Today we are releasing firmware version for the Wyze Duo Cam Doorbell. This adds support for automatically adjusting resolution when viewing in Wyze Web View and other bug fixes.
Read our Release Notes:
Today we are releasing firmware version for the Wyze Duo Cam Doorbell. This adds support for automatically adjusting resolution when viewing in Wyze Web View and other bug fixes.
Read our Release Notes:
Do it work right the first time?
Wait, I have this firmware for a while now. Nothing is fixed only made worse from nothing wrong at that time. Bring back functioning firmware from November and December of 2024.
I’m confused. My Doorbell V2 works flawlessly.
What is wrong with yours?
See a host of issues in other thread:
What are your issues? Are you saying you have every issue in this thread?
Short answer yes.
In short, ever since the January update the detection of motion is not working correctly as randomly motion is not detected at all. I know for a fact the motion should have been triggered as there is a recording on Sd card of a person walking by within 2 or 3 feet of the camera. The 3 second pre recording is gone. Are you not noticing any of these on your camera?
Not a single issue.
I use Cam Plus unlimited pro now… So I get descriptive alerts as well as normal alerts.
Everything is detected and not missed. No false detections or flood of package detections if the package sits.
Have you tried clicking the “Reset Services” button in the settings? When cameras act weird, I try that.
I will reboot the camera about 5 min after hitting the button as well.
I have done that and the described issues were not fixed . The firmware was significantly modified from November and December releases.
This is definitely an issue, I am missing motions. Yet again confirmed from a recording of a person passing by and not triggering a motion alert for it’s 12 seconds recording. I do have the camplus plan for a number of years now and all my cams are in it. Though I did noticed a significant drop of recording lengths to a minimal of 12 sec on this paid plan for the motions detected on all the cams.
Is it time to go to a competitor?
Probably good to look at options.
I bought a Eufy pan cam for internal viewing for vacations.
A friend of mine recommended that brand as well
Camera had been working…motion detection wasn’t great, but at least there was a picture. I opened the app, saw and installed the update and haven’t been able to get it to stay connected to wifi since. Tried all the things - factory reset, etc. - no luck. It has also never worked on web livestream, though that could be due to battery-only installation.
How is your wifi signal. Also, these work only on 2.4Ghz wifi signal so if your router 5Ghz you may and will experience an issues
I reset it last night and installed a fresh battery (the other still showed capacity before it went offline, but changed it anyway), and it has stayed connected overnight. My router shows it connected to 2.4Ghz and a signal strength of -59. I’ll have to see if it sticks this time. Similar behavior is exactly why I upgraded from my last Wyze doorbell. Fingers crossed. Thanks for the tips.
The new beta firmware released is no good at all , same issues person walks by and no detection alert initiates the recording of the event. Plain and simple this is junk. Oh, did I mentioned that I want 3 seconds pre recording that was promised upon release and those 3 seconds you took away and messed up the movement detection with January firmware release?
Give me the stuff you promised in advertising this product and that’s what I bought.
Has this approach ever worked for you in life?
You’re buying something based on the advertised features expecting to receive what you paid for so that you can use it as it was intended, How does that approach work for you in life when you pay for a product and get brutally screwed over??
Wyze did not sell you the beta software, so no advertising promises were made. Beta and promises are 2 words that don’t go together. It’s all untested code.