Wyze Duo Cam Doorbell firmware - Released 11/20/2024

Today we are releasing version firmware for the Wyze Duo Cam Doorbell. This release enhances the Wi-Fi connection, event recording optimization, and fixes bugs with microSD card functionality.

Read our Release Notes:

I apologize for not having a fancy image for this release.


Why does mine not want to update the firmware?

Updated mine. Detection zones are working. Will keep those enabled to see if all smart detections work.

I think we are back to normal. Or slightly better then before. :grinning:


After several “update has failed” messages I finally got it to update to the new firmware. Hoping this helps. We have a Winter Weather advisory, and it’s going to be nasty weather, so this will be a good test of the new firmware.


I was able to update successfully the DCD to firmware v1.0.24.3.

No problems with the firmware update itself.

MicroSD Card format functionality still appears glitchy. Behaves pretty much the same the previous firmware version. I have a Samsung Pro Endurance 256 GB in the DCD, and sometimes it formats, and sometimes it doesn’t. There is no message saying format complete; sometimes it goes to 0.0 (GB) for a split second, then reverts back to whatever # it was, with no error message.

This updated firmware seems to be better at detecting events (with people, cars, marked, etc.), as I have been seeing notably more events recognized properly than with the prior firmware version.

:point_up: I don’t have this particular product, so this is my favorite part of this announcement. :grin: (I still really like my Video Doorbell v2!)

A recommendation I’ve often seen on the Forum, which seems to help with a lot of microSD issues, is to use the SD Memory Card Formatter from SD Association. I’d be inclined to pop the card into a PC and try that if the in-device format is reporting problems or inconsistencies.

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Detection Zones are working but something makes it keep detecting a package, I will have to tinker and see if motion is setting it off.