Wyze Cam v3 & Cam Pan v2 Firmware Beta Test 9/8/2022

Both versions were eventually made public releases, however they were halted due to issues and we’re therefore also pulled from the download page. There are some :wink: who did download these when they were available and have them archived.

A new public release has been posted to the firmware update and notes page that is a fix for .2864. it is only being pushed via update to .2864 cams. Pre 4.36.10.xx firmware cams are not getting it at this time via the normal update route.

The Beta Announcement topic here in the forum will list that information when it is announced. I don’t update until I read the thread and mark it watched for other feedback. These are all posted in the Beta topic. Here is the topic announcing the .3406 Beta (it is now public):

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