Duo Cam Doorbell - Nonstop package notifications for doormat


Yeah, it’s goofy. Apparently the same thing exists with sound detections. :man_shrugging:

At least one user is reporting more reliable detection zone and smart detection working better after the recent firmware update.

If you were using Android, then I’d suggest reporting your app version and doing the cache-clear-logout-login dance to see if that refreshes your settings, because your description makes it seem like your settings choices aren’t sticking, but I don’t know what to do with iOS since I don’t use that.

In any case, I understand the frustration. This product seems like it might’ve been released a little prematurely. Hopefully future app and firmware updates will continue to improve its performance.

I wanted to jump on this bandwagon too. I turned package notification off a long time ago. I have the DB2.

It would be stellar if the software would imprint the package upon first detection/notification and only send a subsequent notification if the package shifted within a certain range. That range could be a user defined variable in the event people want the annoying reassurance/reminder that there’s an uncollected package.

Following in the event a fix is made available (or testing is needed from the peanut gallery). Tis the season… next few weeks will see quite a bit of package traffic.

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I have solved part of the problem I was experiencing with doorbell duo announcements. I was using Google Home for doorbell announcements and it’s a fault in their system. It is activating the announcement for all doorbell triggered activity. I switched back to Alexa for person detection announcements and things are much better. I was using GH because I liked the chime effect that preceded the annoucement, which was meant to be only for person detection at the doorbell. Hopefully GH engineers will spot this defect and correct it soon


I came hear to find out if this was a known issue after my wife said the package notification wouldn’t stop until she went out and got them. My 2 cents on a fix would be combining person and package. I only want to know when a package arrives, since delivery drivers never ring a doorbell anymore, so if Wyze made an option of a AND statement, that would solve it. Person AND Package THEN trigger chime. No continued chime when it’s only the package.

An added afterthought, if someone came to your door and a package was already there, it would also act as a good security alert, since that would also trigger the alert. Might work well to prevent thefts to be able to trigger actions more specifically.

I don’t get continual package notifications on either front or back doorbell duos and deliveries are made to both locations. Another event at the doorbell has to occur to get a package notification again. A package alone should not trigger multiple notifications without a second motion trigger.

What I did was setup an automation(rule) for a spare cam with a spotlight that when a package is detected by the duo > turn on the spotlight for 1 minute. As this is an internal cam, I covered the lens with black tape and turned off all features since I only want the spotlight function.

The automation(rule) spotlight function can also be set to turn on for person detection if you don’t have the Alexa on echo voice notification available. 1 minute for person/5 minutes for package or vice versa with same cam spotlight or separate on 2 cams spotlight if you have spare cams, OG, v3pro, v4 or BCP. Wouldn’t recommend the BCP (Battery Cam Pro) for obvious reasons.

This duo cam is horrendous. Played with settings, i even unchecked all the notifications and i still get notifications every damn minute, including the complete motion detdcted. It is terrible. Might work well for a day then 2am, the phone goes bonkers. then for the next week i must continue to silence it every hour. Totally takes the use of a camera out of the question.

Unfortunately, your comments/complaints are missing concrete substance. It appears that you just want to bash the duo rather than look for help resolving your perceived issues. My 2 duos work as well as any other Wyze cam I have in operation. Perhaps you do have a defective duo. Create a ticket for replacement, pack it up and return it. If not, then engage the forum community with some useful facts, i.e. settings, screenshots, etc. that can provide a foundation for helping you troubleshoot and/or conclude you need a replacement. BTW, have you tried a factory reset and started setup from the beginning? If the recently released update didn’t improve anything, time for a new approach.

Good luck! I hope things work out for you.

Have not seen feedback from any duo user who installed the recent firmware update release and if there were any problems or glitches afterwards.

Any comments anyone?!

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I have not had any new issues with the update. I’ve had two issues, first my pre-existing chime would randomly go off when I first set up, so I excitedly finally got to use one of those old 18v power adapters from my giant box of old wires I can never seem to toss because something might just be useful someday. (That day happened)

The package ringing issue hasn’t happened since, but it may have been related to a large package was basically covering the entire view of the lower camera. I’ll follow up if that was just a one-off situation. I haven’t had the duo very long to notice any consistent issues.

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I got the latest update when it was in Beta, and it seems to be working much better for me. I was having several of these issues it was addressing. I am still having something weird going on with the SD card though. Trying to figure that out.

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What concrete evidence would you like? Bc it sounds like you want to boot lick wyze, i have 4 calls to wyze, the supervisors telling me the same thing they tell everyone else. That the duo cam should not have been released. I have spent hours on the lhone trouble shooting and making logs. I check and do updates whenever available. I have done every setting change as they had asked. I restarted the cams, reset services, updated the app, cleared cache, updated. I have the same exact complaints and frustrations as everyone else complaining.
I want to make it all work as i do not want to lose the money and time.
I live on a busier area, but not crazy busy or nyc streets.
Duo cam goes off for shadows, decorations, packages, lighting changes, all the check boxes can be turned off for notifications and i still get complete notification.
How about the door bell not working? I do not get a bell notification such as a ringing. Or wven any notifications are simply whetever sound my phone has for notifications. No matter what i pick in wyze app. All the wyze sounds fall under my phone notification sound.

