QR code scan causing endless trouble

Also noticed you mention your ip address.
You do not enter ip address in network settings in the app.

You enter the SSID (usually a name your provider sets and is on the router sticker), and your networks password.
Unless your admnin your network actively and have changed to SSID (like WeCanSeeWhatYourSurfing/som3#cr@zy5!str0ngPw)

my phone is saying cant connect while data server is on?

my network would be Wpa2 psk

nope, wpa2psk is not the network name.
Thatā€™s security protocols.

IP is something like of or some 10. address (router)

Network name should be on the router side or base on a sticker, unless as said before you changed it yourself.

could be Fios3456

something of that sort

So a bit of a breakthrough for me. I experienced all the same problems described above. Infuriating.

Then, I realized that due to the way my phone was rendering the QR code, a portion of the QR code was being hidden by the text box that says ā€œI heard QR code scannedā€.

I used my finger to slide the image up slightly, revealing the full QR code (the bottom 5% was previous obscured) and the image scanned within 2 seconds.

I am pretty convinced this is the root of these problems.


Hello @Mullet and welcome to the community.

Thank you for letting us know how you solved the issue you ran into, I can add that into the questions I ask when I try to help someone troubleshoot.

Hi Mullet, I didnā€™t read your post until I already discovered the same issue on my Android phones.

After spending 2 hours troubleshooting the networks ( have access to several 2.6 networks), fiddling with screen brightness, distance to camera, angling phone, placing camera and phone in a box to eliminate glare, placing my hand between camera and phone to force refocus, etc, I noticed that about 1/8" of the bottom of the QR code was cut off. Scrolled the QR code up and the code read instantly! The next 2 cameras, likewise scanned instantly after scrolling upward to reveal the entirety of the code.

I also saw in another thread that the QR codes expire after 5 minutes so everyone needs to get a fresh code, scroll upward and try again.

I bet this is why printing the code works for some people because the full code is getting printed.


I am convinced this issue is the root problem of this whole QR scanning code debacle of which so many people have written.

The problem is compounded by the fact that you canā€™t tell the bottom of the QR code is obscured. It looks like the full code but is unreadable since incomplete.

The product team at Wyze could fix by relocating the text box at the bottom (or other ways).

I spent 30+ minutes getting the first camera to scan. Then spent 20 minutes on the second camera until I discovered the problem.

I wish more people could read this post before wasting so much time.

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Could you let us know what phone youā€™re using as well as the app version? Weā€™ll fix it

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My phone is a Google Pixel 3XL running Android version 10.

I learned that QR code was obscured when I was reading through this thread after spending 30+ minutes getting the first code to scan, and someone posted the suggestion to try pinching and zooming to make the QR code larger. When I zoomed, I realized the bottom ~5% of the code was obscured. Everything scanned quickly (< 2 seconds) after the QR code was right sized and although I only have 2 cameras currently, I am convinced that the problem is resolved for me now that I understand the issue.

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Did you see it on the latest android 2.8 app?

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I am using Wyze App version 2.8.24

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I am using a Moto G5+ running Android 8.1.0
Wyze app 2.8.24

Same thing happened when I tried an old Moto Droid running Android 5 and Wyze 2.8.24

Both worked without issue once the QR code was scrolled upward.

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Thanks for confirming. I tested on my test phone with default Display size and it works fine but if I change it to Larger, I did have to scroll at QR code scanning page. Iā€™ll see if we can adjust it on our end.


I was having the same issue, Once I moved the QR code upward slightly ,the camera scanned the code in about 2 seconds. I didnā€™t realize the bottom of the QR code was hidden

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OMG. Why doesnā€™t Wyze support know this???

The Wyze product team are aware and Wyze is working to fix this issue. Obviously a lot of customers probably return their cameras in frustration, so I think this is high priority for them.

The sliding up of the QR code squareā€¦INSTANTLY SOLVED my set up issues. My 65 year old brain was about to give up and box it up and send it back to Amazon.
Thanks to this forum answer!!!
Thanks Mullet-!!!

I had the same experience. Scanned in 1 second once the full QR code was revealed. But I spent almost an hour getting to that point with my 2 cameras.

As Iā€™ve stated, I think this issue is the root issue of all the QR code scanning issues that have been reported.

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Yay, this worked like a charm!