- I have tried every hookup in wiring diagrams to try and can’t get it to work with my current doorbell chime in my house. None work so I have no way for my husband to know someone is ringing door unless he downloads app which he doesn’t want.
- When I click live there is a constant irritating sound and sounds. It’s never quiet, it’s very eery and it drowns out sounds like my door opening or car coming in driveway. It’s not white noise and it drowns out what person outside is trying to say.
**I now have a new issue in my attempt to fix this. I decided to reset and go through setup again to see if it would fix and when I get to the scanning of the code it fails and says to re scan. I am unable to rescan bc I don’t have one to scan. Tried screen shot and that didn’t work. Now it is stuck at that screen with orange circle. No matter what I hit it won’t clear.
Note: I was going to put wireless doorbell back up and I subscribed to get longer clips or constant recording but nothing has changed. Now that I research it no matter which camera I use I won’t have 24/7recording due to no memory card. I am at a loss after spending almost 200 and not getting what I need. Please help!! And now I have no doorbell either.
My doorbell stopped working more than a few years ago.
I haven’t missed it.
Although I can see it could be frustrating to some.
Hopefully some one will chime in with a proper solution.
Thank you. Me too. I’m so frustrated over it. If they would just put a memory card in the wireless one it would be perfect.
@ncpalinda, I have some follow-up questions:
- Which doorbell(s) do you have? Reading your posts, I have a feeling that you might have both a Video Doorbell v2 and a Video Doorbell Pro. Is that correct?
- What are your transformer specifications? What is the voltage at the location where you intend to place the doorbell unit (with the button and camera)?
- What other IoT/“smart” devices do you have available? Things like Google Home speakers, Wyze Plugs, or some other Wyze Cam models can potentially be used as accessory doorbell chimes if your husband doesn’t want to use the Wyze app for notifications.
Yes I do have both the doorbells you mentioned.
I do not have specifications on the original transformer due to it being buried in the attic and hard to access. My husband (installer) did check the voltage and it is within the required limits it needs. It will start to ding but never completes the cycle. He tried every wiring setup in the manual.
Only other device I have that we could use for the ding is my Google Nest. But before we could do any of that we need to get it setup again and out of the stuck setup screen and then figure out the noise that makes it un usable.
Any help would be appreciated. Sorry about not being able to access transformer. My house was built in 1966 and it was prob put in before everything else around it
Thank you for taking the time to answer some questions! My response is likely to be long and will mostly involve the Video Doorbell v2, because that’s the only Wyze doorbell model with which I have any experience.
As much as I generally dislike making assumptions, I’m going to start with two:
- Your original “dumb” doorbell button worked. Before you began installing “smart” camera doorbells, you had a simple button wired to your chime box and transformer and mounted outside. It rang the house’s built-in chime when you pressed it.
- You have a mechanical chime mounted in your house. When the old “dumb” doorbell button was hooked up and you pressed it, your chime made a nice ding-dong! sound.
I’m going to begin with those premises and then move through what I would do if I was trying to solve this problem. If I’m wrong about those two things (or anything else along the way), then feel free to let me know, and maybe we’ll have to come up with a different starting point.
Edit: If you have an unsupported or incompatible chime, then that could likely account for your issue. If you haven’t already done so, you may want to familiarize yourself with the Video Doorbell v2 section of the Help Center. The steps below refer to several articles from that section of the Support site.
- I’d begin with the transformer, because if that isn’t meeting the minimum specifications, then the rest of this is going to be irrelevant until that’s resolved. I am not an electrician, and I want to be clear about that, but I do have a multimeter (an inexpensive unit I picked up years ago at Harbor Freight) and have learned how to use it, so I favor testing early in the process, and that’s what I did when I installed my own Video Doorbell v2: I tested the voltage at the doorbell mounting location wires after I removed the original “dumb” doorbell button. I’m recommending that you test here, too, particularly since you said that your transformer is in your attic and difficult to access. More recently, while troubleshooting my own doorbell and assisting another Forum member, I tested again (this time at the transformer) and you can see the photo and read about that in another topic if you’re so inclined. In my testing, I see 18.4-18.5 V at the transformer, which is labeled 10VA 16V, Wyze’s recommended minimum. If everything’s in order with the transformer, then I’d move onto the next step.
- Since you’re currently unable to complete setup, I’d attempt to factory reset the Video Doorbell v2, and, because you mentioned “the stuck setup screen”, I’d probably also be likely to do this:
- Force close the Wyze app (if that’s possible on iOS; I use Android).
- Launch the app and delete the Video Doorbell v2 if it’s still showing up in your list of devices.
- Navigate to Account ➜ App Settings ➜ Cache File Size and tap Clear.
- Navigate back one screen and tap Log Out.
- Reboot your phone.
- Launch the Wyze app and log in. This should pull down a fresh copy of your Wyze app contents and settings from Wyze’s servers.
If all of that works, then you should be back to your starting point, so I’d try setting up the doorbell again as if it’s new.
- Following the Video Doorbell v2 Installation Guide and the Chime Controller Installation Guide, I’d complete the physical installation using the standard wiring instructions for installing the Chime Controller. Since you’ve already installed Video Doorbell v2 once before, presumably the Chime Controller is already in your home’s chime box, so at this point I’d refer to the photograph of the chime box’s setup from before you started (hopefully you did this as advised during the original installation) to make sure the chime box’s wires are in the correct places, and then I’d connect the Chime Controller’s wires as described for the standard wiring scheme in the Chime Controller Installation Guide.
