Unable to log into app after factory reset (resolved)

Had to do a factory reset on my Samsung A52 due to a corrupted app causing my phone to lock up. Did a fresh install of the app from google play store (Version and I keep getting an error to contact customer service after I go through the 2FA. Tried both on Wi-Fi and cell service, no VPN installed. Also changed my password, just to see if that would make a difference. Getting the same error message on Chrome browser on the PC. But I’m able to log in through Edge into the “store page” on the website, then use WebView from there.

@Crease Thank you for posting that link, after trying a few ways I finally got it to work. Long story short… Cleared Wyze app data. Set default browser to Firefox, which gave me a few different log in options. Used log in via Google, which ended up bypassing the 2FA via text.

@Seapup Also did this over 5G cell service, Just to make sure my firewall/router didn’t cause any issues

Also thank you to everyone else who has commented and hope this works for others down the road.


Welcome to the Forum, @akira13126! :wave:

When you launch the Wyze app on your phone and tap Get Started, the app opens your phone’s default browser to log you into your account, and then the browser is supposed to pass you back to the app once it has the authentication token. Is it possible that process is broken here since all the apps and settings on your phone are freshly at their defaults? I wonder if you need to change a browser setting and if this topic might help:

If that particular post doesn’t provide an answer, then maybe something in that topic will.

:pencil2: Edit: I just re-read your post and picked up on this part:

That part has me confused. I don’t have an explanation for that. Just to try it myself, I logged in via Opera on a PC and can get into Wyze Web View without any apparent problem. :man_shrugging:


Just tried that, also tried using Edge and followed what someone else has posed for their work around. Tried setting default browser to Chrome, Edge, Samsung and even downloaded brave for the heck of it.

Go to an IP checker site like https://whatismyipaddress.com/ and see if you are unknowingly using a proxy server, VPN or anything else that obfuscates IP and location. And also check that IP against the blacklist tables. If positive, just go “naked” to login to Wyze, then resume whatever you have in place.

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I think you’re trying the right things, or at least the things I’d try myself in your situation. On my test phone, I cleared the cache inside the Wyze app (from the Account tab) and logged out, then I force-quit the app, cleared cache and data, and re-launched. I wanted to see if I could replicate the error you described, but I couldn’t. At the end of the in-browser portion of the login process, Firefox Focus popped a dialog that asked me if I wanted to “Open in app?” the “wyze://” link that was generated, and tapping “OPEN” took me right into the app as expected.


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