Firmware Update to Allow Viewing Bricked Sensors (Like Home Assistant)

I’m told that this bug has now been filed. Any chance you could send in a log after reproducing this issue? Please post the log number here if you do.

Account > Wyze Support > Submit a Log


I just had this same thing happen to another sensor this morning (“Hallway Switch 1” sensor). I saw it flashing red this afternoon, so I checked my phone: No Notification. I checked the app, and since it’s in a group (3 sensors used as hallway light switches grouped together as “Hallway Switch”), it didn’t show it was low battery until I clicked on the group and then clicked on the individual sensor, then it showed exactly the same as the above example. Since this one just happened today (or was just noticed today and I replaced the battery just barely), I submitted the log for this one since it should still have all the information fresh on hand:

Ticket ID: 86567

As I said, I already replaced the battery, and it is functioning normal now without a low battery warning (in the app nor red LEDs), but the log should still have anything you need. If you still want me to include logs for the one listed above that went low and was replaced 2 days ago, I’ll submit that one too, it just seemed like a better idea to submit the one that just happened today since everything else was identical. :slight_smile:

I’ll probably have some more low batteries coming up soon since I’ve just had 4 go low in the last week and I set several others up around the same time, so they should soon be giving low battery warnings too I would think. :slight_smile:


I guess the question for many of us, is Wyze looking for a firmware solution that would prevent the MAC from disappearing when the battery gets too low? Some sort of utility to re-enter the MAC to make the sensor usable? Replacements?


This would be ideal but for the price of the sensor I don’t think we are going to get lucky with a firmware solution.

Just getting the low battery notifications fixed would be a godsend. I have an unusable sensor now because I was never notified of any low batteries.


another 3rdparty app Home Assistant, has code that can talk to these ‘bricked’ sensors, Why cant wyze’s own camera/bridge do the same?


Same problem with these silly sensors becoming useless. I don’t understand why this even happens at all. This is one reason I don’t plan on wasting any more money on Wyze devices.
I have 4 contact sensors that are now useless because the battery went low or died while I was out of town.
AND it would also have been nice to know that this would happen in the first place. Something like “Do not let the battery in this sensor die or you’ll wind up with a piece of useless plastic”.
What is Wyze going to do about this? It’s absolutely ridiculous.


Agree. I doubt they’ll do anything about this (they obviously knew this was a bug or a flaw), rather just tell us “We’ll give you as X% break on the price of V2 sensors”.
They’re too busy cranking out all kinds of other devices to sell us.

Between this issue (I have 4 sensors now that are useless) and the wonky connectivity issues with some of the cameras (yes, they’re all on their own separate 2.5g network so that’s not the issue) I’m ready to give up on the whole mess.
Certainly not going to invest any more in their alarm system.

Yes Wyse! A firmware update please!

Interesting. I hadn’t noticed that grouped sensors would not show any low battery notification.
Anyway the contact sensors have been so unreliable (always ending up with the slashed cloud icon) that I think I’m going to plug one of my 2 Wyze bridges to my Raspberry Pi to let Home Assistant handle those sensors a little better…


Right, that is what I’m also thinking about.
I already lost so many and I cannot trust these sensors, on top of that now the wyze team are more concerned to come with new products than give a good support to what their clients already has.
They were doing a a pretty good job working on the wishlist until the beginning of the year (2020 the year of frustration in so many ways).

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Half our contact sensors are now bricked. In addition to a range of Wyze sensors and v2 cams, we have the “wonderful” OutdoorCam. I’ve preordered: the doorbell cam, the v3 cam, and the watch. Am I a glutton for Wyze punishment or what?

I’ve stopped recommending Wyze products to friends and on forums.

Slowwww down the firehose flow of new products, until you have solid existing products, Wyze! You’re trashing your v2 Cam reputation!


Some of the equipment I work on starts at Address 0 and we use a programmer to set it. Since the MAC addresses get set back to all zeros, too bad we cant just take the batteries out of all but one bricked sensor and assign it a new MAC address. Then we could just go down the line and activate them again…

I took the time to plug one of my 2 Wyze bridges to my Raspberry Pi and paired 2 existing contact sensors in Home Assistant.
That was fairly easy and I was able to create 2 automations that alert me through my Google Nest Mini when the fridge door or kitchen window are left open over 30 seconds (with a notification on my smartphone on top of that). Something that is nearly impossible or overly complicated to achieve with the Wyze app/Alexa/IFTTT/etc.
HA is pretty awesome for this kind of powerful automations :grinning:
Will see how the sensors behave in the long run but I’m glad I ditched the Wyze app for those 2 sensors!


Seems like a lot more effort when simply creating a notification in the Wyze app when a contact is left open for however many minutes/seconds you like is plain simple. We do this for our front door. Since I have my phone with me at all times, having Alexa also blast it would be irritating and further incitement for my spouse to yank all smart speakers out of the house. :wink:

In the app, from the sensor, Settings/Notifcations/Is Left Open/Duration.

