QR code scan causing endless trouble

Ok,. I finally figured this out.
After downloading the app, I thought I had to use my PHONE CAMERA to read the QR block.

I found the answer on You tube, showing the CAM looking at the QR block that was displayed by the AP… It connected in less than 30 seconds.

The instructions in the AP are not clear about that… But once i did it, it wanted to upgrade firm ware, so its doing that now. WOW… maybe I will see this thing working today after all.


Here are screenshots from the app. From the first screen shown here, if you press “Show me how”, it has a visual on how to scan the QR code. Hope that helps! :slight_smile:

After the update they had it was all bad I’m getting rid of my wyze cam because of this issue so disappointed

Welcome to the community, @Celticsfanatik90. What is the exact issue you are having? Have you submitted a support request?

Here are the Troubleshooting Guides. You can also run through the troubleshooting flow chart by clicking “Begin Troubleshooting” at the top of this page.

The issue im having is that my camera won’t read the QR code after i upgrade to the new firmware i hold it for almost 30min after i heard the the ready to connect and nothing

Here’s a few things that may cause the QR code to not be read.

  • Not holding the phone still long enough at 4"-6" from lense. (Try one distance per attempt)
  • Protective film still over camera lens (yes, some people have done this, including yours truly :wink: )
  • Brightness of screen at a level that camera has trouble reading
  • Screen protectors on phone screen

Some other things to try:

  • Change phone screen resolution in display settings
  • Clean the screen and/or turn off room lights to prevent glare
  • Print out the QR code on a printer and hold that up to the camera lens

I hope one of those helps!

I’m going to try those out and I’ll let you know thanks for your suggestions Dreadpiraterush

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I had all kinds of problems getting bar codes to work on my old phone which had an OLED display. Including Amazon lockers.

When that phone quit and I replaced it, those problems went away.

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Thank you so much for that golden nugget of information. Spent 20 minutes trying to scan the QR label on the bottom of the WYZE cam with my phone.

I am having issues getting the QR scan completed. I had NO PROBLEM scanning my pan & scan WYZE camera previously to work with no problems. I have unplugged it and will try again. I’ll let you know my outcome.

I can’t get past the scan bar code & have wasted my whole day trying everything

You’re aware that you’re supposed to scan the QR code displayed on your phone screen using the Wyze camera, right? Sometimes people get confused and think they’re supposed to scan something with their phone’s camera.

Nerdland is correct. This frustrated me to no end when I had first set one up cause there is a small QR code on the bottom of the actual camera. I was trying to scan that code with a QR scanner on my phone. Instead when the QR code appears on your actual phone your supposed to hold you phone up in front of the wyze cams lens so the wyze cam will scan the QR code displayed on your phone.

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what an idiot I am I was trying to put the 2 codes together instead of using your camera to scan the code. Now I can’t get it to recognize my iP address

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I did mine correctly but it took several tries for the cameras to read the QR code off my phone.

Not sure about the IP address issue. What is it saying exactly?

saying cant connect step after scan

are you on a fringe of wifi range or possible in a rf blackhole?
In my place the chimney is evil, blocking a substantial part of the house from wifi.

Try connecting from a different location

and a stupid observation, phone at an slight angle to the lens when scanning qr is crucial.

it is saying can not find specified network name

did you specify your network and password in the app?
did the camera switch to its network then release it and return to yours?
again, did you move the camera to a different place like a different room etc to see if you have a better wifi signal there?

You aware there seems to be a qr code not appearing to scan issue for people this afternoon too?
If you are getting a qr to scan you are a step ahead of many.