Cam Plus Lite Deadline Extended to February 28th - 2/14/22

Deadline extended!

Here’s how to keep continue recording videos to the cloud.

Shop Plans

Opt in to Cam Plus Lite

Name your price - including $0/mo if you’re not in a position to contribute.

Hey, friend!

In case you missed it, Wyze Cams without Cam Plus Lite or Cam Plus will soon save still snapshots to the cloud when motion/sound are detected instead of video recordings by default.*

The change was supposed to happen tomorrow, BUT we pushed it to February 28th. We’ll be making Cam Plus Lite more available to Canadians and wanted to give them more time to sign up before making the switch. So Canada, we’ll let you know as soon as you can opt in. Thanks for being patient!

For everyone else, don’t wait! Signing up doesn’t just keep your cameras recording videos - you’ll gain community-funded Person Detection. The price you choose will help us fund this feature for everyone, even those who can’t afford to pitch in.

Opt in to Cam Plus Lite

*Wyze Video Doorbell and Wyze Video Doorbell Pro can’t support Cam Plus Lite quite yet, so they’ll keep their existing 14-day rolling cloud video storage for now.

Which plan is best for you?

Upgrade to Cam Plus
Cam Plus is great if you want 24/7 peace of mind. You’ll capture everything and get the smartest real-time alerts.

Upgrade to Cam Plus

Full-Length Video Recordings with No Downtime

Record unlimited-length cloud videos whenever needed. Zero delay between recordings.

Upgrade to Cam Plus

Person, Pet, Package, and Vehicle Detection

Get notified only for what you care about with AI-powered detections.
Standard motion and sound also available.

$1.25/mo per camera

when paid annually.

Upgrade to Cam Plus


Opt in to Cam Plus Lite

Cam Plus Lite is great if you only want Person Detection alerts and don’t mind shorter videos that might not tell the full story.
Opt in to Cam Plus Lite

Limited Video Recordings with 5-Minute Cooldown

Record 12-second videos to the cloud every 5 minutes* just like before.

  • Wyze Cam Outdoor can customize cooldown between 1-5 minutes on Cam Plus Lite.

Opt in to Cam Plus Lite

Person Detection

Only get notified when a person is detected so you’ll always know when someone’s there.
Standard motion and sound also available.

Name Your Price

We hope you’ll pitch into our community-sourced fund for cloud costs if you find Cam Plus Lite’s features useful.

Opt in to Cam Plus Lite


Basic Plan

If you don’t sign up for Cam Plus Lite or Cam Plus by February 15th, 2022, you’ll be transitioned to our new Basic Plan. This is designed for users who have no need for cloud video storage. This might be you if you only use your camera for the live stream or for microSD “playback”, or if you’re an advanced user using RTSP firmware.

Event Snapshots with Cooldown

Captures a still photo and uploads it to the cloud every 5 minutes*.

  • Wyze Cam Outdoor can customize cooldown between 1-5 minutes on the Basic Plan.

Basic Motion or Sound Detection Only

You’ll be notified for all sound or motion detected with no AI filters.

Free for all Wyze Cams

For frequently-asked questions and the full details, you can check out our original announcement here.

– Your Friends at Wyze


I feel blackmailed. Years ago when you only sold Wyze cams for $20 I supported you. I liked the no fee and 12 second video. That’s what I bought and told all my friends about.
Now you offer this emotional blackmail “offer.” It may be trendy, but I hate it.
Charge what you want
Compete in the marketplace
But don’t count on me to pay what I think you are worth. I don’t like the thought the next guy pays more or less!


I’m in this infinite do-loop! My account says I’m “already subscribed to Cam Plus Lite”, but when I try to assign my Cam Pan with the toggle switch I get the “Oops, looks like you are not subscribed to Cam Plus Lite”. And won’t assign the camera. Over and over. I’ve tried everything. “Last chance” emails and warning in app continue!

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@dacooks , have you reached out to our support team? Definitely sounds like we need to lend a hand! Sorry for the trouble.

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Exactly, This is bait and switch.


