Wyze App Notification Overhaul

That’s what I’d love to see. :+1:


For those Android users reading, The Android OS also has an App Level snooze feature for notifications. It is not specific to individual cams or devices but for all Wyze Notifications. Expanding the notification will show a snooze button.

After clicking it, the snooze can then be expanded and set to a specific time.


I really wish there was a way to change the ringtone associated with notifications by device. My wife deals with most of the notifications and so there are only a specific few devices I want my attention called to.

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Please try to not shrink the preview picture. That’s the most important part for me as I have over 40 cameras and it’s much easier to scan the images. Also, I don’t need the text because I know from the picture which camera I’m looking at. A picture is worth a thousand words is very true in this instance.

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Welcome to the Wyze User Community Forum @dairytech! :man_shrugging:

There has been a Wyze Wishlist for that feature request for almost 4 years: Individual Camera, Sense, Doorbell, AI detection type, etc. Alert Notification Sound and/or Color. It is still in a Maybe Later status. Later isn’t coming soon.

However, since you have an Android device, you can use a 3rd party app like MacroDroid, BuzzKill, Tasker, or FilterBox to manage the App specific sounds for all incoming notifications from your devices. I currently use MacroDroid and have 50+ unique Notification Tones for my Wyze Cams and devices. I posted a MacroDroid Step by Step How To here: Share MacroDroid Macros for Wyze IoT - #38 by SlabSlayer.

I think you must have me confused with someone else’s comment. I don’t care about any of the stuff you mention. My concern is that the preview picture doesn’t get smaller. I rely on the preview pic to scan my camera events. The sample banner you showed looked like the preview picture was considerably smaller to allow more text to be displayed. I think if you ask people if they are okay with that trade-off, I think most would say keep the larger thumbnail preview pic.

He wasn’t replying to you, he was replying to dairytech, the commenter who commented directly before you. See the red circle where it shows who he was replying to.

You are subscribed to this thread and getting all responses to it though. You can change your notification settings so you only get copies of replies directly to you. Log in to the thread and tell it to give you “Normal Notifications” only, so you’ll only get an email if someone replies to you or tags you:


@cwcharles, you are replying by email. Because you posted to this Topic in the Forum, you will automatically receive emails for every reply that posts to this Topic regardless of whom those replies are directed towards.

You can change that in your user profile settings when you log into the Forum.

When you do log in, you will see that my post reply was responding to @dairytech’s post.


Didn’t know that. That’s for explaining.


Looks great are you going to make notifications work like this across all camera types?



Just FYI as use case input in case you’re changing architecture… some of us aren’t tethered to cell phones and rely on the event notification image on a smart watch to determine if further, complete review of an event is warranted on the phone or tablet. Hence my previous concern about maintaining ability to expand notification to view larger thumbnail. I actually expand the Wyze event notification on my watch, not a phone/tablet, and jump to the app only when I need a larger or complete view.



Four months ago, I lost all my push notifications from my Wyze products on my iPhone. Wyze Support hasn’t been able to correct my issue. The new format looks nice. Any notifications would be an improvement, in my case.

If you’re having notification issues, it would be great if you can post what you have tried, so we don’t repeat what you have already done. Do you have other iOS devices? If other iOS devices are receiving Wyze notifications the issue is most likely with iOS.

Here’s a post I made from before when I had iOS notification issues:

I doubt your settings have issues but somehow by toggling the settings sometimes it does something magically within iOS and it works again. Reinstalling the Wyze app has helped some too. Hope this helps.

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@cwcharles - I Disagree… I want the text only. My old eyes couldn’t see that thumbnail if I had 3 pairs of readers on.

And please remove “CHECK OUT THE EVENT VIDEO”. It’s implied that if you touch it, you get that.

Less is more here.


Thanks for responding. Yes, my notifications setting is the same as your pic. I have tried the toggle solution without any luck. I get events on the Wyze app, but can’t get any notifications on my phone. I’ve also tried uninstalling/installing my cameras, as was suggested. After uninstalling my outdoor cam, now it won’t sync with the base. So, I have an outdoor camera that was showing video before I uninstalled it. Now it’s useless.

If you have any other ideas, I’m willing to try anything.

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December 1 |

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If you’re having notification issues, it would be great if you can post what you have tried, so we don’t repeat what you have already done. Do you have other iOS devices? If other iOS devices are receiving Wyze notifications the issue is most likely with iOS.

Here’s a post I made from before when I had iOS notification issues:

Another notification thread Cameras

Does your iPhone notifications setting for Wyze look like this? [image]


I doubt your settings have issues but somehow by toggling the settings sometimes it does something magically within iOS and it works again. Hope this helps.

Want to second @Earl.Automation here

With designers and PM in their 20ies, there is a natural product design bias. I used to have 40/20 vision, On good days I may get 10/20. Beware design doesn’t promote ageism. Not everybody has great eyes (or has great eyes anymore) and design should respect all, regardless of age or specificities.

Sorry your outdoor cam cannot reconnect. I don’t have one so unfortunately can’t really speak for it.

Have you tried uninstalling/installing the Wyze app on your phone? Do you have another iOS device or Mac where you have Wyze app on?

this is great… started seeing this today…

GIF animated previews on notifications would work great as well.


:heart: we agree!