quite timely on researching and replying to me on this over the past 10 days since I put in my query.
Jan 2, 2025
previous Eufy website statement … which PREVIOUSLY excluded iOS on Google Home app for Eufy cams …
Thanks for the follow-up. I don’t know why I insist on ignoring the user’s platform. I’ll get it right 1 day or just submit to my wife’s everyday reminders that I have early stages of cognitive deficits. They’re never wrong you know?
No sweat. It’s something I try to pay attention to, because even though I don’t use iOS I’m frequently frustrated that there isn’t more parity with the in-app experience. (I’ve also seen issues which seem to affect only Android users, while the iOS Wyze app reportedly doesn’t exhibit the same problem, so it goes both ways.)
I think your questions and suggestions were reasonable. It’s just in this case I think the fix is going to have to happen between Google and Apple, despite whatever we as users think to do.
Now that Eufy has been able to work with Google to get live-streaming for their cams on iOS working, can anyone check in with Wyze engineers to see if they can do the same for our Wyze cams?? …
As per my note above, iOS live streaming on Google Home app was previously an issue for Eufy as well.
Thanks, I’m happy to know at least that you guys have been trying to get action over the issues no matter if it is iOS or Android; to me as an IT those problems should be labeled as work in process, providing updates and follow-ups to the Wyze community.
I just subscribed as a software dev tester to try to help as much as possible if they accept me.
@Crease thanks.
Hello @tc10,
Let me check with the team and see where they are on this.
Thanks Jason! This problem has been unsolved forever.
I think someone needs to reach out to the Google Home team to ask for an update. Here’s a summary of what we know:
Summary, Google admitted it was a bug on their end and they would fix it. Google stopped giving updates about fixing their bug. Wyze should contact them and follow up because it’s been more than a year since the last update and about a year and a half since they introduced the bug when the revamped the Google Home App around August 2023. Hopefully @WyzeJasonJ can get someone from Wyze to contact the Google Home team with an update and see if they’ll revisit this issue again now that Wyze has been patient with them for a year of Google saying they would fix it.
Can someone tell me when the last time this integration actually worked? I called technician support and was told this just started happening about a week ago.