DO NOT USE the "Close the Garage Door Rule or Shortcut" until you understand that it might OPEN, then CLOSE the garage door

@WyzeHongfei - when will the close rule be fixed? I understand the safety behind the open one you explained but there is no explanation of why the close rule is still broken.

If garage is open, then close. If garage is closed, do nothing.

But now, if garage is closed, it opens the garage door. Not right!

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The wyze controller has no way of knowing whether the door is open or closed if it cant detect the QR code. If it can’t see it it assumes the door is open and sends the signal to “close” it (which ends up opening it). When it realizes it still cant see the QR code it assumes its now actially open and then closes it (this is why it does both actions). I moved my camera super close to the QR code and the problem went away.

Simple fix, just add an option to ‘due nothing automatically’ if QR code is lost along with a QR code lost notification. It’s a total security hazard to auto open the door when you schedule it to close. If you left the garage door open, that’s on you. But having the auto-close rule open the door without your knowledge is dumb.

Essentially, the auto close door lost qr code issue is an auto-open rule and should fall under the supposed auto-open “legal liability” mentioned earlier in this thread by Wyze.


It sees the QR code the entire time. I have to believe its close enough.

Where is the do nothing if garage door is closed?

On mine, if I watch the garage live view for more than a few moments, I usually see the red square disappear, then reappear, at random times.

If it’s counting on being able to consistently ‘see’ the code, it makes sense that it would surmise "ooops! the door just opened, I’ll close it.
But the root cause seems to be that it is momentarily ‘losing’ sight of the code, even though it hasn’t moved and the lighting hasn’t changed.

Sorry. There are devices which allow for auto open and close based on location on the market. If you set up an auto open within 500ft you can allow for an auto close leaving the 500ft radius.

It’s not that hard.

Hello WyzeHongfei,

Thank you for your reply.

Your statement does not address my original post. I think Auto-Opening is a valid conversation, and should be moved to it’s own thread.

That said, the 2nd part of your statement “High Legal Liability Risk” is relevant to the original reason for my post, in which the Garage Door Open’s, then Closes when a rule is used to Auto-CLOSE the garage door.

I documented in the original post how “Garage door was in a non closed position for 44 seconds, fully open for 20 of those 44 seconds.”

That is 44 seconds that someone could compromise the security of my garage door and cause Wyze a high legal liability risk (to quote your post)

This is why I no longer have a rule to Auto Close my garage door (which is one of the reasons I purchased this Wyze Garage Door Controller

Due to this issue, I have placed a Wyze Contact sensor on my garage door. I have a rule created to flash, then turn Wyze color Lights on if the garage door is open, off if closed. (which is how I discovered the auto close rule was opening, then closing the garage door for that 44 seconds)

Is there anyway to utilize a Wyze Contact Sensor as a part of a rule to determine if the Garage door is open or closed instead of using the QR Code and/or as a backup to the QR Code method? Yes, this will only work for those of us that have a Wyze Sense Hub, but if it’s more reliable than the QR Method, then perhaps this should be considered.


You submitted a wishlist request for this feature last year. It’s in “maybe-later” status:

Allow Garage Door Controller to use Wyze Entry Sensors to determine door is open or shut

Wyze has not addressed this issue yet, so there is no option yet for ‘do nothing automatically if QR code is lost’. That was just my suggestion for a simple fix to a major legal liability issue for them. It’s amazing the lack of communication here from Wyze - I wonder, do they even know this is an issue and have they really thought through how to fix it?

The older I get, the more I forget…

… a Year Later… I wonder what the average time from “wishlist item” to implemented is?

I’d completely forgot that I had submitted this. Perhaps Wyze forgot about it as well :slight_smile:

Thank you for the reminder.


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The more I work wishlist topics, the more I forget everything else I’m supposed to remember. :grin:

I’m not privy to Wyze’s rationale and criteria for moving wishlist topics to development, but I do know there is no average time for implementation. I think Wyze reviews the wishlist topics weekly or monthly.

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Having been part of our team for many years now and having seen many things implemented directly from the wish list I can say there’s a lot of variables that go into that timeline for things that are utilized. One of those factors is utilization. Is this a niche use or something that would be largely used. For instance, being able to turn off the IR lights but keep night vision on so people can mount the cameras in a window looking out. Once it was discovered how popular that would actually be the team set out to make it happen. And I would argue too much success on that one specifically :slight_smile:

Others have a very limited use and are very hard to implement be that for implementation on the back end in the code or the amount of resource it would take to dedicate the team to that specific item. Remember that when they poll members from one function or project they’re working on to work on another thing that can cause a delay in another function. Usually they’re pretty good about it but depending on what it is sometimes they do move resources around for things. For instance I’m still waiting on sharks with laser beams. To my knowledge no resources have been levied toward that one yet other than Gwendolyn pressing for it :innocent:

I just installed my GDC and much to my dismay, I have the same problem with the rule. Scheduled to close at 10pm. Opens, then closes then a rule fails. I have recalibrated til I’m tired.
This is completely unacceptable. I would NOT have purchased this had I known the limitation. I cannot recommend. This is a terrible security concern!!! I would hate to be asleep while the garage door is left open all night!!! I don’t understand not fixing this!

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I am having the same issue, it was working fine for a while but I updated the firmware and now it fails every night.