Wyze Sense Motion Sensor v2 & Wyze Sense Entry Sensor v2 without Monitoring Service

Not at the moment, You currently need HMS to toggle tone/chime settings. Vote on the wishlist for this ability to be given to everyone here:

I voted on it already.

I imagine as they sell more and more hubs without HMS this will be increasingly more important. They need to either make this an option on the hub directly for everyone, or have it automatically disabled if someone doesn’t have HMS.

For now, your options are:

  1. Have Tune chimes on every sensor
  2. I am guessing you can add HMS, Disable the Tune Settings/chimes, then Cancel HMS and get a credit back. I do not know if this will automatically refund the entire service back, or whether it will prorate a credit back for all but 1 day.

No, you share individual sensors with another user, or the HMS subscription/service, but not the Hub itself. There would be very little reason to share the hub without HMS anyway. Wyze would not allow a shared account to add sensors to it, and it doesn’t have any status or notification purposes since all of that is done through the sensors themselves. I believe this is consistent with how the V1 Bridge was too, you could share sensors, but not the Bridge because there was no viable reason to share the bridge.

What purpose do you have in mind for sharing the hub, that wouldn’t be accomplished from simply sharing the sensors instead?

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