Bulbs stop working, no support

Thanks for the info. So the issue is still “adding successfully but fail to make any control” right?


Correct. I can successfully complete the add process in the app and everything looks fine, but I can’t control the bulb at all. After a few minutes, the bulb returns to pairing (pulsating) mode, but nothing changes in the app. I’ve then deleted the device and retried, but the results have been the same each time.

Sent you some additional info via private message. Thanks again.

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This is precisely what happens to me as well.

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I’m experiencing the same issue. Official support has been infuriating, with almost a week of back and forth.

I offered to share my .pcap file to show that the bulb connects to the Wyze servers before being eventually rejected, but I only received a canned response about a warranty replacement if the bulb was purchased directly from Wyze within the past year.

My main question is why this issue, given its scale (many users on the forums) and duration (since at least June 2024), isn’t officially acknowledged as a bug here: Wyze Software and Firmware Bugs and Known Issues.

PSA: If you’re reading this and having trouble, take 30 seconds to join the forums and post “I’m having the same issue.” WyzeDesmond seems willing to help, but he likely has to prioritize problems at scale. While we can’t know how many people are dealing with unhelpful support (or simply threw the bulb away thinking it stopped working), posting helps demonstrate the scale of the problem.

If your issue fits what others have described here, there’s not much point in troubleshooting. Just post. I am absolutely confident, after looking at my network traffic, that Wyze (not you) has made these v1 bulbs inoperable.

Wyze we need a fix.

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WyzeDesmond - Thanks for continuing to look at this issue.

My recently submitted logs are:

Happy to assist with any information that may be helpful to finding a swift resolution.


When any of my bulbs or pro-strips stops responding on WiFi I do 2 things, 1-power cycle the bulb or strip controller, 2-restart my router. I have found that my router (from Spectrum) does something with reserving IP addresses for specific devices that sometimes messes up the connection of Wyze bulb strip devices. This is my experience, it may or may not help you.

Hi @Topnotcher!

Thank you for sharing those helpful tips! While the issue I’m facing with the v1 bulbs doesn’t seem to be related to reserved IP addresses, I can see how that could resolve many other problems. It’s definitely a good troubleshooting suggestion!

I took some time to analyze the web traffic from the v1 bulb to Wyze’s servers using Wireshark. I observed that the device successfully connects to the servers, transfers application data, but then gets inexplicably rejected after the pairing process. This behavior matches what others have reported as well.

Based on this, I’m convinced the issue lies with Wyze, especially since my two now-inoperable bulbs were functioning perfectly before, and I have seven other v1 bulbs that are still working perfectly on my network.

I’ll be eagerly awaiting any updates or further insights. @WyzeDesmond any updates on the progress of fixing this bug?

I’m for sure not that technically minded. But definitely a wyze issue and no tech help on it. If only there was a factory reset button. Mine happend went I updated my wifi, The bulbs go through the whole connection process just to not work, and acording to the app they show as turned on for two of them and off for the others,

Not the issue in this case. See previous posts.

I, too, am having the same issue. Just switched to Wyze Router Pro and cannot get my pre-2019 bulbs connected. Submitted log: 1526224

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@WyzeDesmond really hoping we can figure out a solution. I was able to get the bulb added after 20 attempts, but it’s completely inoperable. It was assigned an IP, but zero packets coming from that IP. It shows in my device list as ON, but again, inoperable. See screenshot of the added bulb.

Note: this is using my new Wyze pro router. The bulb is literally 6 inches from a sister station.


I have (had) 11 cameras setup. I have been user since V1 came out. On or about June 30th, I had 2- V2 and 1-Pancam V2 refuse to be recognized by App. Just stopped working. All other cams work. The v3’s and Newer Pan V3 and Batterycam Pro all work. I guess at about 5 years you can toss Wyze cameras… BTW I gave up on getting the sensors to work and never got the bulb to work from the get go.
I don’t own Scale or Vac or LEDs or any of the stacks and stacks of other tech that was thrown at the wall to see if it stuck. My personal experience over the years has led me to believe that I would not depend on Wyze Cameras for security and I’ll never pay a monthly online storage fee. I say double the price of cameras and polish the App and Give Us Local Storage!!! I’m tired of waiting…

An update: After being informed that my ticket had been escalated multiple times, I remain disappointed by the lack of transparency from Wyze regarding an issue that has clearly been known to them since at least May 2024.

I expressed my concerns in a detailed response (included below), yet to my surprise, I have received no reply in over five days, despite sending multiple follow-up messages.

