Wyze Cam v3 & Pan v2 Firmware Beta Test 12/13/2022

Wyze Cam v3 :


  • Improved Event Video recording stability

  • Due to the security improvement on this firmware, you will need to go through the factory reset process for your camera if you go back to firmware or below.

Wyze Cam Pan v2 :


  • Improved Event Video recording stability

  • Due to the security improvement on this firmware, you will need to go through the factory reset process for your camera if you go back to firmware or below.

[Mod Edit]: Removed embedded space from version numbers to enhance search clarity.


Updated a mess of Cam v3 and Pan Cam v2 cams via Device Info>Firmware Version and Bulk Update methods with no issues. Cams are running well so far. Will chime in with issues and logs if any encountered.

Edit: Also successfully updated 2 v3 cams via popup that occurs when entering live stream.

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Updated a bunch of v3s on a few diffrent versions. All were quick, and some were from bulk update and others were from the popup


Did a bulk update on all of my cameras without any issues. Testing now.


100% success with bulk firmware update on all v3’s. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Updated all cams on prior Beta via bulk page. Will monitor for changes.


All cams updated via bulk update without any problems and in fact finished very quickly compared to the previous update. I report back with any issues should I find any.

EDIT: I also wanted to comment on the new event AI recording options that were available in previous releases. Allowing you to only record events using smart AI detection rather than all motion events is an excellent & valuable feature to have and much appreciated as it cuts down a lot on the number of recordings and notifications I get. In a nutshell, it’s great to be able to only record what types of events you are interested in.


I’m not sure if this is a firmware issue or an application issue but the smart vision feature does not bring up any of my cameras even though they are and I am a cam Plus subscriber so as far as I know I meet the criteria but I’m not able to test that feature out because there are no cameras for me to select when it comes to that option.

If anyone has any insight as to why that might be I would appreciate any info you may have. Thank you!

It is indeed, I’d love to switch mine to AI record-only, however, I have issues with the accuracy of it (AI detection), with many ‘types’ of movements only classified as MOTION, so I’d end up losing a lot of necessary footage. Yes, I could always go back to SD card, but that would require me to know about it, which wouldn’t be the case if it wasn’t recorded.

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As with everyone else, all of mine updated without issues.


Thanks for bringing that to my attention because I hadn’t considered that I was losing or possibly losing important events with people that are being classified as “motion” and therefore not recorded. I will have to test that a bit further but when I walked in front of it it works every time but it certainly possible that other people might be on the fine line between it knowing what’s motion versus people,.

Cam 3 failed to update to after several attempts but finally did after about an hour

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Winksj, my v3 will sometimes mis-classify people across my street as motion. Very accurate at classifying people on my side of the street as Person. You might test walking at the outer edge of your detection zone if that is a concern for you.

I believe this feature is still in open Beta development and is still only available to be tested on V2 Cams.


Well, I can definitely tell you that even such an obvious-moving vehicular object such as this was classified only as MOTION…


Bulk update no issues. All Camaras open up to view

Do you have vehicle selected as an option in Event Recording?

Can we flash version this manually too? Is there a link for it?

Welcome to the Wyze User Community Forum @shaneoss!

No. Beta Firmware is not available for download and manual flash update. In order to get Beta Firmware updates, you need to be a Beta Tester.