Original Post:
We’re considering SmartThings but make no promises for now. This would allow people to integrate their Wyze devices for automation with non-Wyze devices.
Original Post:
We’re considering SmartThings but make no promises for now. This would allow people to integrate their Wyze devices for automation with non-Wyze devices.
While RTSP gives more flexibility, I do appreciate the native support for SmartThings.
Hoping this will happen especially since I have to work around to link it to ST as IFTTT integration is broken right now. This is a big issue for me hope they fix it! Maybe Stringify integration if IFTTT to have other option? Stringify multiple IF conditions that IFTTT does not have.
100% official support would BLOW UP on the SmartThings community who have been reeling in pain for a great cheap camera ever since Blink royally screwed over the SmartThings community multiple times.
I would LOVE this.
yes please!!
While i am able to do some integration using IFTT it isn’t perfect, having native support would be a game-changer for both Wyze and Smartthing community
Please do!!! Also a vote for more native support through Actiontiles.
i logged in to support ST integration after we lost ST integration with Blink b/c of Amazon. been holding off on some extra cameras to replace old foscams.
This would be awesome, I created an account just to be able to vote this up.
I vote yes
yes please
I have three cameras now and would definitely buy more if this happened.i
Stop “considering” and just do it! I promise to buy more cameras if it works with SmartThings.
I too support this integration and would receive value from this intgreation. I would be willing to beta test and provide feedback.
Please do it!!
Yess pleasee
7 cameras now a more in the future…need ST integration! Yes! Do it!
I wonder if the new cloud-to-cloud tools that SmartThings/Samsung announced at SDC will make this easier?
Waiting for Smartthings & Google Home integration for buy a bunch of this cameras!!