Doorbell cam Wired correctly but no chime

Hey all I have the V2 doorbell.

It’s wired correctly but original chime does not ring after install. When testing during install and prior to wiring the chime works fine. The actual door bell itself is working and flashing blue and I have a live video feed.

Why is the original chime not ringing. Is there a software setting I need to turn on to get it to ring?

Yes there is a software setting too. Go into settings and chime and set it to mechanical chime. If it’s still not working then:

Some people have found their mechanical chime works better when wired without the chime controller.

Other people found the issue seems to be related to be related to the transformer. I haven’t paid really close attention, but I think it might have been a lower voltage transformer causing issues or something.

Did you select a chime type during setup? When I installed mine, I received no prompt to do that until much later, after setup had been complete for a while. I knew to do this beforehand only because I had previously installed a different video doorbell brand, and that was part of the in-app installation walk-through for that one.

In the Wyze app, select your Video Doorbell v2, then tap :gear: Settings ➜ Chime ➜ Doorbell Chime Type ➜ Mechanical if you haven’t already done that.

If that doesn’t take care of it, then I’d consider looking at this Troubleshooting article:

Like @carverofchoice said, it could also be an issue with the Chime Controller and/or transformer. That article links to alternate wiring instructions that you can try (if enabling the setting in the app doesn’t work and your transformer output is adequate), and you can search the Forum to find other users’ comments on wiring the Doorbell without the Chime Controller.

:pencil2: Edit: I just had a couple of other thoughts:

  1. Double-check the wiring connections in your chime box to make sure that everything that’s supposed to be making contact with something else actually is.
  2. In the app, restart the Doorbell: :gear: Settings ➜ Restart. I noticed just recently that my doorbell chime had stopped ringing when the Video Doorbell v2’s button was pressed, and a Restart has resolved that…for now….
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My app just prompted me to set that up which I did but still no indoor chime. Set it to mechanical.

How did you do the restart?

I just hit the Restart button beside Restart Camera on the Doorbell’s main Settings page in the app.

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Ive done a restart 2 times with no change.

I guess I’ll move on to verifying the actual voltage at the chime which I tried to do but did not have the setting correct on my multimeter, I did not realize to test using AC voltage setting I thought it was DC. Can someone show or tell me exactly what setting to put my multimeter on? This is the one I have.

Then, move on to the alternate wiring if needed.

Yup! Fortunately, yours looks similar to the one I have. (Here’s a PDF of its manual if you need one for future reference.)

  1. Plug the red test lead into the VΩmA jack.
  2. Plug the black test lead into the COM jack.
  3. Turn the knob so that the dot is aligned with (on mine it’s a triangle for pointing to) ACV 200. You could start with the knob on 750, but that’s for high voltage, so you’d likely be stepping it down to 200 after the initial measurement anyway.
  4. Turn the multimeter ON.
  5. Touch each lead to a separate terminal/wire to measure the alternating current voltage across the terminals. (Something that can be helpful to have in your kit for this is a set of test leads with alligator clips. Then you can clip one end of a test lead to the wire or terminal you’re checking and the other end to your multimeter’s pointy wire probe, so it can free your hands from holding both probes against terminals.)

I just measured the voltage at my 16V/10VA transformer and read 18.4 V. I couldn’t remember exactly what I’d measured at the old “dumb” doorbell button’s wiring, so this gave me an opportunity to check again. :smiling_face:

I haven’t (yet) tried doing this, but I imagine you’ll need assistance for this, because I think your Video Doorbell v2 button will have to be pressed in order to complete the circuit and send power to the chime. (This would be another use case for my Wishlist request for a simulated Doorbell button press in the app.) Also take note of this Help Center article:

I believe step #3 is there because the Doorbell camera housing contains a large capacitor that needs time connected to power in order to fully charge for operation. (I watched a teardown video on YouTube recently that was enlightening.)

I’d also try the advice in step #6. I’ve read elsewhere on the Forum of someone being instructed by Wyze Support to do this (for a mechanical chime, set it to Digital in the app and then set the duration as advised in the article).

I hope this helps!

:pencil2: Edit: I added a photo to illustrate the multimeter setting and measurement at the transformer.

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Thank you for this. :grinning:

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You’re welcome!


That’s what I figured. This seems like the prompt appeared after you had gone through the Doorbell setup. Wyze really should’ve fixed that part of the installation and setup process by now. :roll_eyes:

I hope you get an answer on your stucco/stud questions. I don’t know what to tell you about that.

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I tested voltage at the transformer and Im getting
11.7 V without ringing the bell
12.3 V when the button is pressed.

I tried to test the actual chime and get no reading when static no ring, and get no reading when we push the button. I am putting the test leads on the same connections the original bell was wired to. (Front & Trans)

So, can I just upgrade the transformer to one that will give me 16-24 volts? And can I do that safely without burning out the actual chime? I don’t see anywhere on the chime that refers to the voltage.

IF yes could someone provide a link of the right transformer? Ive looked on Amazon but not sure what I need. Here is a picture of the current transformer specs.

