Notification Upgrade Last Night

Last night we dramatically improved the priority of text you’ll see on notifications going forward and dramatically cut down on the amount of text. You’ll be getting an email about it tomorrow too, but for now I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you to everyone who asked for this.

We really want you to know we are taking your feedback to heart and are working hard to build things you enjoy using every day. The graphic below is what iPhone users are going to see today, but have also implemented updates for Android users that will continue to be improved to match the ones you see here as well, but will be coming a little later.

We hope you enjoy it and we hope you feel heard. Happy Holidays everyone.

~Matt Van Swol
Head of Subscription Growth


UI’s on a diet. Good stuff! :grin:


less = more


This is great, but it doesn’t look like that on Android, it’s missing the text “Person Detected”. It’s three lines of text on Android, the second is not helpful at all:

Doorbell Cam at 9:41am

1 Like

Beta users:


Thanks, I’m on the beta and I didn’t look for other threads. I guess I’ll need to sit tight!


Not a problem at all! :+1: You can always sideload back to production app if you can’t wait.


I normally have notifications turned off but I turned them on today for a test. Works very fast, as soon as a delivery truck came into view of my driveway V3 Pro I got a short push notification “Vehicle detected driveway cam.” I’m using iOS.


Nice. This is how it should be.


I got the alert when van was here, I saw it coming I was in the garage.


Android beta app 2.48.0.b377 is now available in the Play Store. This RC version provides the fix for missing AI tags on notifications:


Incredible. Glad I spoke the truth haha.


We appreciate the heads-up! :+1:


I don’t remember where I saw someone asking for this, but I can officially confirm we are working on playback GIFs for motion-detection notifications. Will be arriving next year.


I’m loving these new notifications. Definitely an improvement.

I can’t decide if it would be better to have the Title be the camera name and the Detection be the subtext, instead of the other way around as it is now. I see a case for both ways.

Anyone want to give some rationales on which way you would prefer it and why?

  1. Detection Type Bolded in the Title, then Camera name and time in the subtext
  2. Camera Name Bolded in the Title, then Detection Type and time in the subtext

One reason number 2 might be better is for situations where Wyze needs to “update” the notification type. For example, say someone gets the initial notification as “Motion Detected” then 5-10 seconds later the camera realizes there is a person in the event and updates the notification to say “Person Detected” instead of “Motion Detected”…if the title was the camera name, then that can stay the same because it’s still for the same camera, but they can just update the subtext to say it is a person instead of motion. --I guess they could still update the title, it just fells more natural to me that the title, the main subject stayed the same…the notification is about the camera, and what kind of notification it is for this event can be changed/altered…it seems like the Title should be more static and the subtext can be more dynamic. Also, I may have 40 cameras that send me person detections, so what I most need to know is which camera it was reporting the issue.

Other people might have a different preference though…if you only have 1 camera, then you already know which camera had the detection and what is most important and needs to be bolded and big letters is which kind of detection that camera had. I can think of some other rationales too…


IDK, I see a few points on each side. Why did you choose the way you did Matt?


I wrote a longer response and then deleted it haha. Essentially it boils down to the fact that most customers do not have 40+ cameras and are just looking for the most important contextual information first (aka, detections).

I understand this may not be the best pick for customers with dozens and dozens of cameras with lots of detections/notifications happening every hour, but I can tell you that the vast majority of our customer base does not fit this criteria and usually receive very few notifications during their day and just want to quickly check it and decide whether they need to intervene in some way (Pet Detected at Front Door could mean my dog got out so I need to chase him down sort of thing haha).

The feedback I received in research for this was that people thought our notifications:

a) felt spammy
b) did not present important information in a quickly readable way

The goal was to eliminate these two problems immediately. I’m always willing to go back and reevaluate how we present information if it’s not serving our customers well.

Hope this helps.


Makes sense. With that in mind, I would also recommend keeping it this way.




I have 19 cams at my home and my son has 42 cams on his 11 acre ranch. We dont need the WYZE in the notification ares, just the date time and which cam. On playbacks, We would love to see a vertical red line displayed on the timeline for each alert, so we dont have to painfully scrool endlessly. I think this has been done on your 2k models