I think it’s a color palette thing. The icon is there. It’s just the wrong color. Ref zoomed icon capture of habib’s screenshot above.
ahhh, I see it now. Wasn’t sure what was being shown there.
I think developers should use plain old black colour instead of shade of grey that can be lost in translation among different devices.
Again, very poor design. Wyze should hire a real experienced interface designer.
Sorry about the confusion. It is indeed an issue with the App UI. We are on it!
Wow, that was fast! Thanks.
This is why Nathan is one of my favorite people. He is all for trying to get the best experience for everyone.
You guys Rock! Well, most of the time
Really crappy use of color has been an ongoing issue with Wyze. I swear they must not have anyone over 25 years old working on the UI. The color choices are dismal - always have been.
That’s true. I can barely put up with myself today.
Being a graphic designer myself it irks me when designers fail to address the basic principal of good design, functionality. Making things pretty should be like icing on a cake. Steve Jobs nailed it with his quote: “Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.”
Oh, don’t be harsh on yourself, I’m just a grumpy old man
Well said.
I’ve only about 35 cameras active.
Now it’s a ROYAL PAIN to switch between sites and having to rename.
Stutter in live view OGs, V4s, and I think Pan cams at least.
Might already have been posted about V4s at least, playing the tingling sound on detection even though off. Some of mine do anyhow.
The app has had it moments, but last couple days live feed is pretty bad. I did add groups, seemed better without groups, but may not be related at all. I’ll try less groups and see.
I have a similar issue here, and was somewhat relieved to find your post. I too was questioning my sanity.
This issue is very random as to when it happens and with which cameras. I had noticed today that one of my cameras hadn’t been detecting objects as it should, and found that it had another camera’s image and detection zone mask in the Detection Zone settings. I checked several other cameras, and some of them also had another camera’s image and/or detection zone mask. I then checked the cameras with the v2.50 app, everything checked out ok, and the original camera mentioned started detecting objects again as it should. Both the v3.0 and v2.50 apps are running on Android devices. Will need to test more, as I have not found a pattern yet.
A relief for my sanity as well. Lol
They should be releasing incremental betas with patches and fixes to see what those fixes break.
This is happening to my cams as well. So far, only with my OG cams. I have two. When I first noticed it, I had them linked and assumed that was the cause. Ive since unlinked them but it still happens.
I have to back out of the cam settings to the app home screen and then access the cam again to get the correct detection zone to appear. Sometimes this requires a couple of tries.
Also, not necessarily related…
With my OG cams,the detection zone screen does not rotate when I turn my phone to landscape view–and the image is frozen on this page–not a live view like with all of my other cams (I checked…V3s, V4, WCOs…all rotate and are live views). A live view would allow me to set the detection zone better as I could see my flag waving to it’s full extent.
3 posts were split to a new topic: Wyze app v3.0 Beta 2 - Early Release - 7/2/24