Wheb you start this project, there are many, many Smartthings Users that would be willing to help with Device handlers, etc.
I’m really looking forward to this Integration.
Thanks for the hard work!!!
Wheb you start this project, there are many, many Smartthings Users that would be willing to help with Device handlers, etc.
I’m really looking forward to this Integration.
Thanks for the hard work!!!
Patience is a virtue
Please don’t let this Smartthings integration derail the Wyze Scale that everyone’s been anxiously waiting for.
Excellent decision. Looking forward to the official release.
I use it a lot as well. However in my office I just connected a second hand android box behind the wall monitor and downloaded the Wyze app.
Any questions drop me a line
That would be fantastic!
My house as well as 3 others I helped install are already smart using smartthings and has worked well for over 2 years. ~10 to 25 devices per house. I have used mostly Wyze for cameras non integrated. What is missing is a good camera integration and a local continuous video storage option (wyze I hope for both). Please try to avoid or minimize the use of Samsung cloud, IFTTT or other cloud heavy solutions, they are all just to slow and unreliable. I can help with testing.
I would guess that “SmartThings integration” could be just allowing the fitness band to be used as a SmartThings presence sensor.
I am excited for SmartThings since I might actually be able to use my hub for something now. Moved all of my automation’s to HomeKit a few months ago since everything I have aside from my Wyze products are in HomeKit. I just hope adding SmartThings into the researching category doesn’t derail HomeKit.
Woohoo super excited for this integration, hopefully devices will connect directly to smartthings hub. Anxiously awaiting, have many things talking to smartthings already.
i’m willing to bet this will be a cloud integration. SmartThings is really pushing their new Schema integrations and Wyze already has experience with cloud integrations via Alexa, GH and IFTTT. In my experience, the new cloud integrations into SmartThings are pretty snappy. I’m using the new Kasa and August cloud integrations and they are almost instantaneous in SmartThings.
I thought homekit was already ruled out because the cameras didn’t have enough hardware resources?
HomeKit was ruled out for current cams but they are still pursing it for everything else (bulbs, sense, etc.). It was something Wyze was looking at taking up more in Q1 of 2020 but from what I can tell they haven’t made much progress on it at all. It seems hardware continues to be their main focus at this time.
Please do
That’s really exciting news! It’s totally towards the right direction!
And a question please: will this apply for cameras only or for all wyze products?
I was thinking take the contact sensor circuit and add it into a GFCI outlet (replace the reed switch with a switch that trips with the ground fault switch) so that I’d get a notification that it tripped. My GFCI outlet is in another bathroom at the other end of the house, so getting notified would give me a clue on what is wrong with the outlet in the other bathroom. It would require professional installation or very confident homeowner installation. (The coin battery would be replaced with getting power from an ac/dc converter)
YAY!!! This is a game changer for me. I’ll be buying more Wyze products once this happens. Definitely available to help test or give feedback.