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This is good data. The photo of your current transformer and your voltage readings are helpful, and I think they tell us why your chime isn’t working: Your current transformer is below the lower limit of what Wyze recommends to power the doorbell and chime, and you should consider replacing your transformer.

This is what I expected to happen.

I think your testing is telling you that your current transformer is inadequate to power both the doorbell and the chime.

This is good! I’m really impressed with all of the testing you’ve done and the data you’ve provided! Well done! :+1:

Yes, this is what I’d do.

I am not an electrician. I just want to be clear about that. My understanding from reading (here in the Forum, in the Wyze Help Center, and elsewhere) is that if you follow Wyze’s recommendations for transformer power output you should expect the doorbell and chime to work safely, and it’s important to install the Chime Controller (as you already have), because it provides some protection to your new video doorbell.

I don’t, either, and I think we have the same NuTone chime box. :upside_down_face:

Since you mentioned looking at Amazon, I’d consider something like this:

If I was going to look locally and didn’t want to wait for shipping, then I’d probably get one of these:

I would expect someone on staff at a big-box hardware or home improvement store to be able to help you find something appropriate, and it seems like the transformer market is labeling a lot of their compatible products specifically to note when they’re suitable for use with video doorbells. Go armed with Wyze’s recommendations and read the packaging. That’s what I’d do.

Also, since you have the multimeter and know how to use it, you’re prepared to test the new transformer once you have that wired in. :+1:

Did I mention that I’m not an electrician? Be safe!

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I echo what @Crease just said, great job testing! It does sound like the transformer being low voltage is the main problem here.

(I’m also not an electrician, but if I were in that situation, I would certainly be trying to replace the transformer).

You might want to check your chime model number and see if you can find how much voltage it can support.

Worst case scenario, there are some pretty affordable chimes out there. I actually bought this chime to use with my VDBv2:

It’s been working great. Though I see now it’s only supposed to use 16-volt and I’ve been using it with a 24-volt transformer. I’m not electrician, but that sounds like a no-no to me. :sweat_smile: Been working perfectly so far though. See? don’t trust my electrical advice. Apparently, I do dumb stuff as long as it works.



I realize that the goal in this topic is to get the built-in chime working, and I think @billbarschdorf is nearly there, but since @carverofchoice mentioned other chimes I thought this idea was worth sharing. I think it’s pretty clever.

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I really appreciate the recommendation and all the input just ordered it I’ll post back after I install it. Gotta love Amazon, no need to run around hoping you find what u need at retail.


Thanks for ur input, much appreciated!


I guess that’s not the worst thing you could do, but apparently they don’t recommend it.

I can relate. :grin:

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Hey guys been meaning to post an update regarding my install. Got the new transformer installed last weekend and all is good. Video doorbell working as it should now.

Thanks again for your help guys much appreciated!


That’s awesome! I like reading things like this, and I appreciate the update.

Now I’m in the middle of troubleshooting an issue with my doorbell, and Wyze Support has suggested a replacement. :crazy_face:

Following up on my own post (and just in case this might be useful to someone else), after working pretty reliably since I originally installed it last November, my Video Doorbell v2 in recent weeks stopped activating the mechanical chime.

Initially, doing a Restart in the app got the chime working again…for a few days. When that no longer worked, I contacted Wyze Support. At that time, the only way I could get the chime to work was by holding in the doorbell button for 1-2 seconds, but eventually that also ceased to work.

One of Support’s recommendations (which I’d previously read here on the Forum) was to set the Doorbell Chime Type to Digital and set Ring tone length to 2-3 seconds. When I tested that, 2 seconds resulted in a long buzzing sound in addition to activating the chime, so I set it to 1 second which worked better (sounded the chime without the additional buzz/hum) when I tested it at the time but then failed to chime a few hours later when I had a UPS delivery. :roll_eyes:

Wyze then suggested a replacement, and I asked if trying the alternate wiring instructions for the Chime Controller would be worth the effort. I didn’t figure it could do any harm, so I disconnected the Chime Controller’s white wire from the chime’s FRONT terminal and left it disconnected. I then disconnected the Chime Controller’s red wire from the chime’s TRANS terminal and connected it to the FRONT terminal. When I restored power and tested, there was a ding-dong and also an unpleasant rattling sound for a few seconds. I checked the app and saw that it had Doorbell Chime Type set to Digital and Ring tone length set to 2 seconds (I had fiddled with settings while trying to get the chime to work again after it failed with the 1 second length). Setting it back to a Mechanical chime type gave a better result, though there’s still an occasional rattle from the chime box.

So far this is working the next day. I asked Wyze Support to keep the ticket open for a few days for me to test, and I’ll plan to follow up there and here. :crossed_fingers:

I’m puzzled by why this works. The Chime Controller really is a little black box of mystery to me. :man_shrugging:

I just don’t want my chime box to think it’s a U2 album.[1]

  1. Rattle and Hum, which @peepeep might appreciate since Mr. Zimmerman contributed to that one. ↩︎