@UserCustomerGwen , I’ve tried there first, but haven’t been able to get any response. It’s why I came here.

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have you tried via phone?

Customer Support

There are many ways to contact Wyze. Their phone number is (206) 339-9646, or you can chat with an agent or create a ticket on the support site.

They’re open for support between 4 am-8 pm PT Monday through Friday, and 8 am-4 pm PT Saturday.

page is stuck at checkout when I am trying to upgrade to Cam Lite ;(


I tried to create a ticket with screen shots, no one connected to chat the 2x I tried (during hours) and I got the “call during regular hours” when dialing at 4pm EST. Anyway, I resolved it by creating a new account and signing in under the new account. Thank you for the responses to you both.

So basically the cameras are getting nerfed.
It is the first time since at least 2009 that I feel compelled to write on a forum. Your businness strategy was bad and now you drag your costumers along. Purchased a cam, plugs and bulbs a while ago, Im tossing them into the bin before you need to charge 5 cents per activation or something. Cant recommend your products. Too bad us consumers dont own anything anymore, companies are too entitled but Im voting my wallet from now on.


When will cam plus lite start working on my version 3 cameras? So far only my version 2 cams have people detection. I like the people detection. I don’t really care about the 12 second motion detection since I record to memory cards. Maybe Im missing some information. All cameras are checked for cam plus lite. Did I miss that the feature won’t show up for another month or two?

I have the same problem. I enroll the cameras in the legacy cam + and set up all my cameras and then set the person detect to on and when I exit the app and come back it’s as if it never happened. I have to do the same thing again. Regardless the person detect doesn’t work. It detects the motion but no notifications because it’s not actually activation person detect.

I have no words to describe the disappointment i have with wyze. I live abroad in South Africa and have been supporting and investing in wyze products for years now, especially your Cameras, and now i come to find out about how you removing video dectect from the basic level and replacing it with photos, you literally forcing people to pay more after they have already invested so much, i find that absolutely appalling. Good luck and Farwell


A lot of people failed to read this post before commenting. They aren’t forcing you to pay ANYTHING. opt in to Cam Plus Lite, commit to pay $0 and you’re all set. Otherwise, pay what you’d like.


Just wanted to chime in that @caseymyhro is totally right! I’ll copy over this comment that I made on Facebook for context on what we’re building here and why:

Our intention with Cam Plus Lite isn’t to pull features that you have now and make you pay for them. It’s about making notifications and recordings useful. 75% of our users haven’t viewed any of their recordings in over 30 days and that is telling us that our recordings and notifications aren’t relevant enough.

That’s why Cam Plus Lite is not just giving cloud storage back to you and asking you to pay for it. We’re actually asking you to name your price because we’re adding community-funded Person Detection.

We have to pay monthly for AI features but we want your camera and its notifications to be as useful as possible. This is only possible to offer with help from contributions from our users, and offering a $0/mo option is risky and hasn’t been done before. BUT this lets us all work together to have Person Detection available for people who can’t afford a monthly recurring subscription, which is awesome. We’re all about that concept. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Now I’m understanding the confusion. Most of the people commenting on this post haven’t been active on this forum in a long time.


Can you confirm that it’s not really a deadline. Someone could wait until after that date to sign up, right? They’ll just get a still image instead of the 12 second video for notifications until they do decide to sign up?

I’m already signed up, but want to clear up that potential confusion.

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This is correct


Hi, i have read the thread, and still have confusion.

I have signed up for the Cam Plus Lite and seeing this as Cam Plus Lite (PD Legacy) on Wyze iOS APP.

Detail on the app says “Person Detection and 12sec event recording”

So what exactly is changing with Cam Plus Lite?

Will there be 12 second videos available on cloud for 14 days?

On the Main topic it says “Snapshots” meaning still images will be stored the instead of Videos?

What exactly does the deadline extension to Feb 28th provide? What will users lose if they don’t Sign-up for Cam Plus Lite?

I really have to say, Wyze did a poor FAQ on this topic, would have been useful if these were posted in detail answering users query.

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