This issue cropped up for me on another camera last year and resolved itself after a couple weeks, with NO action on my end. This leads me to believe it’s a Wyze cloud Cam Plus issue.
Anyway, on one of my Cam Pan (v2) cameras (a different one than last year) I am getting Person alerts from people well outside the detection zone I have set up for the camera. It just started doing this a couple days ago. All the firmware is up to date, and I have made no changes to the camera or its settings. In playing back the event, there are people in the video, but well outside the defined detection zone area. No motion inside the detection zone. It also erroneously detected a vehicle within the detection zone a couple times.
I don’t know if anyone from Wyze reads these forum posts, and I’m not inclined to struggle through the tech support maze at this time, and be led through a bunch of actions like I’m a 2-year old.
Since no changes have been made on my end, is it possible this is a Cam Plus cloud processing issue? Thoughts? Discuss.
Hi @PanCamJeff sorry to hear this. Could you please help me submit few materials so I can work with the team.
The event where it is labeled “person/vehicle” that you get false alert (out of zone)
The setting page of your detection zone
A device log. If possible please provide the log within few hours of last false event happened. That would help us determine the exact time of this event happening.
I just sent you a log from within the app (log ID 745967) after the issue just occured again (minutes ago) of me getting a Person alert for a person outside the defined detection zone for the camera.
Also attached to the log was screenshot of my detection zone, and a YouTube link to the event video. In the video, the person is clearly outside the detection zone.
Is it detecting person out of zone all the time? Or randomly.
And I know you already did but just double check if you ever turn off the zone and re-enable again?
And please also turn on the motion tagging function so it will tag the motion with green squares once detected. If the issue happen again we would like to see if that tagging is also get triggered so we could better know which part might have the issue. Thank you so much!
I don’t know. Not trying to be sarcastic, but I am not physically watching the area continuously with my eyes. So I don’t know if a person is sometimes outside the detection zone and not triggering a person detection.
Motion tagging is already on, and if you review the video at the link I included you will see that there is no motion tagging of the person outside the detection area. Nothing is tagged anywhere in the video.
I have done that several times, even slightly adjusting the detection area, and the erroneous person detection events have continued.
It happened a couple of times again this morning, and there was no tagging.
Quick question: Did you actually review the video at the link I included in the log report? The person in the yellow shirt, outside the detection area (see screenshot of detection area settings), in the driveway next door. Are you seeing this?
Yes I do see that person. Since I am not seeing the motion tagging I was wondering if you could see tagging on your app event.
And just to show dev team more efficient. Could you please send me a screen record of that event playing on your app? Since sometimes the downloaded event on your album may miss the motion tagging. Thank you so much!
I’m not sure I know what you mean by “a screen record of the event playing in the app”, or how to do that.
I can assure you I have watched the event several times in the app and there is no motion tagging. What you see at the link is exactly what the app shows when viewing the event from the event history.
There are programs that allow you to record your phone screen to a video, to see how the app behaves. I believe @WyzeDesmond wanted to see if there were any differences between what the event video itself showed, to what is displayed when watching the event while using the app on your end. has just been released, and according to the release notes web page, Wyze is “doing a gradual release for this firmware over several weeks”.
Does this new release specifically address this issue? If you can certify that it does, then I can do a manual update via SD card, If this release does not specifically address this issue, I will wait until the update is offered in the Wyze app.
3.2705 firmware is targeted at multiple improvements not only on AI targeting but also connectivity, stability and others. Right now we haven’t get any reports from beta testers for this similar issues. It is not typically to address this issue, but since there are so many fixes in there I would say it won’t harm upgrading it. Of course waiting till your app pops out the notice to upgrade would be a more stable way.
We are still working on your previous log. Once we find anything I will let you know immediately. Thanks!
I don’t know what you are trying to detect, but if you want to eliminate detection of the flashing lights in your video example, you probably need to expand the blockout area lower to block out flare from the headlights. It would be easier to see your settings screenshots if captured during daytime. Dark blocks are not detected… light blocks are the detection zone.