SD card not found on my pan cam

Recently my Wyze pan cam V3 has been indicating that the “SD card not found”. I’ve replaced the SD card with New formatted SD card and also a known good SD card. In either case the camera is not recognizing a card in place.

Is this typical of a camera that is failing. Are there options other than just replacing the camera?


that’s been reported here and on reddit a few times. bad firmware is suspected. Hoping the next update resolves the issue.

That can be a symptom of moisture or dirt in the SD card slot. You can try (with the cam unplugged) putting a few drops of isopropyl alcohol into the sd slot, inserting and removing the card several times, then letting it dry for a while with the protective cover open. Wipe off the SD card contacts and put it back in and see if it works.

While waiting for it to dry, format the SD card in a PC too.

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I have the latest firmware on two Pan v3s and SD cards with continuous recording are working fine. Haven’t heard of any firmware related SD issues on this cam.

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@JamesT6 @dave27
Thanks guys. I’m trying the Slot and Card cleaning method suggested by Dave27 now…


Thanks guys,
Slot/ card cleaning did not help. Ordered a new Pan Cam.

I had the same problem with my v2 cameras not recognizing the sd card under “events playback”. Wyze wizards could not fix the issue and told me to buy new cameras, my cameras were under 2 years old. I cancelled my subscription for cam plus instead, I am not going to pay for a service that I have to keep buying new cameras for. Very disappointing!

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Wyze pan cam SD card question

I have 2 Wyze pan camera’s. Each have valid SD cards. Each camera responds differently when I attempt to view the events. Both show the events on the SD cards but the Stair cam notes “SD card not available while the shed cam responds as expected. Why would this happen ?

[Mod Note]: Your duplicate topic has been merged to conform to the Community Guidelines. Please avoid crossposting the same issue as multiple topics.

I think what you’re describing is an issue that I’ve seen tracked through several fix-it-friday topics and thought might’ve been largely resolved at this point. The last time I remember writing about it in any detail was in June:

I was having two different experiences with two different Cam Pan v3s at that time. The last firmware update I see for that one was in July, and it appears that it wasn’t written specifically to address that issue, but I have a vague recollection that Wyze was trying to fix something on the server side to address this.

If you’re current with your firmware on both cameras, then it might be worth reproducing the issue and then submitting a log and following that up with a Support ticket that includes the Log ID so it can be tracked with details of the problem. Prior to that, though, I’d be curious about swapping the microSD cards between the cameras (to see if the problem follows the card or stays with the camera that’s currently throwing the error) and/or possibly reformatting the microSD cards (a lot of people tend to like the SD Memory Card Formatter from SD Association) to see if that makes any difference.

Before doing any of that, though, can you verify that you’re able to view events from that card in the app at all? From your images, it looks like you’re tapping on events from the Events tab, but what happens if you navigate to the app’s home screen, then select the Live Stream for the camera that’s giving you the error, and then look at the RECENT EVENTS drawer (at the bottom) and/or the SD Card control (in the strip below the live view pane)? Can you scroll through there, see events tagged, and view them? Going through that might help to determine if you’re experiencing this older problem (viewing from the Events tab) or if it’s something different, perhaps related to the card itself.

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Make sure you do a low-level format on your SD card by clicking the “Overwrite format” option using SD Memory Card Formatter: > Wyze camera is corrupting and locking the SD cards - #2 by Seapup

Then do a Reset Services: > Fix-It Friday - June 2024 - #124 by Seapup

Then powercycle your CPv3 cam.

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i’m hoping it’s an issue with the recent firmware, but i purchased a new pan v3 to be sure.

The maddening part of this is that I was having this issue with only one of my 2 pan cameras and bought a brand new one to try to get past it.
The oldest one is working perfectly but this new one with the new latest software is exhibiting the problem

what software is the oldest one on?
and newest?

Oldest is

Newest is

my non-functioning SD Card Pan V3 is also at

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That’s similar to my experience, where I could view events on my older Cam Pan v3, but my newer unit (more recent purchase and newer activation date) was giving me problems, even though both were on the same firmware version. I still don’t know what the discrepancy was. :man_shrugging:

Not sure where we go from here. Not getting any direction. Can’t use my Cam Pa until this gets fixed.

Anyone have any suggestions on getting answers to this issue. My NEW pan cam is basically usless until there is a fix

If the cam is new, get a warranty replacement.

Thanks Dave27, but I really like the Pan Cam and prefer having a fix rather than returning it. Seems that I’m not the only one.