Wyze app 3.3.5 - Released 2/20/2025

Today we are releasing Wyze app version 3.3.5, this adds support for biometric login as well as moving the microSD card settings to the parent settings page.

Read our Release Notes:


Great to hear from you. I hope you are well. Looking forward to the update.

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Anyone notice the usability improvements? What do you think? :slight_smile:

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To all,

PR 3.3.5 623 just appeared on Play (that was fast).

Updated properly. Starting to test.

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Wow. That was quick. Updated. :+1:

Camera connect seems faster with this version.


Android Wyze app

  1. Cam Plus Lite person filter works on this update. Users that are on the previous stable update of should update ASAP to this one if you need this feature (this impact Android users only as iOS Wyze app was fine).

  2. Cam V3 manual recording a clip bug is sorta fixed as well. PNG image is still shown in the Gallery, but at least you could see the video clip now without force closing the Gallery app to refresh. It is another Android / Samsung bug.

  3. Another Android bug that I have noticed is trying to edit the old Floodlight V1 on the Favorites tab for “Turning on Floodlight for” x minutes automation shortcut. You can’t modify the time as it will say “delay time is too short” when you try to save the setting. The GUI is incorrect and different when compared to accessing from “Automation” tab. It’s a relatively minor issue as you can still modify the automation shortcut in the “Automation” tab. Please see below for reference.

Floodlight V1 automation shortcut accessed from “Favorites” tab (issue):

Floodlight V1 automation shortcut accessed from “Automation” tab (okay):


Cam V4 live view does not scroll when maximized.

How to reproduce
Display V4’s live view. Double tap image to maximize it. Then try to touch scroll left and right; it won’t. Since the maximized image is larger than the phone’s screen, not all the image is visible. By touch-scrolling, both the outer edges should be able to move into view.

Android 14
App V3.3.5(623)

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@speadie @trekgod3 @nca99 @seth.winkelmann @tlam @Nibr @brboiler @beemgee @peepeep Just wanted to let you know about the following update about your reported CPLite Person Filtering issues getting fixed with this app version:

Thanks grapefruityoda for verifying this


Dude, I can’t believe you excluded @peepeep! :frog: has been commenting about this for months, viz.


What are you talking about, he’s the last one in the list:


BUT…hypothetically :upside_down_face: if I would have forgotten to add the froggy in my list, it would be understandable…since MAYBE I wouldn’t have looked in that thread you quoted, and instead didn’t see him report the issue in the other thread I may have looked at, AND it’s possible I may have thought the call-tag limit per comment was a low number around 5-7 maximum, which would also explain why I didn’t call tag @grapefruityoda in that post when I thanked him for checking and reporting this, because I thought I was already over the call tag limit:

But of course, that’s all hypothetical, since clearly I would never forget to add peepeep and we can see that you just overlooked his call tag that is listed in that comment.



Just downloaded the latest version yesterday, and it works! Thank you


Is there anyway to get rid of the ‘notification’ / red dot for Wyze Intelligence > Descriptive Alert?

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Probably need to give WYZE more $$$$ to get rid of the annoying Red Dot on account.

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I didn’t have to pay.

Isn’t it just an alert that you haven’t seen a notice or new feature? If I read a notice, it disappears. :thinking:

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i’ve tried clicking on everything to remove it , but it won’t go away!
click on descriptive alert, click ok or x. And the red dot is STILL there.
I’ve force quit the app multiple times.
Good to know it’s going away for some of you :wink:

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Could it have something to do with subscriptions?

I am not a subscriber.

Maybe, I have Cam Unlimited and I am not going to upgrade to Unlimited Pro.

I’m in a similar boat, I can’t get the red dot to go away from Wyze Intelligence