Timelapse downloads very slow

Since ver. 3 the downloads are so slow !
cameras have 3 bars wifi signal , I use a mix of v3 and v3pros ,
but to download a 1.5Gb album item takes almost two hours and you can’t take the focus of the app because then he download stops and you have to go out of the app , back in and do it again in the hope it will continue were it stopped.
if you have a vpn running at the time and it should have re-connect with a different public ip, the download will stop and time out , when you restart the app it starts the download at 0% again. makes no sense to me since it’s a local download , cam and device are on the same network.

this new version of the app is very frustrating !

all cams and app are on the latest release ,
IOS app 3.1.6(1)


one of today’s download, a 760Mb file, took 63 minutes .

in comparison if also have Reolink cameras and downloaded a 900Mb Timelapse download after the Wyze one had finished and it took about 10 minutes. so I doubt it is my wifi network .

I have 4 timelapse files I download daily from the wyze cams and prior to ver 3 I was able to finish all of them within a couple of hours at most , now it takes me almost all day. I don’t have the time to babysit the downloads or tie up my devices to just this one task .

this might be the final nail in the coffin for my wyze gear as I’m about to rip them all out.

does anybody have any suggestions on how to fix this issue or experienced similar issues ?

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Are you able to take the card out of the camera and copy the time lapse file that way? That’ll be tons faster than the app download.

Why can’t Wyze add a basic camera ftp server? Disable writes, if security is an issue.

I know that would be a solution , but I don’t fancy climbing up the ladder everyday just to get the footage , when the process of downloading was working fine prior ver.3 .

either it will improve or “other cam are available”

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will not improve, bad people got to design, they even broke spotlight functionality.
and ladder option may actually take more time, when you count all the time to pull card, effort to combine files, hospital time after you fell off, kind ridiculous they advertise these cams good for seniors

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download speed comparison between my reolink and wyze cam …

it’s day and night , same time, same condition, equal distance from cam to router…

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