@jerome That’s awesome to hear that with Home Assistant we can easily get Smart Assistants to make announcements for “is left open” alerts! I’ve been using Tasker to do this. It was very complicated to pull off. Tasker watches Wyze push notifications then when the “is left open” notification for that device pushes a notice, it broadcasts (to specific devices using a paid plugin) a pre-recorded audio file saying: “[The Front Door] was left open.” This happens way too often with my teenage daughter not shutting the doors. I tried replicating this using just Wyze rules and Alexa or Google, but it’s not possible. I’m happy to hear that Home Assistant will allow this since I plan to eventually move my old Wyze V1 sensors this way. This is an AWESOME feature. Alexa will allow triggers based on open/closed only, not is left open for X amount of time (really annoying), and @BlueOak using Wyze rules for just an “Is left open” notification is not sufficient for most of us who receive tons of notifications all the time, and don’t know if one is a priority issue like this or not, since Wyze doesn’t allow different kinds of notifications. Plus, what if I am not home? I want that particular notice to be broadcast to everyone, so whoever is home knows to go close the front door they left open (usually my daughter), who wouldn’t even look at the notification if I set it up for her phone. But if I make it broadcast to the main rooms she goes to, including her bedroom, the family room, etc…she’ll know to go back and close the door even if I’m not home. I can see how your wife or someone would be upset if there was some announcement every time a sensor opened…but to let her know something was unintentionally left open for a long period of time? Why would that be irritating and inciting anger unless people are doing it constantly all day long…and then shouldn’t the irritation and anger be directed at whoever is doing the undesirable activity, not the messenger (smart speaker)? I dislike what the notice represents, not the notice itself. I love the notice.

@jerome thanks for sharing that this was fairly easy with H.A., it took me HOURS to figure out how to do a usable work around using Wyze App + Tasker + Google/Alexa . This is a high demand feature for me and one more huge plus for moving a bunch of my V1 sensors to H.A. (so they’ll function locally and without internet, instead of being cloud reliant and failing so often) after I get the new V2 sensors. Very happy to hear this.


I see what you mean but since my Wyze contact sensors would always end up disconnected from the cloud (slashed cloud icon in the app), they became pretty useless to me :man_shrugging:
By integrating them into Home Assistant, they’re useful again :relaxed:
(it doesn’t solve the battery issue but at least I can use them)
Hope they remain stable overtime :crossed_fingers:

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I followed this video to integrate Wyze in HA

It went smoothly.
Then you can use these sensors with all your smarthome devices, not only the Wyze products. HA automations are so powerful :muscle:
Here is the yaml of my Fridge automation :

alias: Google Nest Mini alerts when fridge left open over 30s
description: ''
  - platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.wyzesense_fridge
    from: 'off'
    to: 'on'
    for: '00:00:30'
condition: []
  - service: media_player.volume_set
      volume_level: 0.5
  - service: tts.google_say
      message: Fridge is open
  - service: notify.mobile_app_nokia_7_plus
      message: Fridge is open
mode: single

You need to add this block to your configuration.yaml in order to have Google talk to you :

# Text to speech
  - platform: google_translate
    service_name: google_say
    language: 'en-us'

THANK YOU! I haven’t looked into this much yet, as I don’t plan to do any of this until March once my V2 sensors come in, but I bookmarked it all. You probably saved me a ton of time doing all that research myself, so it is REALLY appreciated. I really look forward to having some sensors that are 100% local. Like you said, it really sucks to have sensors that have to be cloud reliant with so many points of failure (sensor, bridge, camera, router, modem, Cable line, ISP (which includes a TON of different routes to the local server and then to a main one, etc), Amazon servers, Wyze servers, everything in between and then all the way back through them all for the return trip so it’s doubled for upload and download issues, especially since it’s not just one trip but constant pings back and forth, then data back and forth), Everyone has potential individual bandwidth issues, but don’t forget if you are using cable there are daisy chain bandwidth issues to consider where your neighbors might affect things everyone is using internet all at once, then there is the signal interference, then if any of those points of failure have a temporary glitch, the sensors don’t always reconnect effectively and sometimes I don’t know there was a issue for who knows how long. It’s no surprise there are issues doing it all through the cloud (especially with my stupid ISP).

Anyway, I’m preaching to the choir, Thank you for your post, I probably will be implementing it in March-ish! (I already set up HA on my computer, and I have 2 bridges, but I still feel like waiting until my other sensors come in first).

yes, I can’t understand why wyze haven’t added custom alert sounds, it’s been asked for in the wishlist literally years ago & we are all resorting to ifttt and paid plugins as a clunky workarounds do this.

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That was a very clear walkthrough but… why do you need a token generated by Microsoft GitHub to activate a module on your own local server? I don’t get it.

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