Bulbs stop working, no support

An update: After being informed that my ticket had been escalated multiple times, I remain disappointed by the lack of transparency from Wyze regarding an issue that has clearly been known to them since at least May 2024.

I expressed my concerns in a detailed response (included below), yet to my surprise, I have received no reply in over five days, despite sending multiple follow-up messages.

Frustrated, I reached out to another Wyze agent for an update today. After a lengthy conversation this agent officially acknowledged that if you’re experiencing this issue (your v1 bulb can be added to the app but then becomes inoperable) that the problem lies entirely with Wyze. I’ve attached a screenshot of this exchange, including her consent to share this acknowledgment.

What I find baffling is why this problem isn’t listed on Wyze’s Software and Firmware Bugs and Known Issues page. By definition, this is a known issue.

Below is my still-unanswered correspondence:


Thank you for your response and the gesture of goodwill. However, a $15 credit does not adequately address the immediate impact of your server-side issue. The cheapest alternative (2x Wyze Bulb White) costs $24.41 shipped. A $25 gift card would be a more appropriate gesture to meet this need.

As you are taking over this support ticket, I want to reiterate that:

  1. Server-Side Issue: The problem is with Wyze’s servers, not my bulbs or network. I have attached a screenshot from Wireshark demonstrating that your servers are refusing the connection after a certain point. This is NOT something I am doing, nor are my bulbs faulty. This is clearly (and evidentially) a WYZE server issue!
  2. Unclear Timeline: I have not been given a clear timeline for resolving this issue. From your forums, the first report of this issue dates to late May (Strange Bulb Reset Problem), which is three months ago! The delay in resolution is unacceptable, especially without a timeline for a fix.

A transparent explanation of the efforts being made to fix this issue and why it hasn’t been officially acknowledged would alleviate the need for goodwill gestures. I am not seeking free bulbs; I understand that mistakes happen. Until now, my experience with Wyze has been generally positive.

However, my current situation is that two perfectly functioning bulbs have been rendered inoperable by Wyze. The founders of Wyze have publicly committed to ongoing support and updates for all Wyze products. In their letter for 2023, they stated, “And we will of course continue to support and update all Wyze products.” (A letter from the founders, what to expect in 2023). This commitment, I would assume, extends to addressing and resolving the current issue with v1 Bulbs.

Immediate Requests:

  1. Acknowledge the Issue: Officially recognize this problem on your known issues page to reassure us that you are addressing it.
  2. Provide a Fix or Replacement: Offer a clear timeline for a fix or, if a timeline cannot be provided, offer replacements for affected bulbs.
  3. Improve Communication: Ensure customers are notified of the status and when a fix is available.

To not accommodate these very reasonable requests is both heartbreaking and unacceptable. I have supported Wyze from its early days, promoting your products to family and friends. Treating long-term customers with indifference is not just bad business—it does lasting damage to your brand.

Please address these points to restore my trust in Wyze. And if you cannot, please transfer me to someone who can.


P.S. Sorry for the essay. I know you are just handed a support ticket and told to help. I fully understand that you - Jenirose (or your colleagues Jennifer, Ian, Chito, etc.) did not cause this issue. But I do hope writing a clear message (and allowing you, if necessary, to pass it on) helps you to do what’s right not just by me, but the other customers you’re stuck dealing with as they have this issue.