Fix-It Friday - June 2024

I previously said in another thread that sodcam summarized the request well, so I didn’t need to say anything, but after thinking about it, maybe I will add some clarifications/sources just to ensure this is accepted as a bug, and not a feature request.

I just want to emphasize the above statement as a clarification for this thread to make sure this counts as a “bug” and not dismissed as a “Feature request.”

Here is a direct quote and link to a Wyze source promising this was fixed in the past:


RELEASE NOTES WYZE APP **2.7.19 (December 17, 2019)**

So, Wyze, please do not dismiss this as a “Feature request” as it was clearly already promised and is evidently a “Bug” that qualifies for Fix-it-Friday:

Also, just to be clear, I did check the Wishlist and it also confirms this feature has been “Granted” since 2019:

Since a “wishlist request” is not the right place for a feature that is already granted, it stands to reason this is solidly a Fix-it-Friday issue, it is a “please fix the bug and restore things back to how they were previously promised” request. :wink:

And, just logically, it makes sense to do this if these are going to be used for security, there should be some protections in place to ensure we can recover footage if someone violates our home. You can even use this to encourage people to pay you a subscription by telling users that cloud events make it impossible for a criminal to remove evidence of their crime even if they take the cameras because the recordings are stored away from the house on a cloud server. This would be one of the biggest benefits to recommending people get your cloud subscription instead of just using the SD card.

Anyway, just wanted to make sure the above is very clear with appropriate Wyze documentation sources, even though it was already accurately stated by sodcam. :slight_smile:


Thank YOU sir!


:notes:  One less Problem without ya!

Dad, @peepeep is manipulating his own posts within this month’s fix-it-friday topic!

Relax, son, he’s just using the tools that the platform gives him to provide some lighthearted entertainment and maybe game the system a little for the benefit of others.


  1. ↩︎


This is exactly why I subscribed to CamPlus Unlimited.


This issue has been ongoing for 8 months and they previously stated the can’t replicate it even though I and others can replicate it every day.
Was set to no cooldown yesterday:


I remember seeing reports after the Nov 2023 firmware update. I wonder if it is a firmware issue. I think it is possible to manually flash Cam Outdoor Base according to their site. Have you ever tried flashing the October 2023 firmware?

Yes it happened after the 6 November 2023 update.
I have a copy of the .496 October firmware saved, just not sure if I want the risk of completely killing off my base and all 4 cams.

I read some post that others have reverted back to the October firmware without success.

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Wyze Cam Notifications Missing Images Sometimes

Log ID 14285609
Camera Cam V3
Plugin Version
Android Wyze App v2.50.6 (469)
Cam Unlimited YES

I am seeing notifications come thru with no image attached, happens what seems to be randomly. I captured the log on my V3 cam that just had this happen and submitted it. I can’t identify a pattern to when this occurs, I can go a day with no missing images then suddenly have them happen repeatedly on the next day. Almost seems like a server somewhere gets overloaded and drops the images. They are clearly being captured by Wyze since they all DO show up in the event viewer tab.


Now that you mention it…. :thinking:

I don’t know why this didn’t register as a :microbe: in my :brain: before, but I experience this sometimes, too, and it seems to be most frequent for me (though still not very frequent) with the Video Doorbell v2 (set to continuous recording on microSD; no subscriptions so only tagging generic motion and sound events; still on the January 2024 firmware because of issues with recent updates). I appreciate your description of the problem, and it gets a :heart: from me.

Applying my superpowers of inference, I assess the likelihood of my bug being squashed as


…and withdraw it.

I now move on to other concerns (like an adult)

while deriving some satisfaction by playing around (like a toddler)

I do recognize that they’re operating a business where projections must be made, operational plans chosen and limited resources deployed (as they see fit) to achieve their goals.

I give them credit for the transparent heads-up (I assume this was emailed to all customers last December)

and their general openness to feedback and criticism (as appears on the forum.)

I don’t think that’s necessary. I, for one, appreciate the way you advocate for problems that I don’t have any experience with but imagine others do. I’m still going to be nagging Wyze about the Watch, even though that feels very much like an orphaned product at this point.

I can relate (as if that wasn’t already apparent in the Forum). I also appreciate the completely appropriate Anchorman clip, which feels like it encapsulates the experience with a lot of Wyze “features”, like

  • being able to view live camera streams in the Wyze app…sometimes, or
  • being able to view live camera streams in the Google Home app…sometimes (I’m aware that the bulk of the burden for this one like with “Don’t be evil” company),
  • et cetera, et cetera, et cetera….

Having said that, I also realize that we as individual users are limited in our own resources, so I guess we have to pick our battles, as well. :man_shrugging:

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It’s kind of asymmetrical emotionally, imo.

Customer is bugged by bug emotionally, wants to eliminate it ASAP, takes the formal opportunity presented (FiF), and starts the HOPE clock.

Company coolly assesses data. Its only HOPE is that customers maintain hope, ie, continue to use the app, submit logs, make FiF posts/votes, and share their experiences via support channels and forum posts, whether likely futile or not.

False hope is not healthy for the customer.

‘False hope’ to the Company is ‘engagement’ - equal to ‘reasonable hope’ with regard to the data it provides.

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Video Doorbell v1 Event thumbnails are rotated 90-degrees on the web UI.

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This issue has been on the last SEVERAL Fix-it Friday lists:

When “record sound” is turned OFF under Advanced Settings on V3 and V3 Pro cameras some customers on Android phones and CAM unlimited get stuttering on event playback. It is still happening with the current version 2.50.7(487) of the Android App and all up-to-date V3/V3Pro camera firmware!
This was reported/accepted on the January, February, March, April, and May 2024 Fix-it Friday lists, and still has NOT been resolved.

Main thread describing the issue (numerous logs and videos have been sent):

January 2024 Fix-it Friday list (see post from “Known1”):

In several states it is NOT legal to record audio without permission!

Please Do NOT forget about this one!
Thanks very much!


Thanks for the nudge and reminder. It took WYZE 16 months to recognize this as a real problem for many (but not all) customers.

It has been over 5 months since the problem hit their fix it list. Months back, I sent them logs every day for about a week and was eventually told that they have enough logs now. Yet here we are months later and the problem remains. Unfortunately, based on my experience since 2018, I consider this PAR for the WYZE course.


Wyze claims they are committed to employing/developing AI in 2024. I expect this includes using it as a tool in software development AND troubleshooting.

Could it be that engineers are allowing ‘it’ some autonomy in seeking and fixing bugs and - since the tool is still flawed - we experience some of these setbacks (and fall-forwards?)


AI will :firecracker: :firecracker: :fire: :fire: the first day. :laughing:

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:flight_arrival: :fire:

Crash and burn?

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We’re kickin’ the flow! (We’re kickin’ the flow!)
And it goes a little something like this!
