Unable to stay logged into App

I’m getting pretty pissed off. The trust this device for 90 days when logging into my wyze app does nothing over the last few weeks it has kicked me out and made me sign in ever few days, now I cannot stay logged in for more than a few hours. The only fix action is to completely uninstall and reinstall. Force stopping and clearing all data does nothing. App maintains all permissions enabled.
Phone is Samsung S24 Ultra current version: 14, One UI: 6.1,


Also when logging in, for the first time after uninstalling and reinstalling it completely bypasses 2FA, I have both Phone Number and Code Generator enabled.

I have the s24+ and not seeing this issue. Curious on a couple of things:

  • Make sure you turn on the option for Manage Notifications Categories for each app. This will allow you to set notifications per app and not globally
  • May sound strange, but what is your resolution set to? In the past, I have seen issues where the resolution would cause this reboot. A quick test is to put at default and see if that corrects the issues.
  • When you clear the Cache, make sure that you clear it from the App as well and not just the Clear Cache from App Info.

Do you have another device to test with?
What Version of the App are your using? You could sign-up for the Beta release and see if it corrects your issue. If interested, you can do it by going here: Become a Beta Tester (wyze.com) Test the latest beta and then you can cancel your beta and roll back to the Production version.

Are you using a VPN or something else between your phone and Wyze’s servers that might be causing what Wyze’s cloud sees as your IP address to change in unexpected ways?

All notifications are turned on.

I cannot clear the in app cache if I cannot log in lol. I have already done so multiple times after I completely uninstall and reinstall.

Resolution 3120x1440

No other device to test with.


Already signed up for firmware beta.

Not using a VPN tested on home network and wireless.

I believe @spamoni was suggesting the beta app, which is currently version 3.2.0.b574.

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Yes, you are correct the Beta App.

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Since the Wyze app launches the default browser to handle authentication, is it possible that something corrupt in the browser’s cache would cause problems with this? I’m thinking of a related topic where some discussion revolved around the need to enable certain browser settings, and I wonder if something like that is at play, so I’d consider clearing the browser’s cache and trying a different browser (with appropriate settings) to see if that would make a difference here.

Updated to the beta.

We will see if it works.

It works a bit better but I was still logged out after a few days twice now.

Still logs me out once a week. I’m noticing in the latest beta version 3.2.1 of the app that it’s taking longer to connect to cameras now.

I still get logged out still every few days sometimes twice a day.

This is getting very anyoning it can log me out multiple times in a day to every day to every other day. Can someone please explain this.

I was already logged out again. Please someone help with this, its been going on for months!!!

,Please help with this

Is there an app or routine which deletes Wyze app data in Settings > App > Wyze > Storage?

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There is no routine.

Please see attacheded screenshots

Still getting logged out multiple times a day

Still being logged out multiple times a day