Sd card in cam

Hello, 2 of my cameras have Sd card issues. One says Sd card not available. I have removed it and put it back in and it didn’t change anything. The other camera doesn’t always record and if it does the video is corrupted. Any ideas on what can be done?

The first step is to use microSD cards that are “high endurance” (from any manufacturer).

Forgive me for repeating this, as I’ve been saying this since the days of the V1.

Ok, I bought them from Wyze. I’m assuming they are proper?

I don’t know about the current Wyze cards, but the ones they sold in the old days were absolutely CRAP. Many reports of them only lasting a few months (including the ones I bought). I am using SanDisk High Endurance cards with very good results.
Note, try the card in something else to determine if the problem is the card or card slot in the camera (I have had two of those fail too).


In situations like this, providing more detail can be helpful: camera firmware, app version, where you are in the app and what you’re doing at the time you see the error message, etc. Screenshots are good, too, as is an idea of your settings (i.e., whether you have the cameras set for Continuous or Events Only microSD recording).

If you’re seeing a message about the microSD card being unavailable when you try to view an item from the Events tab, then that’s a known issue that has been affecting some Cam Pan v3s (seems like it used to be seen more frequently on regular Cam v3s), and I’ve also seen reports of it affecting some Cam v2s. The typical recommended work-around at this time (until Wyze fixes it) is to try to view events from the microSD card recording timeline on the camera’s Live Stream screen. If you’re seeing an error elsewhere, then providing additional context here is useful to other community members trying to assist.

Mentioning the size might be useful, too, as smaller cards reportedly tend to wear out faster than higher-capacity cards. As @K6CCC indicated, using cards with better reputations for reliability may be helpful. I also like the SanDisk High Endurance cards and have used SanDisk Extreme cards in the past (256 GB capacity on both), and many Forum members seem to swear by Samsung PRO Endurance.

Having said that, I’d still consider pulling the cards from your cameras and using the SD Memory Card Formatter from SD Association to format the cards in a PC, especially if you think at least one of the cards has corrupt data. Generally when you pull one of these, you’ll want to navigate in the Wyze app to a camera’s Live Stream screen and then tap Settings ➜ Advanced Settings ➜ Manage MicroSD Card ➜ Eject MicroSD Card so that you don’t cause data corruption by pulling the card while the camera is attempting a write operation. Some people go as far as powering down their cameras, but I don’t think that’s necessary.

Welcome to the Forum, @rtedeschi! :wave:

Wyze just rebrands middle of the road cards. They are not endurance rated from what I’ve seen. They will work fine for a while (how long depends how much you’re recording) but all SD cards have a number of writes that they can handle, and once they hit that, they start acting strange or not working at all.

As others have suggested, you can take them out, format them in a PC (preferably with SD Card Formatter) and try again. Or take a new/known good card and test both cams to confirm if that is the issue or not.

Thanks :+1:t3:

If you end up needing to replace them, I’d recommend Samsung Pro Endurance (usually pretty cheap but they seem to be out of stock a lot of places and thus being sold at higher prices by 3rd parties, hopefully that clears up soon) or there are a couple lines of Sandisk also rated for constant writing, I believe Extreme and/or Extreme Pro (haven’t used them in a while but I have a couple of 10 year old Sandisk Pro line cards in dash cams that are still going strong).

Looks like the two current lines are
Samsung Pro Endurance (the ones I use, the 128Gs are usually in the $12 to $13 range but are priced pretty high right now for some reason, the smaller and larger versions are in normal price range right now)

Sandisk High Endurance which looks to be on sale on Amazon for about the same prices that the Samsungs often go on sale for.

Just always make sure to get “sold by amazon” and if it arrives with a white sticker with barcode on it (which means it is actually 3rd party stock that amazon mixed in) either make them replace it or run it through a couple tests, like the brand’s authenticity checker and/or doing a full overwrite format with SD Card Formatter.

Lots of counterfeit cards out there, have to be careful.

seems to be an issue going around with multiple older cameras :frowning:

Because the SD cards in older cameras are older and have taken a lot more writes.

Nothing lasts forever :frowning:

except in my older cameras, where the same card is still going strong, many years on

evidently i’m the only one seeing this as an issue in multiple cameras. and other just don’t see the posts or connect them, that’s odd but i guess it is what it is. And wyze doesn’t seem aware of even able to fix or want to fix anything thesse days. oh well.

Happy turkey day to those who celebrate

I have yet to disprove that theory with my SD cards. :grinning_face:

In regular use since 2019.

Give it some time… :rofl:

Still waiting …

You crack me up!

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So quick update. Purchased sandisk high endurance 256. Put them in all 3 of the cameras. Works like a charm. One of the old San disks I removed actually had to be reformatted on my laptop… btw it was a normal 128 not high endurance. Thanks for the help peeps!!!


I have the same issue, I have older V3 with old sd card and still works perfectly except my 1 year Cam Pam V3 where it was ok before october 2024 and then i’m not able to read the event on the sd card. Honestly this is not the first time I have issues with those 2 cam pan V3. I just bought 2 new V4 to compare…

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