Bulbs stop working, no support

I have 8 Wyze bulbs (pre-2019 white bulbs). I changed my wifi network ID, requiring that I link all of my items to the new network. 7 of the bulbs will absolutely not sync up with the app now. I do everything in the troubleshooting faq. I even wiped the app and started over. I contacted customer support and for over a week they have had me going through the troubleshooting from the faq over and over again, which I had already done before contacting them. Finally, they said there is nothing else that can be done other than replace the bulbs - except some of them are out of warranty. So 7 bulbs stop working at the same time, but they won’t replace them because of warranty? What a scam. They didn’t stop working because of normal age. 7 of them stopped working at the same time.


If I were in your shoes, I would try something…

Get 2 activated phones (yours and a friend/family member). First restart both phones so everything is totally fresh

Temporarily as a test, turn the hotspot on for 1 phone.

On the other phone, after a fresh rebootgo through setup again and see if you can activate one of the bulbs to the hotspot WiFi.

If it works, you know the bulbs are fine, and there might just be a setting in your new WiFi router that needs to be worked on. There are a ton of possibilities…for example, I know some Open WRT based routers don’t work well with those pre-2019 white bulbs because of a function called WMM that blocks them from connecting. Some other specific routers have similar problems. There are a few known conflicts with that Bulb’s chip that make it picky for what it will allow itself to connect to. Some people think it means their bulb is broken, when it might actually still function in the right conditions. They’re also notorious for having conflicts during setup with some routers when the router has a 5GHz SSID with the same name as the 2.4GHz ID, but once setup they will work okay after that.

Considering the bulbs were working fine until you switched routers, it’s likely that it’s POSSIBLE to get them to connect again somehow. They wouldn’t all burn out at the same time.

One other thing I would possibly try is side-loading an OLD app version onto my phone and trying setup again. That has made a difference for some people.

Either way, Sorry to hear you lost 8 bulbs all at once! I would be really frustrated too.


The bulbs were on my network and working fine before I changed the network ID. The only thing that changed was the ID - no other settings in the modem/router. I have removed all devices from the app and uninstalled the app. I restarted my phone and reinstalled the app. I verified that the app version is the most recent. I added a doorbell camera and another camera to the app without issue (network setting seem to working fine). I added a hub and door sensors to the app. I added a sprinkler controller to the app. I have 8 bulbs. 1 bulbs works. The other 7 don’t work. When I add new device, it instructs you to factory reset the bulb. I ensured that my phone has forgotten the Bulb wifi so I can connect to the bulb wifi “fresh”. I instruct the app to connect the bulb to my wifi (ID & password). I connect my phone to the bulb wifi and it connects for a short time and the bulb stops pulsing. The phone disconnects from the bulb and a message pops up “binding successful” or something of that sort. The app now gives me the chance to label the bulb and set up groups if I desire (which I don’t). The app now shows the bulb as present with white light at 1% brightness (which is obviously wrong since the light is is very bright). I attempt to turn the brightness up - no change. I attempt to turn the light on or off - no change. I log into my router to see what devices are connected to my wifi network and the bulb is there - I can see it labeled as LWIP with the correct MAC address. So the bulb is connected to my wifi just fine - it is just not correctly synced with the app. The app still controls all the previously mentioned devices (which all appear on the same wifi network), so the app seems to be working for everything except these 7 bulbs. I remove the bulb from power, but the bulb in the app does not show that it is disconnected from the network. I remove power to my camera or hub and the app shows that the device has been removed from the network. So it is just the 7 bulbs that won’t sync to the app. I can connect them all to the network, but none of them will sync with the app - leaving me without the ability to control them. I have tried this on two different phones. I even reverted my network ID and password back to what it was before when everything worked. No change. In each instance, I can get the other devices to work fine, but he bulbs will not sync with the app. Customer support has been told this. I have submitted logs to them. They said there is nothing they can do. 7 bulbs that power on and connect to my network but won’t sync with the app is not an issue of degradation do to age. 7 bulbs don’t all fail at the exact same time. The answer should not be one of warranty replacement. The company should stand behind their products and support their loyal customers, even if that means replacing out of warranty devices when the problem is obviously not due to failure from age.

Sounds like you have the V1 Bulbs that required you to set them up via WiFi. There were a myriad of problems with using WiFi, which is why they changed to Bluetooth. Try these suggestions:


This is not a great suggestion, Especially considering you reference IOS 13 which is from 3-4 years ago.

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I am having a similar issue with 4 bulbs that I moved from one room to another in my home. I originally retired them and removed them from the app, but in the same day decided I could make use of them somewhere else. Now they will not re-attach properly to the network.

They show up in the app, but the app is not able to control them. I agree that a warranty replacement is not an option seeing as how they are 2019 bulbs which are already out of warranty.