- If at this point you
- have the hardware installed and
- ⤷ flip your breaker on to restore power and
- ⤷ go to test the doorbell and
- ⤷ pressing the button does not make your doorbell’s chime ring, then
- ⤷ make sure the doorbell has been powered on for at least 20-30 minutes. There’s a capacitor inside the doorbell camera unit that needs to charge. Take a break. Fix yourself a
. Read through the rest of the Help Center troubleshooting article you just linked to, because we may need to continue with other steps there. Enjoy a beverage. Do a crossword puzzle.
- If you test again after 20 minutes or so and the chime doesn’t ring, then continue through the steps in the aforementioned troubleshooting article, and especially consider trying Step 6, which advises changing your Doorbell Chime Type to Digital—even if you have a mechanical chime—and setting a Ring Tone Length duration of 2-3s. (It seems weird, but I’ve seen/heard it work. It worked (temporarily) for me even with a 1-second duration.) If that doesn’t resolve the issue, then continue through the remainder of that article’s steps.
- If the chime still isn’t working with a doorbell button press at this point, then I’d consider other wiring schemes for the Chime Controller. You may want to take more pictures and/or notes through these sub-steps just for your own reference in case you need to go back to a previous configuration.
- I’d double-check the standard wiring setup to make sure this does not work before making other changes.
- I’d try the alternate wiring scheme. Pay attention to the pictures and labels as you read this article, because there are horizontal lines that look (to me) like they’re separating the different schemes so that the labels belong with the picture above, but the labels actually go with the picture below, as in beneath the horizontal lines (note the placement of colons [:] as you read). I have asked Wyze to consider changing this, because I think it’s a design choice that can lead to significant reader confusion, but so far they have not.
- If the alternate wiring scheme doesn’t work, then consider reversing the red and white wire connections from the Chime Controller.
- If that doesn’t work, then consider switching the FRONT and TRANS wires in the chime box.
- If that doesn’t work, then try the above (switching the FRONT and TRANS) wires without the Chime Controller. Note that Wyze recommends installing the Chime Controller even if your in-house mechanical chime is broken. I have not attempted an installation without the Chime Controller, but you can find reports in the Forum of users doing this with success.
- If at some point you were able to get the in-house chime working, then I’d stop there and consider the installation complete. I’d also seriously consider buying and installing a microSD card, because I think that’s one of the real benefits of this doorbell model. (That ability to have local storage of my recordings and use the existing mechanical chime were the main selling points for me.) Several Forum users have expressed a strong preference for Samsung PRO Endurance cards. I’ve had good results so far from SanDisk High Endurance 256 GB cards doing continuous recording in my Wyze cameras.
- You may also wish to consider a different mount for the doorbell, perhaps one that covers the microSD card access slot. I wanted to do that and also angle my doorbell downward, so I found a design online that I could modify and then fabricate with additive manufacturing.
- You mentioned that you have a Google Nest, but I’m not sure if you’re talking about a smart speaker (like a Mini) or a smart display (like a Hub). If you have a Wyze Plug or Plug Outdoor, then you can use that as a bridge between the Wyze app and Google Home app to link Automations/Routines and have doorbell button presses trigger announcements in your home. If you have certain other Wyze camera models, then you can set those up as accessory chimes for Video Doorbell v2, though the behavior of that feature can be flaky sometimes.
Once again, I am not an electrician, and you may wish to consult one if you’re unable to get this working yourself. Also, please note that I have not tried every single wiring scheme described in the steps above. Specifically, I have not attempted Steps 6.3-6.5, but I’m sharing them here because other Forum users have reported success with those methods, so I think they seem reasonable to try. Wyze recently replaced my own Video Doorbell v2 because it stopped making my in-house mechanical chime ding-dong! after months of being installed and working with the standard Chime Controller wiring scheme, so it’s possible that you just have something in your setup that has failed. If that’s the case, and if you purchased the doorbell directly from Wyze or a Wyze authorized retailer, then I’d open a ticket with Wyze Support and describe the problem, because you may be eligible for a warranty replacement.
I hope at least some of this helps. Feel free to ask other questions if you have those. Good luck!
Thank you. I have forwarded this to my husband since he is the electrical person, I am more of a software guru. He is going to look it over and see what he tried vs what still needs tried. I will update back when we get a sec to dig into it this week.
Also, I did know there was a memory card slot and there is a card in there . I had forgot about the location and only looked on back. Hopefully I will be able to use as I planned with/without bell once we get rid of the eeery static which I think may be due to a voltage issue. We may abandon the bell issue in lieu of getting camera unlocked and working but not til I have him troubleshoot as much as possible.
Oh and I have the Google Nest pro with the screen. Originally purchased to be my Home control central which works great. So if doorbell can be set to run through it as well that would be perfect. :).
You’re welcome. I’m not quite sure what to make of the sound issue you described, and I wonder if that might also be an indication of a failing unit. I wouldn’t hesitate to open a Support ticket for something like that.
The way I do it (and have read many others do it) is to have Google Assistant do a voice announcement on Google Home smart speakers/displays, but at least one Forum member uses a doorbell playlist, so that’s also an option.
I’m just curious: Were you able to get any resolution with this? I’ve been trying to help a different user in another topic and this week rewired my own chime box as a result of my testing. I’d be interested to learn how you’re doing if you want to share some follow-up.
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