I have even tried with the following browsers: Default Samsung Browser, Opra, Firefox, and Chrome.
I get logged out two to four times a day. PLEASE HELP!!!
Can you please link me up with someone who can actually help me with this It’s extremely infuriating.
I will see what I can do.
Couple of questions:
- Did you ever contact Wyze and get a ticket number. I can use that to see if this can be escalated.
- When you are done using the app, are you simply switching to another app or swiping up?
- When you say automatically logs you out. Are you in the middle of something and then it resets or is everything fine until you tap on the app again.
- Are you still using the Samsung S21 device?
Also - when you get in the next time, can you please go to Account>Wyze Support and submit a log. Choose Account and Services and then other to submit the log.
Do you by chance have a privacy or “Cleaning” or “Boosting” app on your phone such as one of these popular one or similar?
- SD Main
- CCleaner
- Norton Clean
- Avast Cleanup & Boost
- Droid Optimizer
- etc?
Do you set your browser to automatically wipe all data or cookies or temp files everytime it closes?
I see that you said Samsung Browser is your default browser. Will you try an experiment for me and switch your default browser to Chrome for a little while and see if that changes anything? Maybe uninstall and reinstall the Wyze app while Chrome is listed as the default browser.
The reason I ask all of the above is because the Wyze APK has files in it which indicate Wyze uses what is called “webview” technology inside their app, which is often used in a way to have the app leverage the browser engine of the default browser on the phone. Therefore it is quite possible that the “Webview” implementation in the Wyze App is using the Samsung Browser in a way which may either have an incompatibility with things the Wyze app is trying to do for you, OR that something is being cleared from the browser engine frequently, or that the Browser fingerprinting is changing enough that the app keeps thinking it is loading on a new device (this also happens a lot with VPN’s, but some browsers do something similar. Regardless, it is my hypothesis that your authentication issues may be related to the app webview technology implementation and it may be possible to test a resolution by switching to a known compatible browser like Chrome as your default browser engine. If that turns out to be the case, then we will have narrowed down the issue and there may be more things we can try in order to switch your default browser engine back to Samsung (no guarantees though). There are a lot of potential variables here, but my primary hypothesis is an incompatibility with the Wyze app trying to leverage the Samsung Browser Engine as the “Webview” Browser engine within the Wyze app while you are using the Wyze app, and then something is being cleared regularly to the point where the Wyze app can’t confirm that credentials were saved because something keeps clearing. I mentioned the browser settings or cleaning apps, because I know of other apps that used “Webview” technology where browser settings or cleaning/booster apps cause this exact same thing to happen. If you can test all this by changing your default browser to Chrome then reinstalling the Wyze app, we may be able to confirm or mostly rule out this hypothesis. If you confirm it is related then I may make some other suggestions to see if I can help you resolve it.
In the meantime, Spamoni is reaching out to employees to see if they can help you too. I just thought I’d offer an idea since I have seen this exact same thing happen with other apps besides Wyze and this is sometimes a common issue, so I didn’t want to leave it out just in case.
- I have not
- I’ve done both
- It will log me out sometimes while using and after I lock my phone and open it back up
- I’m using the S24 Ultra
- I do not use any of those
- It is not set to do wipe my cookies etc
- Chrome is my default browser, I stated I had set all of them meaning I had tried setting all of them one by one as my default and I still get logged out
- I’m not using a VPN
- I’ve tried both the regular and beta versions of the app without prevail
Alright, hopefully Spamoni can get an employee to look into it for you. They may want a support ticket number they can reference and a log number as well so they can see what the app says about why it keeps happening. So it might be worth contacting support so spamoni can pass on your support ticket number and log number, especially if support isn’t able to help you.
I’m currently on Samsung S20 FE so the layout might be a little different as I am on older Android 13 (One UI 5.1).
I’m not sure if this will help you, but you can try the following:
- Settings > Battery and device care > Battery > Background usage limits > Never auto sleeping apps > add Wyze
- I also have “Put unused apps to sleep” unticked.
AFAIK, apps sleeping shouldn’t log you out so I don’t really know what’s going on.
I have the S24+ without issues. I also have Brave as my deault browser but had Edge and Chrome in the past. No issues with this at all.
Can you provide a log as well, I know Wyze will be asking for that.
I did reach out, will see what happens
I used the account and services → Other for the log: 1727726
Still getting logged out multiple times a day
Still happening
Any news?
Have not heard anything. However, Did you load the latest release?
I would uninstall the current app you have installed. Restart your device. then install the latest app. Mine is showing:
Yes I’m running 3.3.0 (609) nothing is fixed.
I’ve already even tried factory reset without any luck
I am not having any issues with my Samsung and pixel devices. Not a I having issues with iOS.
I can send another request tomorrow, but there may be some setting on the phone that is causing this.
I wouldn’t know as I have performed a factory reset and still same thing
I figured out that its not the Wyze app that’s logging me out it’s the Wyze widget:
If I click that it will log me out vs opening the app then it will reset it back to normal.
Furthermore, I dislike the widget as it’s constantly changes its stays to show and add to purchase the Wyze security system when I already have it and when I click it, I of course get directed to purchase the system. However, it won’t clear the widget back to status until I kill the app are restart it.
Please fix the ads when I already have it.
I use Android Wyze widgets and they don’t log me out. Perhaps the issue is your 3rd party Nova launcher.