When 1st coming into the Wyze app version (iOS 15.7.8) or coming back into the iOS app after force-closing, tapping the Events tab icon results in a blank events list (no call to populate events list is made).
If you do a pull-down to refresh the missing list, you are presented with a “No Events Found” message even though events exist. Note the “Reset Filters” link, even though all filters are clear:
If you tap the filter icon (funnel icon), “Clear All” is grayed out because all filters are already clear:
From the blank Events page, if you tap the Edit icon (pencil icon), no events are displayed, but “Unselect All” is active. “Unselect All” is dead however and tapping it does not perform any action. Also note grayed out “Delete” at bottom of page:
There are a few ways out of this mess, most notably, tap a previous date and then tap the current date or do a pull-down refresh and then tap “Reset Filters” under the error message. Events are then displayed:
Issue does not exist under Wyze app version (Android), issue is iOS version-only.
Log ID: 1132794