I’m challenging ANYONE at Wyze to answer this question!!!
If you have found a way to reliably view (without dropping any camera connection) up to 9 cameras on one computer screen PLEASE tell me?
I’ve tried the wyze web live page - the cams constantly drop
I’ve tried the tinycam app on bluestacks - the cams constantly drop
I’ve tried the wyze android app on bluestacks - the cams constantly drop
I’ve STRUGGLED with this for years with NO SOLUTION. I mean [Mod Edit]???
Do I trash fifteen wyze cams and instead put hard wired cams in? Again … [Mod Edit]?
It is SO FRUSTRATING that wyze will not answer or address this issue !!!
This is a User Forum so you probably won’t get a Wyze Staffer unless you’re lucky.
A few Wyze employees venture here, but mostly this is a user to user support forum.
As to your question I have 28 Whyze Cams and the webpage viewer doesn’t work that well for me, but I don’t have great bandwidth to support multiple cams in webview as it uses more data outbound/inbound than a phone, tablet or PC running Wyze App.
Wyze Webview still has many bugs so even with good bandwidth I bet it chokes…
Thanks for the reply. I thought it could be bandwidth also. So I bought a dedicated Asus AX86U Pro router AND an Asus RP-AX58 AIMesh range extender to provide a DEDICATED network which only my 12 cameras are connected to. Same F’ing problem - they ALL blink offline within 5 minutes. Not a SINGLE camera will stay online persistently withon 3-5 minutes - and no, I don’t live under or near high-power lines.
Looks like you beefed up your WIFI environment, but what about your internet service and bandwidth? Which is what I believe @bryonhu was referring to. You can have a stellar wifi network, but if you have a dialup Internet connection. Your not gonna get very far.
Usually the upload is the hindrance because that’s the lower number. If you truly have 350 up then that shouldn’t be a problem but the 10 down very well could be an issue holding 9 streams.
I have an iPhone 14 on the same 2.4 wifi as the cams. My wyze app is segmented into 3 groups each with 3 cams. On my phone I can see 2 of 3 cams when any single group is displayed on my phone, the third cam is constantly “trying to connect.”
On my computer (only used to view cams) I run Bluestacks multi-instance manager and run 3 instances [separate windows] running the wyze android app with each instance populated with 3 cams in portrait mode. I currently see 1 cam live in instance #1, two cams live in instance #2, and one cam live in instance #3. Five cams are showing “failed to connect.” Clicking the “reconnect” button shows progress dots for 10 seconds - no connection
I am able to hold 9 streams reliably in a couple of different ways.
One way I do this regularly is through the Wyze Web Portal (I have cam plus unlimited).
Another is through Docker Wyze Bridge.
Note, that it does somewhat depend on the camera model(s) involved. My Floodlight Pro cameras are awesome on the webview. I will usually have 3-5 Floodlight Pros streaming at the same time along with a few other models (v2, v3, v3Pro, pan cameras, etc). For example, my V2’s will drop a lot and need to be reconnected. Once in a while my V3’s will after hours of streaming in a big group, but sometimes they will stream for more than a day straight.
As for singular streaming, I do regularly have Wyze cameras streaming on Google Home or Alexa for more than a day straight.
However, I do have awesome bandwidth (1gbps fiber upload and download).
So, I know it is possible to stream for long periods of time…there could be a million reasons why it’s not working that way for a particular person, but in this case, I am going to partially blame the tiny 10mbps upload limit. However, this shouldn’t matter if you are using Tiny Cam on the same network as the cameras since the stream should be staying local on your router, not using your 10mbps upload limit (which the web portal would be using). That means the issue is more likely related to either Tiny Cam code or the router in some way, or the cameras could have a weak signal or something. There are a lot of potential explanations, but those seem the most likely. None of them exciting to work through.
When you run through the Wyze App on your local network cameras are accessed on the LAN locally, Internet bandwidth is not used.
When you access through the Webviewer cameras are using mostly outbound data, and the browser running webviewer is mostly inbound data. So you are using Internet bandwidth with the Webviewer.
Exactly. So some people have problems using the web portal if they have bandwidth issues.
Like the App, or Docker Wyze Bridge, TinyCam also shouldn’t be using the internet though, so the bandwidth concern shouldn’t be applicable to Tiny Cam, and they said they are getting lots of disconnects on TinyCam too. So that is not likely related to their low bandwidth…UNLESS their router is set to something like Device isolation, or uses some other protocol that is causing constant disconnects. That’s the sad thing about routers is that there isn’t a lot of standardization and each brand and model can run things in lots of different ways that cause these issues. Another issue can be using QoS…I have seen QoS on routers cause lots of chaos with IoT devices, particularly livestreaming. MMS also. So many things in a router that can be the culprit even if it’s not involving the internet at all.
I would challenge Wyze to allow more than 2 viewers at a time with their og cameras. I could have multiple viewers watching my cam v2 and v3 but these un intelligent og can only do 2 so you have to restart the camera just to connect to it while away. Smh terrible design
I just purchased CamPlus unlimited. The only thing unlimited is the number of drops within 3-5 minutes with just 3 cameras. I have fiber with 500 MB up and down and Asus RT-ACRH13 router. I wanted to view my 12 cameras, 3 of them never connect. Not very happy with C+ but I bet I’ll never get a refund or a better working Webview product.
19 Wyze cameras of every type including doorbell and they are never all live at once. Internet speeds should not be a limiting factor in my instance. TinyCamPro also have some streaming issues with all the cameras live but can instantly be resolved by selecting the camera in question. This also helps with Wyze but not always.
Interesting insights - but I’m not fully settled on a specific technical-cause-accusation yet though.