You tell me what concrete evidence you would like to see

The last update seemed to not do anything substantial or affect the AI aspect of the camera. It did not change anything substantial.

My buddy bought the same duo cam 2 weeks apart and literally has the same issus as i do. Along with everyone else on the forum complaining.

Now that you’ve explained more, I did have an issue with a different camera, similarly, about a year ago, I think the v3 pro. How I fixed it was pretty illogical, on Android (wouldn’t know the steps for iPhone) “Wyze Notifications Manager” should be continuously running if you pull down from the top of the screen. Long press the notification, and change to silent (no sound or vibration). What I assume that app is doing is dinging everything, be it actual notifications, triggered alerts, cloud recording. It did not stop my selected notifications for phone and watch. Worth a shot.

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“Along with everyone else on the forum complaining.” How blatant of a false statement is that.

There were beginning issues, I even posted a complaint if you check the topic conversations. But in a matter of a couple weeks with some adjustments, things settled down and now my 2 duos are performing as well as any Wyze cam I have. Cloud and sdcard recording good, no false notifications, no false/ghost chimes, no factory resets. Just patience and working thru settings and tweaks. Definitely not because I am a cam+ unlimited subscriber.

“. . . boot lick wyze”?! That’s one for the books or is it your substitute for ‘a$$ kiss wyze’? Oh well, so much for engaging in needless rhetoric.

There are numerous reports of people complaining about the same issues.

I am also a cam plus subscriber. I have been through all the settings by myself. Hours upon hours with tech support. Without resolve. I also use high quality sd cards. If you live in a quiet, rural like area you will not get as many chimes as i do. Does your phone give you proper notification sounds? Or does it give you the phones system sound? I can not differentiate the notifications. If the bell rings and i do not have the voice over ip set up i do not know what my phone is notifying me about unless i look. If i get alerts all day i can not look at my phone every 8 seconds. Idk why i am getting push back from you. These are real problems that many have on and off of this forum. Wyze support supervisors gave me the same answers about these items should not have been put out without being 100% proper. My ring items that i had for about 10 years had none of these problems. If i did have aome issue, tech support was able to resolve right away . Always a pleasant experience.

I read the above posts and I empathize. This duo cam does seem to have been released a little too prematurely as someone previously mentioned. I have an open ticket with support inquiring about this and I’ve provided them photos through submitting the log in the app and referencing the ticket. I think Wyze wanted to get this doorbell out in time for xmas. I just hope they are tracking all this data on how “well” its performing, so they come out with a good solid fix - at least for detection settings and notifications. I won’t go into the doorbell part here on this thread. That’s a different issue I’m trying to sort out.

I live along a main street. Corner house. The sidewalk and mailbox is a good 50ft away from the doorbell/front porch. A package waiting on the porch, that was delivered hours ago, that hasn’t moved, will constantly trigger over and over again with people walking by on the sidewalk - kids coming home from school for example. A car passing by triggers the package was delivered again, and again. Each motion detected by people or vehicles triggers that the package was delivered. Besides being a nuisance like everyone has stated, it becomes a cry-wolf situation where now I don’t even check the doorbell to see if someone may be taking my package, which is one of the main reasons of getting this kind of doorbell in the first place.

The detection settings I think is where a majority of the issues lie. Speaking of lie… that’s what the settings appear to be doing. Even with the sensitivity at its lowest setting, the doorbell is still picking up people on the sidewalk and cars in the street.
I even unchecked vehicle notifications under the ‘device notifications’ section to see if that would at least help. Nope. See photos of my current settings.

Besides people and cars setting off my doorbell for a “package delivered” notification over and over again.

I get the same notification when animals pay my front door step a visit. “Pet detection” will drop in there once or twice but then followed by a barrage of package delivered notifications from a squirrel, or cat, or dog walking by. How annoying is that?! - See photo.

I don’t normally like sharing pictures and videos of my house and what my cameras see, but I really want to help Wyze fix this issue (among others). And from experience with having Wyze cameras for years now, it seems the forums are THE Wyze support people/group. Wyze support through Wyze isn’t what it used to be. A step back for a little more quality over quantity, would be nice, ya know? :man_shrugging:

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I only want and get push notifications from to my Android phone. Person detections are announced on echo dot in addition to push notification on phone. I set up an automation(rule) to turn mon the spotlight on a spare OG when the doorbell detects a package. I also have other cams in the vicinity of the doorbells that do package detection and send a push notification. False notifications are very rare but they hsve happened. I have never had an animal detected as a package, only as a pet. There have been rare package detections for the end post of a step railing and early on thete was the doormat issue (no longer), but nothing that is more than rare. As noted previously, cloud and sdcard video recordings are on point.

I don’t use voip for notifications because I think it is ridiculous, but to each his own. Most initial issues were cleared back with the first update. I have not updated to recent firmware update because my duos are working just fine for me. I will no doubt update sometime in the future.

Presently, I guess I have to declare myself as one of the lucky ones that got 2 duos that work as ecpected. I will continue to follow this topic and conversation posts and offer assistance when possible.

There has been another firmware update since my last post,, and I now have been experiencing general motion notifications when only smart notifications of person or package are set. So, while I had said I hadn’t experienced this as a reply, I can now confirm I am also unable to stop the general motion notifications.