Frustrated, I reached out to another Wyze agent for an update today. After a lengthy conversation this agent officially acknowledged that if you’re experiencing this issue (your v1 bulb can be added to the app but then becomes inoperable) that the problem lies entirely with Wyze. I’ve attached a screenshot of this exchange, including her consent to share this acknowledgment.

What I find baffling is why this problem isn’t listed on Wyze’s Software and Firmware Bugs and Known Issues page. By definition, this is a known issue.

Below is my still-unanswered correspondence:


Thank you for your response and the gesture of goodwill. However, a $15 credit does not adequately address the immediate impact of your server-side issue. The cheapest alternative (2x Wyze Bulb White) costs $24.41 shipped. A $25 gift card would be a more appropriate gesture to meet this need.

As you are taking over this support ticket, I want to reiterate that:

  1. Server-Side Issue: The problem is with Wyze’s servers, not my bulbs or network. I have attached a screenshot from Wireshark demonstrating that your servers are refusing the connection after a certain point. This is NOT something I am doing, nor are my bulbs faulty. This is clearly (and evidentially) a WYZE server issue!
  2. Unclear Timeline: I have not been given a clear timeline for resolving this issue. From your forums, the first report of this issue dates to late May (Strange Bulb Reset Problem), which is three months ago! The delay in resolution is unacceptable, especially without a timeline for a fix.

A transparent explanation of the efforts being made to fix this issue and why it hasn’t been officially acknowledged would alleviate the need for goodwill gestures. I am not seeking free bulbs; I understand that mistakes happen. Until now, my experience with Wyze has been generally positive.

However, my current situation is that two perfectly functioning bulbs have been rendered inoperable by Wyze. The founders of Wyze have publicly committed to ongoing support and updates for all Wyze products. In their letter for 2023, they stated, “And we will of course continue to support and update all Wyze products.” (A letter from the founders, what to expect in 2023). This commitment, I would assume, extends to addressing and resolving the current issue with v1 Bulbs.

Immediate Requests:

  1. Acknowledge the Issue: Officially recognize this problem on your known issues page to reassure us that you are addressing it.
  2. Provide a Fix or Replacement: Offer a clear timeline for a fix or, if a timeline cannot be provided, offer replacements for affected bulbs.
  3. Improve Communication: Ensure customers are notified of the status and when a fix is available.

To not accommodate these very reasonable requests is both heartbreaking and unacceptable. I have supported Wyze from its early days, promoting your products to family and friends. Treating long-term customers with indifference is not just bad business—it does lasting damage to your brand.

Please address these points to restore my trust in Wyze. And if you cannot, please transfer me to someone who can.


P.S. Sorry for the essay. I know you are just handed a support ticket and told to help. I fully understand that you - Jenirose (or your colleagues Jennifer, Ian, Chito, etc.) did not cause this issue. But I do hope writing a clear message (and allowing you, if necessary, to pass it on) helps you to do what’s right not just by me, but the other customers you’re stuck dealing with as they have this issue.


Thanks for posting this. Makes me feel somewhat better that I’m not the only one having this issue. I couldn’t be bothered reaching out to support only to hear what many other people on here has heard. Looks like you got somewhere with them!

I just had to bite the bullet today and spend another $50 on bulbs. I’ve been a loyal Wyze customer since the beginning, and I do not mind spending money on products I use every day. I’ve spent quite a bit of money with them along with the countless praise and referrals to other people. However, what infuriates me is the lack of recognition when an issue arises that is caused by something out of our control.

As a developer myself for over 15 years, bugs and technical issues will always happen - it’s inevitable. Just own up to it and help the loyal customer base from pulling their hair out!

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@kevin15 , @Mypapagiorgio

You might want to touch base with @WyzeDesmond as he is working on this issue under another thread.

I see someone pointed you to @WyzeDesmond who is working on this issue. I will also reach out to him and see where we are at on this issue.

I would like to let you know about the Known Issues Page, we underwent a support site rebuild and I am in the process of rebuilding that page so it is currently not indicative of the Known Issues.

It is difficult to get a timeline for a fix until we are aware of the issue, and if it is a server-side issue a replacement may just do the same thing.

When fixes are made available we try to make customers aware in either the firmware release notes or in the threads that talk about the issues.


Thank you for your thoughtful reply, explanation regarding the Known Issues Page, and logical response! Looking forward to an update.

Thank you for working towards restoring my trust in Wyze to do what is right!


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@WyzeJasonJ What did you find out from @WyzeDesmond ?

Really wish I knew about this thread before I spent countless hours trying to set up White 2019 bulbs over the last few months… An app notification for users trying to add the bulb would’ve been helpful.

That would have been helpful. Last I heard they could not duplicate our problem in the lab.

I hope they have made some progress since then.