Double Notifications on Doorbell V2 and Cam V3 Cameras

Is there any way to stop this permanently? Seems like it comes and goes over the years and it was originally only doing it on the doorbell cameras, but now it is doing it on the V3 Cams non stop. Driving me crazy especially with 12 V3s and 2 doorbell cams. When a storm comes through like right now, I’m getting hammered with alerts. I do not have cam plus or anything and sound notifications are turned off.

Watching my phone’s screen, I can see what it is doing. The first notification sound comes when I get an alert for motion and the second notification comes when the image loads. How can I get it to do just one notification sound instead of two? Thank you for any help!

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I get double cloud recordings for the same event for some cameras. Not exactly double, they’re of unequal time lengths, but it’s obvious they’re the same events.

I’m not complaining. It’s better than not getting any recording at all, which does happen on occasion.


What are your settings in the Wyze app?

Account > Notifications > Push Notifications > Notification Sound >

What sound choice and what devices did you check off?

I’ve tried the different sound options, but all that does is make two different notification sounds for each event. I have all of my devices checked for the basic motion events.

Have you tried the phone "Settings > Notifications > App notifications " and turned off the Wyze app? That could be the start for troubleshooting.

I also see this on iPhone.

All mine do this (double notifications, not double events), sometimes 1, sometimes 1.5, sometimes 2 for the same event. Actually the strangest thing the other day, I’d get one of the sound I picked, then 1 system default sound. Rebooting the phone fixed that. One was coming from Wyze Notification 1 and one was coming from 2. May be a clue as to where the issue lies (though usually both come from the same one).

They must be aware of the bug at this point. Not sure why they haven’t figured out a fix.

I’ve chosen a system sound that is still noticeable but not quite as long and urgent as the Wyze sounds, so it doesn’t bother me too much.

Actually I know for sure my OGs do it as those are the only ones I have notifications enabled on. I haven’t tested the v4 or Panv3s that I have. But given the reports here, it sounds like it is across the board, an app issue and not a cam issue.

I wonder if this is android specific or not.

@WyzeJasonJ can you confirm if Wyze is aware of this or not? Has existed since at least mid 2023 when I got my cams, so both the 2.5 and 3 apps.

@dave27 - Interesting phenomenon. I have Android 14 with One UI 6.1 - Wyze 3.3.6 (626). I am not experiencing any of this and never have from day 1 almost 6 years in now. Hope it never starts.

CORRECTION: Now that I am getting push notifications on some cams from Alexa, I am getting double notifications (sort of). :sweat_smile:

I’m on Android 14 as well (have been since I got my Wyze cams) but native Google, no One UI/Samsung. So maybe it is limited to stock android or ones that are less customized than the Samsung builds. But there are tons who have reported this so I’d be surprised if none were Samsung, but never know.

This happened both when I was using stock Wyze sounds chosen via the app, and when I switched to using a custom system sound (due to the unreliability of the Wyze sounds often reverting to the default system sound, which also went off twice when that happened).

Happens whether I choose “system default” in the wyze app or one of theirs.

I have a Samsung and get double cloud events sometimes. But what’s interesting is that I don’t get double SD recording. So the issue is on the Wyze side of things.

I get double notifications but never double events. I suspect that may be something different. I’ve seen others complain of duplicate events too. Probably tied to the same glitch on the back end, who knows.

I turned off notifications. I may have double notices and I wouldn’t know.

I decided long ago that notifications arrive too late to be useful. Too many people have keys to the house. I trust them but still I want to know who comes in case I don’t notice.

And of course I don’t want the delivered packages to stay out overnight.

I have notifications enabled only on a DZ that is pretty much exactly my front steps, and if I’m away I turn it on for the ones inside my doors also. But the front steps one notifies me within 1-2 seconds using an OG cam, by the time the doorbell is rung I’ve already gotten the notification. I’ve also gotten it adjusted just right so the USPS package guy who chucks the package from the sidewalk onto the steps (around a 10 foot flight) triggers that notification also.

Mostly I use it for the same purpose, I want to know if a package has been delivered or mail is in the box etc. We luckily don’t have issues with porch pirates or mail theft in my area but I’m sure if something sat out overnight it would happen, as we do have unlocked cars getting broken into from time to time.

But it was when I started seeing people report that the porch pirates were getting closer and closer to my area (and also when a mailman was mugged a few streets over for his master key) that I decided to get these cams. Eventually there won’t be a such thing as an area where it doesn’t happen.

Side effect is I know right away that it is a solar sales person walking up and can just ignore the doorbell, so that’s an added benefit. All my other cams have too much motion to have notifications enabled, but have plenty of footage from different angles when needed.

I suppose that’s probably why I have more cameras than I really need, so that I could have one strictly act as a very specific front door notification one (in addition to one that records 24x7 covering my front walkway/steps/door, but does not notify), and a couple others that would notify me early as soon as someone walks in my door when I’m away, where other cameras they walk past would not notify me ever. I guess it’s a good thing the OGs are cheap.