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  • The bulbs are in a simple base with an on/off switch and no lamp shade, placed less than ten feet away from the router. No dimmer switch.
  • At one point I disabled my 5G signal just to make sure there was no confusion (my 2.4 and 5 have different IDs so it should not be a problem anyway).
  • On the phone, I turned off mobile data. I forgot all networks as well. When asked if I want to stay connected to the network despite no internet connection, I state yes. I have ensured the id and password are correct (the bulb does connect to my wifi, so pretty sure that is working fine).
  • I am not restricting DHCP range. While troubleshooting, I had less than twenty devices on my network (my PC, phone, and wyze devices), I left IPs to dynamic, My network ID is 6 (original ID) and 7 (new ID) characters long. The password is 8 characters long with letters and numbers only. No PLUME. Band steering is turned off (which wouldn’t matter while 5g signal is disabled).
  • I can connect to the bulb with the phone during set-up and the bulb connects to my network (I can see it on the connected devices in the router menu, correct MAC address to make sure I am seeing the correct thing). During setup the app states binding is successful (presumably meaning the sync between the app and the device on my network), but it is not actually connected to the app. I cannot control the bulb and cannot update firmware.
  • I tried connecting to the 2.4 guest network and had the same problem - other wyze devices connect but the bulbs won’t.
  • The bulbs were connected to this router in the past without issue. The only thing I changed was the network ID & password. When the bulbs refused to work, I went back to the old network ID & password, but the bulbs still wouldn’t come back. Again, the bulbs seem to connect to my wifi, but will not sync with the app.
  • The bulbs power on. The bulbs factory reset and pulse. The bulbs emit wifi and I can connect to it. The bulbs accept at least some programming which is apparent since they accept the network ID and password to connect to my network. The app acts like the bulbs are there, allowing me to name the device.
  • despite appearing on my list of devices in the app, I cannot control the bulb - change intensity, turn on/off, update firmware, etc. Also, when I unscrew the light bulb from the socket, the device on the app never goes lost link. It just stays there like there is nothing wrong.

Encountered same issue.

Troubleshooting was a waste of time. I stored my v1 bulbs in the bottom drawer in case they resolve this issue.

I decided to go with Kasa in the meanwhile. What a great decision! Now I control by voice saying “set to 2700°Kelvin” or saying “set to green at 50% brightness”. It’s fun to walk into a dark room and say “turn on the lights”.

I am sort of glad my v1s no longer work in order to find other options. I have seen the light.


I hadn’t heard of Kasa before. Looks like I have some research to do.

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That was written 5 years ago, actually. :wink: Everything is still valid. There are people still using iOS 13 for one reason or another, so they need to know about that issue. :slight_smile:

If you guys can publish your support case numbers, we can have the tickets escalated. Also, it would be great if you could outline the last date you knew the Bulbs to be working. May be a server issue.

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Kasa is a TP-Link company.

My support ticket is/was 3965712 - opened July 1st, 2024. The last time the bulbs worked was June 29th, 2024.


I have the same problem. I opened a thread on this subject about two month. Answer from Wyse was the bulbs are from 2019 and out of warranty. All stopped working at once after I changed the name of my wifi network. I could not set them back up again. Many people have complained about this problem and Wyse does not seem to care. The many folks on the forum generally agree that Wyse has stopped supporting the 2019 bulbs. I several of the 2019 bulbs that are brand new and never have been used. All of the bulbs have the same problem, they will not go through setup. None of my equipment has changed, I just changed my network name and tried to set up the bulbs with the new network. I too now have given up on Wyse and purchased the TP-link brand bulb.

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Since some of you lost use of the bulbs after entering new network names/passwords, I need to ask if you used any unusual characters in the network name or password. I have a question into a Wyze engineer on all this, but I have not heard back yet. No guarantee of a reply, but I’d like to be prepared if I get one.

I do know you changed the network name/password back, but with bugs you can be derailed and not able to return. At least one bug on that help sheet was about network names, and this firmware was initially made many years ago.

I’ll escalate the ticket within 24 hours. I am hoping to hear back from the engineer by then to see if it is a server problem or bug.


Thanks @WyzeJasonJ , @Newshound ,

I first used a five character ID, lower-case letters with no special characters or numbers. I then tried another router that had one capital letter followed by all lower-case with no special characters. I then tried a third network with just one number followed by two lower-case letters. Passwords were mixed upper and lower-case with or without numbers.

In my case, I never saw the bulb network appear in my network browse list. All of the steps worked fine up till that point. I only have two bulbs and I tried each bulb multiple times.

I didn’t use the bulbs for quite some time. When I decided to use the bulbs, I had recently bought a new phone. I previously removed them from my tablet and backup phone.

Thanks again for looking into this issue.

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@ssummerlin @unexphotography @steven.tjaden Thanks for providing the info. Any chance you could record screen with how you bind the bulb and fail? Since we just tested with our 2019 version bulb white and couldn’t reproduce the issue. If you could help me record the screen and then submit an applog. We could better find out what is the issue.


My network name has one cap, and the rest is lowercase letters. My password has one upper case letter, lower case letters, numbers, and an exclamation. I see the Wyze wifi come up most of the time and can connect, but then the setup process stalls. After leaving for a long period, the app exists setup, I see the bulb in the app but I can’t control the bulb.


@notterson gets further through the process than I do.

There is not much to see on my screen shots. When I try to find the Wyze bulb network it does not appear with the networks I can see. If there is a way to force the bulb network to show up, please let me know. I have tried the setup on two phones and a tablet with the same lack of seeing the temporary network.

I have jist had the same thing happen, changed wifi instead of having you do something like update in app you have to re-install many hours of frustration I could get one to say connected and then nothing at the momemt I have two that say turned on in the app yet they definitely are not,

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My network ID is letters and numbers only. My password is letters and numbers only. I can try to get a few screens of the install process, but it never explicitly fails. When I “add new item”, the app indicates that bulb is successfully installed, even though it is not. Which part of the install process would be best to get a screen of?

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