With the release of Web View, there has been a growing list of features to add. We have consolidated them here.
Please click VOTE at the top to indicate your desire for the listed feature enhancement. You can reply to this topic with thoughts on which of these are most important to you, We understand that having these requests consolidated in a single Wishlist topic means that you can’t vote on them individually. That is why commenting about your favorites, use cases, and personal significance is important. Wyze will consider those comments in prioritizing implementation.
Requested Features:
Ability to refresh individual camera feed.
Ability to sort and move around cameras on page.
Ability to set cameras to auto-load and start without having to press on each thumbnail individually.
Ability to load camera groups using different url’s.
Ability to create camera groups re-use camera feeds in separate groups.
Ability to hide unplaying streams
Add the ability to zoom
Ability to delete cloud event videos
Ability to download cloud event videos
Ability to download timelapse videos
Support for Firefox browser
Support for all camera types (Doorbells, battery-powered cams, etc.)
Allow use with Cam Plus Lite Subscriptions
Dark Mode option
SD Card Playback
Add ability to filter events by date and time
Allow Fast forward and Rewind in events
Allow time to be displayed in 24 hour format or 12 hour format (AM/PM)
Match the AI filter options on the Events page to the options found in the App (barking, meowing, etc.)
Add the ability to manually control the time slider
Ability to enable/disable audio for events
Ability to view shared cameras
Ability to share with a guest for a select period of time
Add Feedback button to the page for comments and problem reporting.
Capability of moving camera views around on the screen.
Capability of resizing camera windows to fit the screen. Auto sizing feature would be most helpful. Have three cams. Two are side by side and the 3rd one is only halfway on the screen. 1st camera should be in the upper left corner of the screen.
Back arrow doesn’t work to exit from viewing an Event. Hopefully fast forward and speed selection will be possible like slowing videos down.
Capability to save videos to hard drive from both Events and SD card.
Capability of removing non-Cam Plus cameras from the screen.
Don’t require logon after a certain period of time, similar to the app.
Brighten up and enlarge the snapshots of the events
Add Feedback button to the page for comments and problem reporting.
Automatically show live feed instead of having to click on the “play” button.
Capability of creating groups with overlapping cameras. Cams in one group cannot be added to a second group.
Capability of moving camera views around on the screen.
Capability of resizing camera windows to fit the screen. Auto sizing feature would be most helpful. Have three cams. Two are side by side and the 3rd one is only halfway on the screen. 1st camera should be in the upper left corner of the screen.
No way to exit from full screen mode. ESC doesn’t work and no “back” button.
Back arrow doesn’t work to exit from viewing an Event. Hopefully fast forward and speed selection will be possible like slowing videos down.
SD card access would be helpful.
Capability to save videos to hard drive from both Events and SD card.
Capability of removing non-Cam Plus cameras from the screen.
Needing to logon again after a certain period of time is annoying! The Wyze app doesn’t make us do this.
Agree with the last one. The timeout is very short and if you have two factor authentication takes a bit to get logged back in. At least give am option to trust the device to bypass 2 factor @UserCustomerGwen
Web View - User Interface / UI Suggestions and Thoughts
So glad you have PC live view. This allows me to move off another platform and onto Wyze, and the image details is so much better . . . thanks. Would prefer that mobile login and PC login make use of the same authentication (Login/PW) as this is not the current setup. Would prefer that when I hit the back button from viewing events that I should not have to login again. Would prefer to also be able to use PC interface to denote live-zones for notifications. I think my license is assigned correctly to the (1) CAM I have as this was NOT the case until a firmware update SEEMS to have addressed the issue. Please have a team walkthrough login/pw for new accounts, license (subscription) assignments, as well as an overall review of the end user experience when navigating the application. Again SO happy you now have WEB/PC live view support! Thanks Much
For me the beta is working OK (Chrome, Win10). But two nits:
1 - When I haven’t looked at the camera for a while (hours or days) I get the “Please log into your account” whenever I hit https://view.wyze.com/live
2 - Then I get a black window and need to hit the Play button in the middle to start the stream.
This seems like two completely needless steps that slow me (and presumably everyone) down.
Can’t you save a cookie identifying my PC and not ask me to login again every time? (All I want to see is my driveway - it’s not exactly top-secret info). It’s even worse with 2FA enabled (I turned that off).
I understand some customers may not want it that easily accessible - fine; make it optional.
And why not just start playing immediately without waiting for the Play button to be clicked? I don’t see any point in that - I can’t imagine why I wouldn’t want to see the live feed once I hit the page.
I use the Wyse cam to check my driveway (and will be adding a doorbell). It’s important to be able to get a live view quickly without a lot of needless delaying steps - I’d like to be able to just double-click the link on my desktop and have the video come up without me needing to do anything else.
For me the dimmed snapshots of each event are too dim - I can’t tell if there’s anything I want to see in the event or not (without highlighting with the mouse).
I suggest instead don’t dim the snapshots, just change the color of the background to show which event is selected with the mouse.
Hey all WyzeGwendolyn is out of the office for a bit.
There is a few loose requests that fall in line of your enhancement requests in the wishlist thread, but best way for your enhancements/requests to be seen is here https://forums.wyze.com/tags/c/wishlist/12/web-view
You called? I have read through the conversation an d Web View is currently in beta so they are continually working on it. The 2FA and timeout issues have been brought up to the team.
Agreed. I would love to see it able to mark multiple videos for download to my computer… not just the phone or tablet. My other security cameras have this feature and it helps so much.
I am now able to download event videos directly to my computer, but only those triggered by Sound events. Why is the same capability not available for Motion triggered events?
Welcome to the Wyze community knowHow. Web VIew is in early beta testing. As a beta product, Web View is a work in progress… i.e., it’s not a finished product.