Theoretically, itt would seem that, if the cams and app are on the “same network” [WiFi], why would there be internet traffic? Any thoughts on how to determine the transmission burden during different states? But the BIGGER question is … why am I having to troubleshoot this when Wyze should be solving poroblems such as these? Not to get too controversial or conspiracy-centric, but I’ve also heard others say that wyze “may” be siphoning data to the CCP. Conjecture doesn’t help fix this issue [complained of by many] but without Wyze stepping up and providing published data profiles, or “tested architecture designs” to suppor the SIMPLE task of RELIABLY monitoring the live view of their cameras, one begins to wonder about fringe causes.
BTW my router and AIMesh extender were purchased in the past 30 days and firmware updated to current builds.
So … is my 10mbps - up the key issue? And if so why is data going through the internet if my computer and cams are on the same network & IP scope?
This is mostly accurate for a P2P connection. HOWEVER, when the Network in question implements different things like “device isolation,” then they are prevented from communicating with each other directly. They will have to use the internet to connect to each other even though they are on the same router/network. This is often the default setting for things like a second SSID or Guest network, for example. So, some people who have everything on the same network still sometimes connect to their devices through their internet bandwidth instead of locally on the router. This is a safer best practice that is generally recommended, but it has negative impact on people with low internet bandwidth and it adds multiple other potential points of failure into the mix.
Depends on what a person’s network management utility (usually the router UI) has available and how well it tracks things. There are many ways to track whether a connection is local or internet, but it beyond the typical user’s education/knowledge to be able to figure it out. But there are various utilities out there to help track this.
I think a lot of people underestimate the level of complexity involved here. Wyze doesn’t have direct access to your router or network, so it’s impossible for them to be able to tell you exactly what is causing your problems. You would need to give a technician full access to your network to analyze all the various possible causes, and you shouldn’t generally allow this. The following is just a small list of SOME of t he things that can be affecting this for people:
This is a common allegation, but it is total BS. All of Wyze’s servers and Services and data are 100% held in the USA, and Wyze is 100% a US-owned company. It stems from a common misunderstanding from back when they were starting, one of their primary ODM suppliers was the same ODM supplier used by another well-known company. But they are TOTALLY SEPARATE companies. This has been addressed many, many times. I actually made a list of all of Wyze’s ODM suppliers some years back, and they weren’t even all Chinese Suppliers. Still, even if it WERE true (which it isn’t), it might ironically be safer that way. Most US companies SELL all your information to data brokers, and Data brokers will SELL that information for pennies to ANYONE at all, including me for as cheap as $0.50-$5, or your neighbor. The Feds buy it all up, the CCP buys up everything you do with 95% of US companies. But if it was a Chinese company (which, again, it’s not), then they may not even sell the info to data brokers and ironically fewer people would actually have your information in practice. So, when you use a US company, nearly EVERYONE (including any rando or government) has access to all your info and everything you buy or do online (including the CCP), but when you use another non-US company your info is sometimes ironically more private. The truth is ironic and sucks, but facts are facts. Still, One thing I like about Wyze in comparison with most of the big companies, is that their privacy policy promises NOT TO SELL our data. I recently addressed this in another post mentioning the common allegation that Wyze sources from Xiaomi (they don’t):
If that is unacceptable, people should also stop buying anything from Apple, Google, Amazon, Samsung and more since they also all leverage ODM suppliers to do the same thing with a large number of their products. Most tech companies do. It’s totally normal.
It should also be mentioned, that Wyze recently stated that they are now branching out from the ODM supplier red ocean business model to doing some things with completely new inventions in a blue ocean strategy.
The following was addressed in my previous link about common connection issues, but I’ll provide a couple relevant quotes from employees here too:
For what it’s worth, they do a lot of 3rd party benchmark testing to ensure they are doing well and they report that they actually score higher than most companies, but they still want to continue to make improvements:
The above was a response by the Wyze VP of Product, and the following is one of the firmware engineers:
I would say this is a likely SIGNIFICANT variable related to your issues. Maybe the primary issue.
It is hard to say without having a bunch of monitoring programs on your network to tell you. It could also be any number of combination of factors as discussed in that other thread I linked to.
That’s not necessarily too relevant. As addressed above, there are so many things that go into it and no standardization with many router protocols. It is such a frustrating situation. I understand better than you may think. As I said before in that other thread and elsewhere, I once had a TON of problems. It took me countless hours to figure out everything that was contributing to my struggles. I have now gotten to the point where everything works nearly flawlessly, even though I have more than 40 cameras on cam plus (so uploading CONSTANTLY), and I can live stream at least up to 20 cameras at a time on live view (last time I checked I got over 20 at a time on the webview portal). I basically never have to reset any of my cameras, Everything works as expected >99%+ of the time (barring rare and random things out of my control like a power outage, ISP outage, or AWS outage).
As that Wyze dev said above, they are still constantly working on improving connectivity for the other rare, but frustrating cases. But one does have to ask…if some people are able to have a nearly flawless experience, and they’re using the exact same company and exact same model cameras, etc, what is the difference? The company isn’t the difference, the model camera isn’t the difference, where is the difference and what can be done differently to get a similar good experience? Those are frustrating questions to ask, but they are also critically important questions to help figure things out. It is part of the reason I started making a list of things that I found during my research and testing to have impacted my past connectivity problems so that I could finally find something that would work nearly flawlessly with everything. It was a painful journey, so I shared it here to help others have a headstart on what things they can look at themselves too.
I hope some of that helps, at the very least to give some ideas…I wish I could give you a magic pill or that I knew 100% for sure what one thing would fix your struggles, but I suspect it is likely a complex combination of some of those variables, just as it was for me. If I notice or think of something specific I will absolutely share with you what I think up though. I want everyone to have a good experience. I wish I had that power, but since I don’t, I can only share the things I have found during my own journey into creating a great smart home experience.