QR code scan causing endless trouble

Eureka! It would have saved me an hour of frustration if they would add this tip to their help page on scanning the QR codes. Great catch, thanks.

Glad it was only an hour. I spent MANY.

Good info here, but something is still going on. Have had 6-7 cameras working (including a few pans) for months now. I reset my WiFi password recently and was going through the setup of each camera to get them back online. The first two cameras were stationary cams, they scanned the QR in seconds on my iPhone8. The first PAN Cam I tried wouldn’t scan at all. Read through all comments, then tried multiple variations. Finally got out my Pixel3 and the PAN scanned the QR immediately. However, the app reported the password was wrong and asked me to retype. This happened 3 times on my Pixel3. So I tried the iPhone again but no success. I unplugged the camera from the wall and plugged it back in and after initializing the blue light came on (suggesting it was connected). Sure enough, the camera is back online. There is a bug in the setup for sure. Will get to the other cameras some other time, too late to get to them all tonight. I really hope the others are not problematic. I’ve also got to do firmware upgrades so hoping that goes smoothly.

I myself has also problem scanning (QR code) . I placed the camera next to my flash light, Put more light facing my mobile phone, finally it did worked. Good Luck

I messed around with my camera for over 30 minutes, YOU ARE RIGHT !!! I all I had to do was slide the QR code UP on my screen to see the FULL code and the camera read it in 2 seconds !!! Thanks for the tip !!!

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Glad it worked! :relaxed:

yup, moved the qr code and connection worked

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Happy that it worked. I tried to get Wyze to add this to their troubleshooting steps. Don’t know if they did.

Virus-free. www.avast.com

Except that’s not for a cam 3!!!

I spent nearly an hour, couldn’t get it scanned, going crazy!!

I did as well. But the simple fix is to slide the screen on your phone up slightly before holding it in front of your WYZE camera.

This used to be the resolution that always worked when I set up mine a few months ago.

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I have had the issue where you have to scroll up so the complete QR code is showing on your screen. More recently the image seems to come in without scrolling. However just yesterday I installed two doorbells and the QR code took forever to read. I was in the shade and it was overcast, so I don’t believe outdoor conditions had anything to do with it.

I noticed that my screen brightness was turned down a little, and while I could see the screen just fine the Wyze camera needed the screen at 100%. This resolved my issue of reading the QR code. Good luck!

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First time emailer. Just spent an hour and a half setting up my (first) v3 Cam. Like so many others, couldn’t get past the QR Scanner. After looking on this Forum, tried virtually everything suggested. FINALLY ( just prior to removing my iPhone SE protective screen), I simply wiped off the screen( actually just on my T-shirt) and did the usual 5” ±, from Cam, with a couple horizontal iPhone tilts, CONNECTED. I have another v3 Cam coming, and will do the same “screen clean”

Wyze could recode that part of the install code moving the scan window up a little bit.

IPAD is the key to this ongoing frustrating mutha of a problem. I’ve reset cameras, replaced cables, power adapters, deleted app, delete cameras, factory reset everything, but the very first time using an IPAD- BAM-SUCCESS. WYZE- you suck for letting this go on so long.

I feel your frustration with the QR code scan process.