Wyze Cam Pan v3 won’t recognize SD cards

I ordered the black 2 pack, 2 ea 32 gb SD card and the outdoor adapter set a few weeks ago, setup went well until I tried watching events. Both cameras would not recognize the SD and therefore there was no events recorded. Contacted Wyze and they sent, what was supposed to be another 2 pk, but only sent 1. Same exact thing, would not recognize SD card. Got the order issue figured out and they sent another 2 pk this week. Was just setting them up a few minutes ago and once again, neither will recognize SD cards. I’ve put the cards in my other Wyze Cameras and they’ve worked just fine. The Wyze cam pan V3’s will not recognize nor record to the cards at all. Any ideas or is the Pan V3’s just garbage cameras?

Welcome to the Forum, @gdhoward65301! :wave:

What you’re describing seems to be what’s already been discussed extensively as a known issue. Here’s a relevant topic:

You didn’t mention how you’re trying to watch events, so I’ll ask: How are you trying to watch events? If you’re attempting to do this from the  Events tab, then that may be the problem (the bug that Wyze apparently needs to resolve). What happens if you navigate to the camera’s Live Stream screen and review events in the RECENT EVENTS section or (on that same screen) tap the  SD Card to display the microSD card recording timeline? What do you see there? Screenshots might be helpful in troubleshooting.

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Live stream is fine but you’re right, in events it just shows a pic with an SD card symbol in the lower left corner. In the Liveview mode, I can hit SD card playback and it says C


Unable To View Playback

To view playback from local storage, insert a microSD card into your camera. You can purchase one from our Shop.

If you’d like to store and view your videos in the cloud instead, upgrade to Cam Plus.

I have had 4 Wyze Cam V3’s for yrs now and never once had an issue. As a matter of fact, I put the 2 new cards I ordered in those and they’re working perfectly. I did see this issue has been going for a while and I’m curious as to why Wyze didn’t tell me that the 1 time I talked to them on the phone and the 3 times in chat? Instead, they’ve sent me 3 Wyze Cam Pan V3’s and told me to “recycle” the ones that wouldn’t record.

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Yep, known issue with the Pan v3s with one of the app updates. For now just use the events list on the main camera screen (not the events tab or from a notification), or go to the SD card from that same screen and scroll through the timeline looking for icons.

Hopefully it will be fixed soon…

I’ll give that a shot. I guess I’ve got 5 cams for the price of 2 but if they’d have told me that in the beginning, I wouldn’t have bought them.

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I think the images you shared are helpful, especially this one. That’s not the issue I thought you were initially describing, so I’m really not sure what’s happening here or why it’s not recognizing the card’s presence at all.

What I thought you were talking about at first was the message some users have received when they try to play back event footage from the microSD card when they’re viewing an event from the  Events tab. In those cases, the camera is recognizing and recording to the microSD card, and this can be seen by navigating to  Settings ➜ Advanced Settings for the affected camera. Also, the microSD card footage can actually be reviewed in the ways I mentioned previously. That particular issue seems to have affected some (but not all) Cam v3s, Cam Pan v3s, and even some Cam v2s (at least according to what I’ve read in the Forum), but since it’s sporadic I’m not convinced that it’s an app issue. That doesn’t seem to be your issue, though.

Since you’re pulling cards from the Cam Pan v3s and putting them in older Cam v3s anyway, have you tried popping them into a PC or something to see if any Cam Pan v3 footage has been recorded at all? (If the app is giving you a “Not Found” message when you try to toggle Record to MicroSD Card ON, then maybe that’s just a no-go, anyway. I’m just curious.)

I wonder if a bad batch of Cam Pan v3s is out there with faulty microSD card slots. This seems really odd to me. :man_shrugging:

If you’ve been using Wyze cameras for years, then I imagine you’re probably up to date with the app and all the devices’ firmware, but I wouldn’t want to overlook that in case that’s part of the issue somehow.

To clarify, does it work from the camera view if you tap an event there? If so, it isn’t that big of a deal to do it that way for now. If not, then you have an issue with your SD cards, they make be fake or bad. Try formatting them in a PC first with sd card formatter from sdcard.org (windows or mac format will probably work fine too but that utility is the one of choice to use).

What type of SD card did you buy? I had two pan v3 using a SD without problems.

This card was suggested to use with my pan v3… It was initialized by the app when I chose to record on SD… I had to go in events to see the video recording. I only had access to a picture in my notifications. I first thought it was only taking picture but it was recording a short movie all right. I suppose you went in events tab and events in the live screen of the selected cam to find your videos and they were not there.

If you have a SD with U3 A2… Or they call them: microSDXC UHS-I
It should be working and therefore, it could be your cams that are problematic. They may work with other types of card but I’ve been told to buy this specific type of card for best result and compatibility with cams requirements.

Hope it helps! :slightly_smiling_face:

As @Crease said, why is record to SD turned off?

I have the same issue with my Wyze OG after the microsd get full. Maybe is a software problem…

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@Antonius, the error message displayed in that image is what I see if I hit the Record to MicroSD Card toggle and try to turn it ON but don’t have a card in the slot. That’s normal in that scenario. I imagine @gdhoward65301 attempted to enable recording with a card in the slot and saw this message, and that’s the problem, though I don’t know why it’s happening in this case.

@Alfred10, the camera should begin overwriting the oldest recordings on the card when it’s full. In your case, I think I’d make sure the camera’s firmware is current and also consider a fresh format of the card with the SD Memory Card Formatter. What you’re describing seems like it may be a separate issue (and it’s a different camera), so I wonder if finding a topic that describes that particular problem or starting a new topic might be more helpful to you.

Because it doesn’t recognize the SD card. When you tap that, it will turn green and then go straight to what you see with the pop up that is in the screen shot

Your issue is totally different. If it still isn’t working after formatting like I suggested, time to get a new SD card, that one appears to be going bad.

@Crease You are correct. There is a card in there that has been formatted, came from Wyze and works just fine in a non pan camera. These 2 cameras are #4 & 5 replacement cameras. The prior 3 are doing the exact same things. I will be hooking them up again to see if I can view events from these cameras by going through the SD card screen that someone else was talking about.

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or a new camera, sometimes it’s the camera that’s busted and no amount of formatting or new cards does a damn thing :frowning:

True. There are a couple things you can try like getting a bit of contact cleaner down in the slot and inserting/removing a card several times, then spray a bit more to rinse and let it dry. May or may not help.