Wyze app 3.0 - Released 7/24/2024

Paint it black?


Cloud generated from the top 11 words from a list of critical topic titles active in the last five days.

Raw titles

Replacement for WYZE Devices after APP 3.0 has reuined Wyze
Wyze App 3.0 = Terrible
Yet another app redesign FAIL
3.0 App needs to be dumped
2 weeks with APP 3.0. It Still needs to be Dumped
App 3.0 - Not so good!
Awful Update - Help Needed
Wyze app v3.0.0 takes over my phone and locks me out
3.0 is a Consumer Failure!
Keep The Old App
3.0 Slow - displaying Live Stream - reconnecting
How to roll back to earler version of app
New app blues
App 3.0 Will not connect to Battery Cam Pro - Complete Failure

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What happened to Group On/Off?

That appears to be available on the Favorites tab, so I wonder if you’re looking for it under Devices. For camera groups (under Favorites), I see it as a power indicator button on the group tile; for light groups, it’s the whole group tile itself.

Thanks, I needed to make it a favorite.

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Yes, i agree also.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Home Assistant (HA) and Wyze

Seriously. I’m not on an unlimited data plan and my cell ran out of data within a week of 3.0 release. I’ve been on this same cell plan for years and never ran out before. I’ve removed all camera from Favorites and now always go to the Device to view cameras, which means no more thumbnails. That seems to have reduced the app’s cell data usage but not by much. Data use is the biggest issue for me with 3.0. The 2.x app last thumbnail view was much better design. I don’t really mind the changes to the app itself, just hate that it’s loading cameras feeds in the background now. Maybe a toggle to turn off auto-cam loading would solve this.

It’s time to finally move to HomeKit capable cameras. The cost savings from using Wyze cams is gone now that I have to pay my cell company for an unlimited plan.

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That seems like a good candidate (with good rationale) for this Wishlist topic:

I like going to the “Devices” but there are people who like “Favorites”, too. A suitable compromise is for the app to remember the last tab used.

I agree, and maybe there are users who want Automations to be the “home” tab. Users want choices! I hope some ideas in that Wishlist topic can get some votes and traction.

What are the five top ‘asks’ for 3.1 based on board commentary?

New app is horrible! Count how many taps you have to do now to turn on an outlet. Went from one tap to three!

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It’s a single tap if the Plug is on your Favorites tab.


It’s still the same number of 1 tap for me on the new app.

I have outlets on my favorites page and just tap the left side of the icon and it turns it on and off. Are you doing something different that takes more taps?

  1. Option to disable streaming camera on Favourite whenever it’s in view.
  2. Ability to turn off cameras in the Device List without needing to access the camera like in v2.5
  3. Thumbnails for cameras
  4. The default page for Device List instead of Favourite. I think if they implemented the above then they probably don’t care about the default page (same thing for #2).
  5. Reduce the camera size on Favourite by like 50%

They should put v2.5 app on TestFlight so iOS users can roll back because it will take several months for them to implement the above

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Thanks, 'yoda

So, Wyze might please the most people by providing:

1. Option to disable streaming camera on Favourite whenever it’s in view.
If enabled, cam streams. If disabled, cam displays thumbnail.

3. Thumbnails for cameras
Option to enable on Devices tab


They should put v2.5 app on TestFlight so iOS users can roll back because it will take several months for them to implement the above

Or at least disclose if it is:

Possible: We will consider it
Not possible: Apple prohibits us from doing it
Not happening: Possible, but not practical: We won’t be doing it



Hmmm, I think the proper word is ‘placate’ instead of ‘please’,

I worry that enabling or adding some features into 3 point whatever release will introduce more issues.

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:man_facepalming: D’oh!

Acknowledged. :smiley_cat:

Hey, rodger, where ya been? Ya look a little tense.

Oh, dude, don’t even ask, I been 3.0d… :scream:


Now if only the cameras would work

I totally agree with you. I never posted before. But I can’t stop complaining for this horrible new feature and wish to roll back.