Google Home wont show live feed for Cam v4 only

I have a wyze cam v2 and wyze cam V3 Pro. Both latest firmware ( and ( and both load and show up instantly within the live feed in wyze app and Google home on my Android S24. I picked up a cam V4 and it’s on the latest firmware ( but I can’t for the life of me get it to show in google home and just spins loading or days unavailable. It shows up fine in wyze app instantly as well all the time. I have removed wyze account from Google home and reactivated it as well as tried to reset the cam v4 and set it up as a freshie.

I just don’t understand why only this camera won’t work in google home unless it is the firmware on this specific version of camera. I also went ahead and tried Amazon Alexa ( I don’t normally use) and the integration worked for the other two as well but when I go to Camv4 it says live feed unavailable as well so it seems to be on Wyze end.

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Interesting. I haven’t added my v4 since I rarely use Google Home. I guess I should check. Thanks.

What are you seeing? Can you provide the Firmware version of the v4 Cameras?

I have mine in Google home as shown below, the first one, DW2, is a V3Pro and the last one is a Flood light Pro. The remaining ones are v4 cameras:

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I updated post to have firmwares but V4 is (
Google Home

And waze app showing v4 fine

I don’t have an answer, but I’ve always found the camera viewing within Google Home to be hit-or-miss.

What I’m seeing right now is that if I’m looking at the home screen of the Google Home app (Favorites tab), the Categories section at the top shows “8 cameras” on the Cameras tile. If I tap that, then after a few seconds my cameras begin to load, and I’m able to scroll through and see feeds from all eight…most of the time. Four of the eight are Cam v4s. If I tap on an individual Cam v4 tile, then I get the “Connecting” message for a while until it eventually times out and gives the “Live video unavailable” message with an option to “Retry”, so that’s a failure, and I’m not sure why that would be the case viewing an individual camera when they load as a group (but I see something similar in the Wyze app itself pretty frequently).

Even the Cam OG, which has been one of my most stable, even working through a recent apparent “outage”[1][2], is a little spotty with this today, but that’s what I’ve come to expect with Wyze’s Google Home integration. :man_shrugging:

I think you’re doing the right things, and I don’t think it has anything to do with the Cam v4’s firmware (I’m on the same version with my Cam v4s), but I’m not certain about that. I think it’s more of a Google Home thing.

Like you, I would’ve reconnected my Wyze account through Google Home and would’ve also said to Google Assistant, “Hey, Google, sync my devices,” probably prior to trying the account reconnect.

I appreciate your mentioning Amazon Alexa, because I’ve just recently connected my Wyze account to that so I can have dual-assistant control for devices, but I hadn’t yet tried streaming cameras through the Alexa app, so it’s cool to know that this works. I hadn’t tried that before. Thanks! :+1:

One thing you could consider trying: If you’re using the standard version of Google Home currently, then you could enable Public Preview (Settings ➜ Public Preview) to see if that makes a difference. When I tried that just now, it let me view my Cam v4s individually, even after I left Public Preview and went back to standard. I mention this because in the past when I’ve had Public Preview enabled, I’ve been able to stream some other third-party camera feeds in the Google Home app that I wasn’t able to see in standard mode, though today even enabling Public Preview isn’t making those work (not a big deal; I can still see them on connected smart displays).

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I agree with @Crease , Google Home has always been hit or miss, but mine has been pretty stable lately.

The one difference between yours and mine is the Firmware Version. I am using beta FW: Not saying this will correct anything, but I am not experiencing any issues with Google Home.

This is the link: Wyze Cam v4 Firmware Beta Test 9/26/2024

You can join the Beta community and load the Firmware for the V4 to see if that corrects it. If you opt to do that you can go here: Become a Beta Tester and follow the instructions to become a beta member. Then you start the app and go to account > About > Beta Program and then select the v4 camera for beta Firmware. You can also select other devices from there.

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I loaded the firmware from beta onto the V4 but still same issue.

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