Yes, I see your dilemma. I was having exactly the same issue in testing and I have the most up to date app on Android
I am pretty sure the update from your current version, was to handle the introduction of CPL. It might make a difference to adding to CPL.
I was getting the same results as you testing it several times with cams open for assignment but no way to add to CPL:
Then I went to the webpage under my account and clicked on the add a subscription button on the manage my services page. I tried to do it several times using the EDIT link by the CPL but all failed.
I was able to get a positive confirmation that I added a CPL subscription. I entered $0. It did give me the are you sure you don’t want to give us more $$ popup, But answering NO works. You should see the confirmation at the top of the page.
With that new CPL subscription on the books, it took a minute for it to migrate servers and to show up in CPL in the app, but eventually the plus sign showed up in CPL for me to add the second cam.