As a WiFi device the Wyze Plug will have a lot of the same general caveats as the original Bulb. That said, if you are having setup troubles, make sure none of these things are interfering:
To start, if you are on iOS 13, confirm that you are using the most recent version. Also, iOS 13 users should update to version 2.5.53 or above of the Wyze app using the Apple App Store. iOS 13 won’t allow the app to see your local networks if location services for the app are turned off. You can turn the location permission off again once the last device is set up (Settings > Wyze app).
- Plugs must have access to a 2.4 GHz network.
Turn off mobile data (some phones don’t like connecting to a WiFi network that doesn’t have an Internet connection, which is what the plug looks like to them).
On Android, after connecting to the Wyze Plug, wait 5-10 seconds to see if it warns you that the network has no internet access, asking if you want to stay connected anyway. Tap Yes you want to remain connected, then proceed with the rest of the Wyze Plug setup.
Turn any MAC filtering off during setup (you should know if you engaged this unusual item on your router.)
Sufficient range of DHCP network addresses must be available (some people restrict this).
Depending on your Plug’s firmware version, if your network name (SSID) is 25 characters or over, you may have trouble setting up the Plug. The workaround is to set up the Plug on another network (like your Guest network), update the firmware, then set it up on your intended network. If using another network isn’t an option, then reducing your network name (SSID) long enough to set up and update the Plug will be necessary.
If you have a PLUME WiFi mesh network and your Plug times out repeatedly (you may also get a 404 error), then temporarily disable “Online Protection” and/or the “Advanced IoT Protection”, as they appear to block access to either Wyze or the Plug. After the plug is activated you can re-enable protections.
If you are having trouble connecting to the plugs, check to be sure WMM (Wi-Fi Multimedia) is turned off in your router options.
If you have band steering on your router, know that some implementations won’t allow the Plugs to connect to the 2.4 GHz network if the 5 GHz network is available. The solution is to turn off the broadcast of your 5 GHz network long enough to set up the Plugs.
When the app asks you to input your network name and password, click the closed eye at the end of the password line to see the password you enter. Remember the password is case-sensitive.
Set up the plugs close to the router. Once all settings are in and the plugs are working, they can be moved to the desired location and all the settings will remain.