Can someone enlighten me, please?

Having said that, I’m guessing a bird, a mouse or one of your :raccoon: friends might have tugged on the cable :rofl:

If you fed the :raccoon: :raccoon: they might plug it back in for you. :laughing:

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You might be right, I’ve been neglecting the :raccoon: :raccoon: :raccoon:. However, I’ve been very generous to the mice. I’ve been stocking the access point with green blocks that they seem to love, but no sign of gratitude :rofl:

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On the vastly superior Android platform, it is an image cached on the device from the last successful Livestream viewing. :slight_smile:


vastly superior

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You guys crack me up :rofl:

I assume (and we all know what happens when we assume) it has nothing to do with Wyze servers then.

Here is another brain teaser. I’m viewing a live stream and all of the sudden the stream goes dead. The time stamp doesn’t move, KB/s on the top of the screen is at 0. So, logic dictates it’s a local network. However, if I go back a screen and come back, the stream continues. Something tells me it has nothing to do with local network but app itself. Am I wrong?

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Yeah, it does that on the vastly superior Android platform, as well. Lately, it does it a lot less frequently on tinyCam than on Wyzapp. So, I’m leaning toward, ‘You’re right.’

Tell us how you really feel :slight_smile:

Different strokes for different folks. Notification sounds never bothered me. It only takes a glance on your phone to know what triggered the alert.

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That confirms my theory that I’m not loosing my mind after all, contrary to what my wife believes :rofl:


Speaking of TinyCam, how complicated is to have it set up? Do I need a degree in computer science? Remember, I come from an Apple echo system where everything is handed out to us on a silver platter :wink:

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I’m kinda lame and I can do it. I think it’s pretty painless. Anyone else?

@slabslayer @customer @TomG et al


That’s good enough for me. If you can do it, I think I can do it :slight_smile:


@K6CCC really loves his iPhone :rofl:


@K6CCC Jim is very fussy. :wink:

I HATE this @#$%^&* iPhone is his tagline.


Here it is to all of you Android lovers. BlueStacks can’t run on the latest and greatest microprocessor. I throw my hat in the ring and bow out of the race. I tried, I really tried… :rofl:

Screenshot 2023-03-04 at 2.12.58 PM


I think it is because it’s being pushed by his employer. If he chose it on his own, he would love it, just like I do :rofl: :rofl:

Other things can’t keep up! Apple is so far ahead, it’s lapping itself.

I’ll admit I have an iPhone 6 (I think) sitting on a table nearby. Not sure because it’s stuck in an Otter Box (case) my burly nephew used to protect it on the job. It was a cast off to him (in his glove box, said he forgot it was even in there) but it’ll do for me to explore the OS if I can break it out of the… Otter Box. :slight_smile:

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No point blaming Apple for your fat fingers :slight_smile:

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Personal responsiibility uber alles  is my tagline. Otter Box wins. For now. :slight_smile:

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