Wyze Switch - Smart light switch

Yes it does support this feature, though I have not tried it yet.

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I got my first switch installed!!! All before the Braves parade started!! I walked through the step by step instructions on the Wyze app, and it is showing up as a device in the app, so I guess Wyze just acquiesced and went ahead pre-Dec. Now I just need to add my other outdoor floodlight switch and group them. Haven’t tried setting up bulbs on the switch, etc. Yay! :grin::tada:

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Would love to see if Wyze have in their plans:

Dimmable light switch
Dimmable & Motion sensor light switch
3 switches 1 gang + dimmable smart switch

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The switch uses neutral to complete the circuit so it’s own circuitry can function.

For me, the electricians who wired my house brought neutral, hot, and ground into the switch box. They used hot to power the light, and ground for safety. But the cable they cut to extract those two had neutral tied back together to continue on. I simply tapped into that for the switch, using a short wire and twist cap Wyze provided.


Same here.

Can you confirm the Wyze switch simply fails to turn on if neutral is not connected? That is the true test since I only need it to be a smart button.

Will it work without a ground? My house is 60+ years old and most of the switches/outlets are ungrounded.

Yes it will. It uses a ground for safety, but the entire case is plastic.

Yeah, I found this from support:

Wyze Switch does not require a ground wire, but it is safer to use ground wiring with any switch. The ground wire gives excess electrical charges a safe place to go. If your house was built in the 1960s or later, you should have a ground wire.

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Just installed my first Home Depot-supplied Wyze light switch. It’s working great, but I can’t figure out how to get Google Home to recognize the new switch. I already had some plugs and cameras set up that Google Home shows, but nothing I have tried will make the new light switch show up.

Has anyone had any luck with this so far?

I heard that the switches won’t show up in Alexa until Dec. I’m guessing the same is true for Google…

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Doesn’t show up in GH for me either, guess we just have to give it more time.

Are you having any issues turning the switch on or off via the app? I’ve had mine installed for 10 days, was working fine but now can’t turn on or off within the app, and my rules controlling the switch stopped working

I just installed the light switch this afternoon, and it is working fine within the Wyze app.


thanks…I deleted the switch then re-added and it’s working again

By the way, Alexa is recognizing and adding Switches as devices, and allowing you to group them. One more step of progress!

Still no grouping feature within Wyze app. For me that’s fine. At least in the Philips Hue app, when I’ve grouped lights, and then created a similar group in the Alexa app it has caused some minor chaos. Like one of the light bulbs refuses to stay turned off… So I only do groups in Alexa now…

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I just got the switch, shows up in google home and alexa apps just fine. I wish they could be used to start routines though.


Can you control the light switch if internet is down?

if your internet is down, the switch will continue to function, maybe not for double/triple/long press. IF your internet is down, but your home network is up, and phone is on the home network, then likely you could still interact with it. however, as the advanced functionality is cloud stored, I don’t think that the double/triple/long press will work.

For reference. the basic function of the switch works prior to registering the switch within the Wyze App, before it has any connection to the internet.

It would be really neat if the Wyze Switch could control dimmable lightbulbs’ brightness, in addition to just ‘on’ and ‘off’.

No clue if it’d be possible for the existing Wyze Switch to get this feature as a firmware update or if this would require new hardware, but I would totally be down for buying some sort of Wyze Switch Pro with this feature!

I have a switch that, when I use it to turn on the overhead light, it goes into connect mode when I try to turn off the light. I just run through the steps to connect to WiFi and can even give it the same name and it shows up in the same order as always. While that’s tedious, the annoying part is that I have to reconnect to be able to turn the light off.

I guess my question to the wyzeverse is, is anyone else experiencing this? And should I exchange it for another switch (at Home Depot)?