What is wrong w app today?

Curious. My internet connection went to nothing. I couldn’t even connect to my router. I had to reset the router and modem to get connection back. Suspicious coincidence.
I hope it wasn’t some sort of DDOS or malware thing propagating to home routers…

This appears to be less an issue with Wyze generally, and more an issue with their Canadian customers. Looks like maybe Wyze farmed out their services in Canada or forgot to pay a bill? Downdetector is showing reports of this in Canada only. (Edit - not just Canada)

I’m in Florida. It’s not working here either

They seem to be working on something…I have redundancies and rules using colored lights set up for my cams and the lights just flashed in a certain area - alerting me that the cam detected a person. But of course the event is not showing up and now all other events for all devices are gone. Another cam just went offline as well. I can always tell when there’s a problem with Wyze because the criminal activity kick up a notch around my home. I don’t feel safe to go outside because I can’t see the front of my home yet. FYI - California is a stand your ground/castle doctrine state. [mod edit]

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How do 'criminals know when your cam is working or not?

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Now they’re blaming it on AWS. Who should we believe?

Not trusting either or looking for something local

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Wyze is aware and providing updates. Always check the first post about an issue. This at least the third thread about the same outage. It’s Amazon Web Services that are causing the problem.

I suspect they will have it resolved soon.

Here’s a link to the first post:

They use a signal finder that either vibrates, rings or flashes light when the cam is recording. My postal carrier alerted me to it when they saw someone steal mail from my mailbox. One of my neighbors has one he wears and one he’s placed on his dog. It flashes red when he’s in the signal and stops when he’s out. I’ve also noticed the path they choose to walk to avoid my cams. I notice patterns.

So what who cares how many people post about the same problem. You are here aren’t you

So now some cameras say offline but when you open them up you can see they woek and 2 that are still offline amd wont work at all

There is no AWS outage reported. https://health.aws.amazon.com/health/status. They have a chronic problem with running an unreliable service. I love that I can’t view local cameras on my local network right now and there is literally nothing wrong with those cameras. Great system design! They will have it back up in 24 hours and will have learned nothing from the experience so just get used to it happening again in a few months. If you think this is a quality dev shop just look at the number of times they have had to pause or pull back firmware updates on their site because they didn’t test the firmware adequately. Probably a function of low quality development outsourcing.

Chuckling a little bit to myself… :roll_eyes::laughing:

Here Ill ask and feel dumb. Why are some working and some not. Arent they all on the same server?

My CAM 3 BACK ON AT 11:20 ET.

Buy a couple of cams from another service so you have something for backup every time Wyze goes down.

I just ordered a couple of Ring Indoor cams for this purpose.

Still having all kinds of problems here. Cams showing Offline in the app but I can view live feed, cams showing Online but when I try to view the feed it says it’s offline, no events recorded or notifications, etc… It’s a mess.

Mine are back online.

My cameras are back up also. I notice looking at my SD card that the camera was running and recording while the server was down.

We need a way to access our cameras when the servers are not running!

Why is that such an impossible task for Wyze?