Hi there,
I think I have an issue with the new Wyze app 3.0 and downloading timelapse video’s from a V4 cam.
I have 7 Wyze cams V1-V4 incl Pan cams, and have never had issues with them working. I use two cams for a Youtube channel (https://www.youtube.com/@Stekkie40) where I post daily timelapses of the clouds above Eindhoven.
I was always using a V3 cam (the feed facing North) which worked fine and because I was so pleased I have ordered a new V4 cam (facing East). This worked fine for about 28 timelapses, even after the update to the 3.0 Cam app. But only for a few day’s, from around the 20th of august downloads weren’t loading to my phone anymore due to loss of connection of Wifi.
I have checked all the settings, updates etc, re-installed the camera’s and the Wyze app. I checked all the updates - all is up-to-date. The only issue was that I had only two bars in the Wifi reception, so I bought an Wifi-extender and a new MicroSD card. The wifi is now the full 3 bars, but I still can’t download. If I monitor the live feed, there is no loss of connection, the feed keeps streaming all day.
When I end the timelapse sometimes there is no download created - resulting in a total loss of content for that day. But when the timelapse is compiled on the V4 and I start the download to my cellphone the problems start. The download is very slow (around 0.5 to 1 mb/sec (a timelapse is around 1.6 GB), before the 20th this was at a much higher speed, more comparable to the speed of the V3 cam. The V3 cam still downloads at a very fast rate (1.2 gb in approx 20 minutes) via the same network and with no loss of connection to the Wifi.
I have deleted and re-installed the V4 camera, and also the Wyze Cam app (v3.0) but with no better results.
Is there a possibility to revert to the 2.5x version of the Wyze cam app, or does this make no difference
Help is much appreciated, because I live in The Netherlands I cannot contact the Wyze support team (only US and Canada can start a ticket).
Kind regards,
Rob Kuiten