Detection Zone Ignored or Inverted?

When I opened a support ticket with Wyze about the camera missing people on the motion events, i.e. person or vehicle moves in the camera and no recording takes place they told me to make sure the sensitivity is set to 100, so I don’t think its supposed to be backwards or they’d be saying to set it to 1.

Well, it doesn’t seem to work properly with the setting low. I’m wondering if something didn’t get messed up in the last firmware update.

The above is per Wyze. Here is the settings screen:

Following the logic of the website, 34% of pixels changing is more sensitive than 100% changing, which makes sense. If the number on the settings page is the number of pixels that must change to be detected as motion the entire screen would need to change if it is set to 100.

One of these is incorrect.

The fact is that none of the detection zones have ever worked, I tried all combinations. Even when it was one big box that you had to pull in the corners it never worked. You could make the area you wanted to detect maybe one very small square box area and you would still get notification for events far away from that area. I have 4 WCO and one V3 and have no success with any of the detection zones.

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I have the same problem, It happens on two cameras I have adjusted the zone several times and it still triggers outside my zones.

Yet I have another camera that it does NOT detect motion as in the attached clip.

detect motion. (Ie the attached clip)

Oh good grief. Amazing that so many can be passive aggressive, passive insulting, but call them out and your reply gets deleted. Whatever. Seems many here need to find their safezone.

Could a change be made to the app that would show what triggered the capture? I don’t see that as an option - if it was motion, draw a box around the affected area. If it was sound, indicate so.

In many of the clips, given the detection zone I have defined, I cannot see why the camera would trigger.

Wyze needs to be waaay more transparent about this issue - if the cameras just worked, it would be a different matter, but when a major feature just doesn’t work, that’s an issue, no matter how cheap the camera is.

Also, I swear this all worked better before the push to get people to sign up for CamPlus.


Doesn’t it already do this? I get a green box around what triggered the motion. See my screenshots earlier in this thread.

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Haven’t had the chance to test yet but thinking this through further:

If Wyze named the setting “Sensitivity” and then defined how it worked the way they did, in my opinion they either named it wrong, or used the wrong (backwards) scale.

If they insist on calling it “sensitivity” then the logical definition of the word should have dictated how the setting should work. For example: “Less sensitive” (i.e. a lower number) should mean that with a given motion it would be less likely to trigger, and “more sensitive” (i.e. a higher number) should be the opposite – more likely to trigger.

This is a classic case of bad, unintuitive design in software controls. I’d suggest the Wyze product team read up on Tufte, et al.

And, it would be nice to get some consistency. Others have pointed out that the help docs conflict with other documentation. :-/

This is all very frustrating. Hmph.



Are you running Android or iOS?

As another follow-up – I think the disconnect is with the naming. The way it currently works, it shouldn’t be called “sensitivity.” Perhaps it should be called “sensitivity threshold” or similar.


See screenshots above. The green box outlines the zone where motion was detected. I can compare that to the detection zone box setup, but the actual zone setup box doesn’t overlay with the “detected zone”.

Yeah I figured out “motion tagging” is what I wanted to enable, but it’s not correlated with motion detection and not limited to the detection zone, so it’s kinda useless.

Plus, I had a number of false positives where the only movement was outside of the detection zone - that had no green box showing.

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The fact this has been going on for over a year now, Wyze doesn’t directly address this, but yet can produce an idiotic smart vacuum tells you the company has lost it’s way. Wyze use to be a good company. Now they’re junk. Buy Blink.


That was my mistake. The lower the sensitivity number the more easily it is triggered, apparently. The higher the number the more motion is needed to trigger it. Bad UI/UX design causes many of us - myself included - to do this backwards. Hope this helps you!

Update here… Since learning the proper use of the mislabeled/misnomered sensitivity everything appears to be working properly now.

@Wyze, you really should consider reworking the labels or design here. See my prior comments about the reason for the confusion related to the word “sensitivity.”

Thank you to all forum participants who helped and good luck to those who are still having issues… Happy to try to help you based on what I’ve learned.

What have you learned?

From one of a few prior comments I made, also just marked it as the solution (for me, at least):

“That was my mistake. The lower the sensitivity number the more easily it is triggered, apparently. The higher the number the more motion is needed to trigger it. Bad UI/UX design causes many of us - myself included - to do this backwards. Hope this helps you!”

Thanks, that is really weird. So if I want to ignore a leaf blowing across my camera area I set it closer to 100 rather than closer to 0?

Has anyone at Wyze confirmed that this is how it is designed to be?