OMG! The Wrath of Kahn! Live long and Prosper Captain Spock!
I digress…
I am on Android 11 with app .111. All of my notification issues are on CamV3 with the updates. One VDB v1 with updates. I have CamPlus (CP) Unlimited. Yes, CP is $ subscription paid annual or monthly.
CamPlusLite is available to all now as a ‘pay what you want’ model. However, I would recommend anyone interested review the threads linked below first. There are many experiencing difficulty actually getting the licence on their account for what they want to pay…or not ($0), and also loading the cam to the license. Other issues are in setting the event thumbnail\video type. This is all ‘a strange new world’ so it is still being sorted out.
To get it at no cost, most have confirmed that it needs to be done after logging into your account on the web page. I posted about that previously. The link is the last one below.